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2008.07.21 08:27
2016.11.22 07:32
xMTF_Trix.mq4 (5.66 KB) view
TRIX.mq4 (4.56 KB) view
Trix_EA.mq4 (32.71 KB) view
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The Trix EA is based on the Trix indicator created by raff1410, it is for H4 timeframe.

You have to put the Trix_EA.mq4 in the "experts" file and the two other mq4 in the "indicators" file.


Test first on demo.

Strategy Tester Report
InterbankFX-Demo Accounts (Build 217)

SymboleUSDCAD (US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar)
Periode4 Heures (H4) 2008.06.29 20:00 - 2008.07.18 16:00 (2008.06.29 - 2008.07.30)
ModeleChaque tick (la méthode la plus précise, basée sur tous les moindres relevés disponibles)
ParametresLots=2.8; StopLoss=50; TakeProfit=0; TradeAtCloseBar=true; TrailingStop=0; TrailingStep=1; BreakEven=0; MagicNumber=0; Repeat=3; Periods=5; UseAlert=false; SendEmail=true; TradeLog="Trix_EA"; Slippage=3; Indicator_Setting="---------- Indicator Setting"; TimeFrame=0; TRIX_Period=13; Signal_Period=8; Signals=true; CountBars=1500;

Bars en test1090Ticks modelés64823Qualité du modelage90.00%
Erreurs des graphiques désaccordés0

Dépot initial10000.00

Profit total net7000.14Profit brut7000.14Perte brute0.00
Facteur de profit
Rémunération espérée2333.38

Chute absolue1029.72Chute maximal (%)4115.05 (29.83%)Enfoncement relatif29.83% (4115.05)

Total des Trades3Positions SHORT (vente) gagnées %1 (100.00%)Positions LONG (achat) gagnées %2 (100.00%)

Profits des Trades (% du total) 3 (100.00%)Pertes des Trades (% du total) 0 (0.00%)
Le plus largegains par Trade4280.68pertes par Trade0.00
Average (moyenne)gains par Trade2333.38pertes par Trade0.00
Maximumgains consecutifs (profit en $)3 (7000.14)pertes consecutives (perte en $)0 (0.00)
MaximalGains consecutifs (coups gagnants)7000.14 (3)Pertes consecutives (coups perdants)0.00 (0)
Average (moyenne)gains consecutifs3Pertes consecutives0

#Date exécutionTransactionOrdreVolumePrixS/L (Stop/Perte)T/P (Prendre/profit)ProfitBalance
12008.06.30 04:00buy12.801.00981.00480.0000
22008.07.07 04:05close12.801.01971.00480.00002663.7712663.77
32008.07.08 16:00sell22.801.02041.02540.0000
42008.07.18 00:04close22.801.00521.02540.00004280.6816944.45
52008.07.18 00:04buy32.801.00531.00030.0000
62008.07.18 19:58close at stop32.801.00551.00030.000055.6917000.14
SuperTrend SuperTrend

The SuperTrend indicator developed for MetaTrader 4 based on the ProRealTime version.

DoubleCCI_Woodies DoubleCCI_Woodies

A two CCI with the coloured trend bars

AutoDayFibs AutoDayFibs

Automatically draws Fibonacci Retracement lines from yesterday's range, or today's range.


The Rads MACD indicator.