The ball is in Britain's court says Merkel

27 June 2016, 19:47
Sherif Hasan

Hot out of her threesome with Hollande and Renzi

  • Vote was regrettable and painful
  • Hollande, Renzi and her agree on article 50 process
  • We agree no informal Brexit talks before Brexit is filed
  • EU reminas one of the strongest economies in the world
  • EU proposals to focus on security, economy and growth
  • These discussions will start at the EU summit tomorrow

Right-o Ang. Cameron's already said you can jog on with article 50 until the leadership is sorted. That's September.

Let's see if they're as quick at pushing us as they were with Greece. Using that yard stick we'll still be in Europe come 2035 ;-)

Poor old Dave could be cutting a lonely figure when he turns up at the EU meeting though.