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- Published:
- 2006.12.08 16:54
- Updated:
- 2014.04.21 14:56
Need a robot or indicator based on this code? Order it on Freelance Go to Freelance
How It Works? Let me explain like this (the concept is symple):
- play GBPUSD as a BaseSymbol and if SMA is heading up;
- go long GBPUSD and hedge EURUSD short to reduce the risk but i also hedge USDCHF long too that's it;
- then due to the EA let me show an example;
- set the avilable hedge symbol to 3 , EURUSD-USDCHF-USDJPY as defalt if you dont want to hedge USDJPY just set "HedgeH3" to false but if you want to hedge USDJPY
- set "H3.followBase" to true (default) if you want to send order the same way of GBPUSD;
- set "H3.followBase" to false if you want to send order the opposite way of GBPUSD with "H3.LotsRatio" =2 ,as default, that will send the order twice in lot-size of GBPUSD. BUT the hedge of GBPUSD-USDJPY will execute only when the correlation between GBPUSD-USDJPY is pass the "H3.Expect.CorRelation" value.
- if you expect -0.90 they will be sent only when correlation is less than -0.90 and either;
- if you expect 0.90 they will be sent only when correlation is greater than 0.90 and dont worry each hedge work separately with MagicNo,MagicNo+1 and MagicNo+2. So please change the "MagicNo" to something differrent like 318 if you want to play another pair as BaseSymbol.
Last thing:
- each hedge will be closed when overall profit is greater than "Expect.Profit" and dont worry about the swap. This EA can auto calculate the profit from swap
- if your hedge can make profit from swap the EA will not mention swap only close hedge when reach"Expect.Profit";
- BUT if your hedge cant make profit from swap the ea will close hedge when total profit (real + swap) is reach"Expect.Profit".
Because of this kind of EA can not test by backtesting so the result is still in forwardtesting process and i've got only this picture:

Quckly generate histoircal data from any M1 data such as alpari for all time frames up to D1. Shift Time to suit your server.

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