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- 2023.01.07 16:01
- Updated:
- 2023.01.07 16:03
Need a robot or indicator based on this code? Order it on Freelance Go to Freelance
(You need use Heiken Ashi to see the graph or change the parameter ti put the graph in front of the indicators)
EASY -> Green = UpTrend // Orange = not defined // Red = DownTrend
The Bollinger inverse is just a bollinger Band inicator whith lower-mode parameter for the upperBB line and upper-mode parameter for the lowerBB.
When a very fast Ma cross the upperBB, is probably a uptrend and when is crossing the lowerBB, is probably a downtrend.
(bollinger inverse + MA + Heiken Ashi)
So I choose a H1 PERIOD to have a strong trend, I write a histogramme whith appropriate colors, and I put the all in MTF to have a better view in M1 or M5 PERIOD
when MA > UPPERBB -> Grenn, MA < UPPER && MA > LOWERBB -> Oraange, MA < LOWERBB -> RED
and I put the histogram in a MaxMinBand channel.
So you have to ajust the parameters of BBinverse, period, deviation and shift, and the parameters of the fast MA
and the Time Frime .
I prefere
extern int TimeFrame=60;
//---- input parameters Bollinger-inverse
extern int ainpperiod = 10;
extern double ainpdeviation =1.25 ;
extern int ainpshift = 1;
//---- input parameters Ma
extern int aperiodma = 3;
extern int ashiftma = 0;
extern int amethodma = 3;
extern int apricema = 5;
//---- input parameters MaxMinChannel
extern int Band_PeriodMM = 90;
extern int SiftMM = 1;
But please, let me know your let me know your parameters preferences .

- indicator for MetaTrader 4

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