- MathAbs
- MathArccos
- MathArcsin
- MathArctan
- MathArctan2
- MathClassify
- MathCeil
- MathCos
- MathExp
- MathFloor
- MathLog
- MathLog10
- MathMax
- MathMin
- MathMod
- MathPow
- MathRand
- MathRound
- MathSin
- MathSqrt
- MathSrand
- MathTan
- MathIsValidNumber
- MathExpm1
- MathLog1p
- MathArccosh
- MathArcsinh
- MathArctanh
- MathCosh
- MathSinh
- MathTanh
- MathSwap
Returns a pseudorandom integer within the range of 0 to 32767.
int MathRand(); |
Return Value
Integer value within the range of 0 to 32767.
Before the first call of the function, it's necessary to call MathSrand to set the generator of pseudorandom numbers to the initial state.
Instead of MathRand() you can use rand().