Trader Daily Market Update

25 January 2016, 08:06
Mohammed Abdulwadud Soubra

Trader Daily Market Update

Major Calendar News
Time (GMT)NameCountryVol.Prev.        Cons.        Sentiment
07:45ECB President Draghi SpeechEURHigh--Neutral
08:00French Flash Manufacturing PMIEURHigh51.451.6Negative
08:00French Flash Services PMIEURHigh49.850.4Neutral
08:30German Flash Manufacturing PMIEURHigh53.253.0Neutral
08:30German Flash Services PMIEURMed.56.055.6Neutral
09:00Flash Manufacturing PMIEURMed.53.253.0Neutral
09:00Flash Services PMIEURMed.54.254.2Neutral
All DayWEF Annual Meetings-Med.---
09:30Retail Sales m/mGBPHigh-0.1%1.7%Negative
09:30Public Sector Net BorrowingGBPMed.13.6B10.1BNeutral
12:00MPC Member Cunliffe SpeechGBPMed.--Neutral
13:30Core CPI m/mCADHigh-0.3%-0.3%Negative
13;30Core Retail Sales m/mCADHigh0.0%0.4%Negative
13:30CPI m/mCADMed.-0.1%-0.4%Negative
13:30Retail Sales m/mCADMed.0.1%0.3%Neutral
14:45Flash Manufacturing PMIUSDMed.51.251.5Negative
Vol.: Volatility; Prev.: Previous; Cons.: Consensus
Key Support/Resistance Levels
Latest News

Mario Draghi held his powder dry at the ECB meeting yesterday, leaving all of the central bank’s three key interest rates unchanged, and as expected decided to talk down the Euro with strong hints of a possible extension to QE at the meeting in March. EURUSD meanwhile dropped nearly 1% throughout the press conference, though regained the majority of the losses during the North American session closing the day only slightly lower. Meanwhile, a surge in oil prices despite another build-up in storage inventories prompted USDCAD to fall by nearly 1.7% yesterday, as longs were being unwound. Lastly, USDJPY has been steadily rising, nearly 1% since yesterday’s open, following a headline suggesting that the Bank of Japan was considering additional easing measures.

Today’s economic data kicks off with flash manufacturing and services data out of Europe, which is more or less expected to remain stable and in slightly expansion territory. Meanwhile, the UK is scheduled to release retail sales figures, which are expected to contract during the Christmas season despite rising wages and low inflation levels. Finishing off the week, Canada will release inflation and retail sales data, both of whom risk to come in below forecasts as tumbling energy prices have not encouraged consumers to boost their spending. Lastly, existing homes in the US are expected to have rebounded to 5.21M, following last month’s shockingly low 4.76M figure – a low not seen since May of 2014.

Daily Technical Analysis
 Summary:Trend:Momentum:Daily Target:Volatility (14D):
GBPUSDNEUTRALSELLBUY1.4075 - 1.4350118 Pips
USDJPYNEUTRALSELLBUY116.45 - 118.90108 Pips
USDCADNEUTRALBUYSELL1.4065 - 1.4480155 Pips
Daily Technical Analysis is conducted using proprietary technology based on advanced methods of time-series analysis and custom build technical indicators. Detailed quantitative analysis of the market state on different timeframes let us accurately evaluate current Trend and Momentum. Going further we deduce the daily target from the multiple factors such as long and short term momentum, different volatility measures, mode of market behaviour and other characteristics. For a ranged market we will show a range instead of a single number.
Daily Forecasts
 Spot Price*Last Update1 Day1 Week1 Month

*spot prices as of 07:00GMT

Daily Forecasts consists of both technical and fundamental analysis as well as a review of open sources from major FX contributors.