NZD/USD, NZD/JPY: Daily Range & Outlook - ANZ

NZD/USD, NZD/JPY: Daily Range & Outlook - ANZ

12 April 2016, 14:05
Vasilii Apostolidi

NZD/USD: STILL USD DRIVEN… NZD/USD lifted overnight as the USD remained under broad pressure. The failure of kiwi to push any lower suggests its heading for a test higher as markets have lost faith in the USD strength story. The domestic economy remains solid and there are higher yields on offer too providing additional NZD support. Expected range: 0.6800 – 0.6950 

NZD/JPY: STILL POISED… USD/JPY has slowed as it consolidates on the past few week’s falls. NZD/JPY has lifted as NZD tests higher. However, the overall profile is lower. Expected range: 73.20– 75.30

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