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ACC+BAL+MARG-INDI - indicator for MetaTrader 4
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- 26027
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- Published:
- 2012.03.19 07:37
- Updated:
- 2016.11.22 07:32
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The indicator shows Account Balance, Equity, Margin, Free Margin and Account Profit.
Vertical Positioning
Inputs Window - Option Settings:
- Acc_Currency_Symbol= Axx_Corner =2;
- Acx_X_distance_Control_All_X= true;
- Acc_Xdistance_Set_All_X= 1350;
- Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y= false ;
- Acc_Y_distance_Set_All_Y= 1 ;
- Acc_Font_type= Verdana.
- All above text is offset from corner 2 (bottom-left) at position X = 1350. (Acc_X_Control_All_X = true so all text justified.)
- For all text to be justified on the vertical the following settings must exist - (Acx_X_distance_Control_All_X = true) and (Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y = false). Text is justified in relation to the designated corner. ie as above corner 2 (bottom-left) will left margin justify text.
- Corner 0 (left-top) will left margin justify text. Corner 1 (top-right) will right margin justify text and corner 3 (bottom-right) will right margin justify text.
Horizontal Positioning
Inputs Window - Option Settings:
- Acc_Currency_Symbol= £
- Axx_Corner =2
- Acx_X_distance_Control_All_X= false
- Acc_Xdistance_Set_All_X= 1350
- Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y= true
- Acc_Y_distance_Set_All_Y= 1
- Acc_Font_type= Arial Bold
- All above text is aligned along the horizontal, at vertical offset Y = 1.
- For all text to be positioned at the same horizontal the following settings must exist - (Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y = true) and (Acx_X_distance_Control_All_X = false).
- The British Pound symbol is inserted (insert deposited currency symbol - $, £, € etc - via the Inputs Window options).
- Acc_Font_Type - is set to Bold i.e Arial Bold (note:case sensitive)
Available Options
- see below +++ START OF DEFAULT OPTIONS ++++
- See HERE for Modification & Edit example (click link and scroll down)
- Open ACC+BAL+MARG-INDI.mql4 in MetaEditor to modify Default Options
- Locate for the below code at top of ACC+BAL+MARG-INDI.mql4 file.
/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ START OF DEFAULT OPTIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Account: Balance - Equity - Margin - FreeMargin - Profit
- extern string ACCOUNT_OPTIONS;
- extern string Acc_Currency_Symbol = "£";
- extern int Acc_Corner = 2;
- extern string ______ = "";
- extern bool Acc_X_distance_Control_All_X = true;
- extern int Acc_X_distance_Set_All_X= 1350;
- extern string _______= "";
- extern int Acc_X_distance_Balance = 420;
- extern int Acc_X_distance_Equity = 650;
- extern int Acc_X_distance_Margin = 850;
- extern int Acc_X_distance_Free_Margin = 1050;
- extern int Acc_X_distance_Profit =1310;
- extern string ________ = "";
- extern string ACC_Y_DISTANCE_VIRTICAL;
- extern bool Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y = false;
- extern int Acc_Y_distance_Set_All_Y=1;
- extern string _________ = "";
- extern int Acc_Y_distance_Balance = 86;
- extern int Acc_Y_distance_Equity = 69;
- extern int Acc_Y_distance_Margin = 52;
- extern int Acc_Y_distance_Free_Margin = 35;
- extern int Acc_Y_distance_Profit =10;
- extern string __________ = "";
- extern color Acc_Color_Balance = Yellow;
- extern color Acc_Color_Equity = DodgerBlue;
- extern color Acc_Color_Margin = DodgerBlue;
- extern color Acc_Color_Free_Margin = DodgerBlue;
- extern color Acc_Color_Profit = LimeGreen;
- extern color Acc_Color_Loss = Red;
- extern color Acc_Color_PnL_Closed =LightSlateGray;
- extern string ___________ = "";
- extern int Acc_Font_Size=11;
- extern string Acc_Font_Type="Arial";
- extern string ____________ = "";
- extern bool Acc_HIDE_ALL=false;
- extern bool Acc_HIDE_Balance=false;
- extern bool Acc_HIDE_Equity=false;
- extern bool Acc_HIDE_Margin=false;
- extern bool Acc_HIDE_Free_Margin=false;
- extern bool Acc_HIDE_Profit=false;
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF DEFAULT OPTIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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