- DatabaseOpen
- DatabaseClose
- DatabaseImport
- DatabaseExport
- DatabasePrint
- DatabaseTableExists
- DatabaseExecute
- DatabasePrepare
- DatabaseReset
- DatabaseBind
- DatabaseBindArray
- DatabaseRead
- DatabaseReadBind
- DatabaseFinalize
- DatabaseTransactionBegin
- DatabaseTransactionCommit
- DatabaseTransactionRollback
- DatabaseColumnsCount
- DatabaseColumnName
- DatabaseColumnType
- DatabaseColumnSize
- DatabaseColumnText
- DatabaseColumnInteger
- DatabaseColumnLong
- DatabaseColumnDouble
- DatabaseColumnBlob
Checks the presence of the table in a database.
bool DatabaseTableExists(
[in] Database handle received in DatabaseOpen().
[in] Table name.
Return Value
Return true if successful, otherwise false. To get the error code, use GetLastError(), the possible responses are:
- ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER (4003) – no table name specified (empty string or NULL);
- ERR_WRONG_STRING_PARAMETER (5040) – error converting a request into a UTF-8 string;
- ERR_DATABASE_INTERNAL (5120) – internal database error;
- ERR_DATABASE_INVALID_HANDLE (5121) - invalid database handle;
- ERR_DATABASE_EXECUTE (5124) - request execution error;
- ERR_DATABASE_NO_MORE_DATA (5126) - no table exists (not an error, normal completion).
See also