Top China traders says stop worrying about Brexit. Just get long.

23 June 2016, 07:36
Sherif Hasan

Huang Weimin 

  • Self-taught hedge fund manager

  • Gained more than 6,200% last year (trading Chinese stock-index futures)

  • Made 60% in the first two months of 2016

  • Been in cash since

Now says its time to buy
  • Says Shanghai Composite Index may rally 18 percent next quarter
  • Cites delayed rule change for initial public offerings restricting the supply of shares & authorities keeping the yuan stable before its official entry into a global basket of reserve currencies in October
  • Expects Britain to vote against leaving the European Union
  • But ... if it's a 'leave' vote it won't derail the Chinese stocks rally
  • "There could be a rare rally for global risk assets across the board.  The third quarter is very much worthy of a rebound for the market, at home and abroad."
Bloomberg  for more