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- 2025.03.02 04:26
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This Telegram module enables communication with Telegram by sending messages via the Telegram Bot API.
The function SendMessageToTelegram takes:
- a message, a chat ID, and a bot token as parameters to construct a JSON payload,
- and sends it using an HTTP POST request to the Telegram API.
It uses the WebRequest function to make the request, with a timeout of 5000 milliseconds. If the request is successful (HTTP 200 response), it prints a confirmation message; otherwise, it prints an error message along with the response details.
Application Examples
- Sending Signal Alerts
- Other Communication Tasks
Below is an example demonstrating how to use the Telegram.mqh module in an Expert Advisor (EA). I have developed a simple testing EA that sends a greeting message to Telegram upon initialization.
When integrating Telegram messaging into an EA, three key steps are essential:
1. Include the Telegram Module
- #include <Telegram.mqh>: Imports the module that provides the SendMessageToTelegram function.
2. Declare Telegram Credentials
- botToken: Input parameter to store your Telegram bot token.
- chatId: Input parameter to store your Telegram chat ID.
3. Send a Telegram Message
- Define Message: Create a greeting message string.
- Function Call: Use SendMessageToTelegram(message, chatId, botToken) within the OnInit() function.
- Feedback Handling: Print messages indicating success or failure based on the HTTP response.
The results in the Experts log from the image above show an attempt to send a message to Telegram, which failed due to incorrect credentials.

Time to candle Close. Dynamic text colours. Optimised for back-testing.

Whether you’re running multiple trading robots simultaneously or just one sophisticated strategy, keeping track of each Expert Advisor’s performance can be surprisingly time-consuming. MetaTrader 5 (MT5) conveniently displays orders and positions in its “Toolbox,” but when numerous robots share the same account, it becomes harder to know which EA is generating your profits—or losses. A single account might have dozens or hundreds of trades, each opened by different EAs, making it difficult to separate the results of one robot from another.

A zigzag indicator that uses a single input to adjust the step size for detecting wave direction changes

Zig Zag indicator that relies only on a minimum % of retracement to each previous wave , and optionally , being bigger than a specific size measured in atr units.