USD/JPY: Bullish to 111.50 - Scotiabank

USD/JPY: Bullish to 111.50 - Scotiabank

16 May 2016, 20:21
Roberto Jacobs

USD/JPY: Bullish to 111.50 - Scotiabank

Analysts at Scotiabank explained that USD/JPY is consolidating around the mid-point of its five-session range roughly bound between 108.20 and 109.50, and they look to continued gains toward 111.50.

Key Quotes:

"JPY has largely ignored comments from Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs Masatsugu Asakawa, speaking to intervention using language similar to that seen in G7 and G20 communiques."

"The comments also largely echoed those from officials Aso and Hamada, all asserting Japan’s sovereignty in FX matters while maintaining the ‘option’ to use intervention in response to disorderly movement."

"In terms of fiscal policy, risk surrounds the potential for a delay in the consumption tax hike."
