- DXContextCreate
- DXContextSetSize
- DXContextGetSize
- DXContextClearColors
- DXContextClearDepth
- DXContextGetColors
- DXContextGetDepth
- DXBufferCreate
- DXTextureCreate
- DXInputCreate
- DXInputSet
- DXShaderCreate
- DXShaderSetLayout
- DXShaderInputsSet
- DXShaderTexturesSet
- DXDraw
- DXDrawIndexed
- DXPrimiveTopologySet
- DXBufferSet
- DXShaderSet
- DXHandleType
- DXRelease
Gets the depth buffer of a rendered frame.
bool DXContextGetDepth(
[in] Handle for a graphic context created in DXContextCreate().
[out] Array of the rendered frame depth buffer values.
Return Value
In case of successful execution, returns true, otherwise - false. To receive an error code, the GetLastError() function should be called.
The returned buffer contains the depth of each pixel of a rendered frame that can be obtained in DXContextGetColors() in relative units (from 0.0 to 1.0).