AUD, CAD: China's Data Key This Week - BNPP

AUD, CAD: China's Data Key This Week - BNPP

29 March 2016, 12:10
Vasilii Apostolidi

BNP Paribas expects both of the official and the Caixin/Markit PMIs to tick higher from their respective readings of 49 and 48 on Friday.

"The unwinding of a seasonal drag from the Lunar New Year and a strong recovery in the property market all argue in favour of some firming in the numbers.

We do not see a significant boost for the G10 commodity exporter currencies however as we see a larger threat from a repricing of Fed expectations, that could negatively impact the risk environment, and domestic central bank resistance to a tightening in financial conditions via further currency gains," BNPP argues. 

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