Russian, Austraila

3 November 2015, 15:44
Khurram Mustafa


The perspective for the Russian currency remains neutral for the time being, according to BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research.

Key Quotes

“We remain neutral on RUB, as our commodity team sees stable oil prices through yearend and with the CBR committed to buying USD if RUB falls below 60. Oil price volatility remains a risk”.

“The economy has finally started to show positive signs of stabilization in 3Q, which might support our call that the economy already troughed in 2Q”.

“According to Economic Ministry estimates, real GDP stabilized in month-over month seasonally adjusted terms in July-August and started to grow in September”.

“Industrial production and investment fell by much less than expected in September, with the decline easing to its weakest levels since 1Q”.

“Also, the labor market remained very tight with the unemployment rate falling even further to approach historical lows, even despite the negative seasonality”.


 The Reserve Bank of Australia left the policy rate unchanged, but also left an easing bias in place. According to James Knightley, analyst at ING, they continue to have a forecast of a 4Q15 rate cut, although this is perhaps looking less likely.

Key Quotes

“We had been thinking that the RBA may have opted to loosen policy further earlier today, but in the end they kept the policy rate unchanged at 2%, suggesting that “the prospects for an improvement in economic conditions had firmed a little”. The statement also highlighted the “somewhat stronger growth in employment and a steady rate of unemployment”. Nonetheless, the RBA reiterated the view that “the economy is likely to have a degree of spare capacity for some time yet”. While inflation is likely to be broadly in line with target over coming years, the forecast is “a little lower than earlier expected”. Consequently, “the outlook for inflation may afford scope for further easing of policy”.

“As such, we see an ongoing implied easing bias and as with all other central banks, the decision will come down to the data flow. We continue to have a forecast of a 4Q15 rate cut, although this is perhaps looking less likely – the market is pricing in around a 30% chance of this with a 25bp move fully priced for May”.

“The RBA may well be hoping that a Federal Reserve rate hike does most of the work for it (by raising US rates, allowing further weakening AUD versus USD) given relative strength in the domestic housing market and concerns as to what additional stimulus would mean for it”.