China FDI May yy -1.0% vs +5.0% expected

12 June 2016, 19:36
Sherif Hasan

Commerce Ministry out earlier with China's May Foreign Direct Investment data 12 June 2016

  • +6.0% prev
  • yuan 56.77 bln ($8.89bln)
  • Jan-May yy +3.8%
  • yuan 343.55 bln ($54.19bln
  •  services sector +7%, yuan 241.8bln #($38.2bln)
  • mftg sector fell 3.2% in the Jan-May period, with the number totalling 28.8% of FDI.

In China, foreign direct investment refers to the accumulated foreign investment in domestic companies or entities in non-financial sector in a given year.

Services sector rise is notable as it now accounts for 70.4% of all FDI with investment in high-tech services up to 94.7% yy.

Interesting to note also that Jan-May FDI from the US rose 140.2% and from the UK 110%

No other data published today so we should expect these at some point over the next 24-48 hours as is often the case with these variable time releases.

So much for China making its communication channels more clear.