Large Debts but not Bankrupt

Large Debts but not Bankrupt

17 July 2015, 17:46
Greece was declared bankrupt on June 30, 2015 because it couldn't pay his debts amounted to 1.54 billion euros, or approximately Rp 10 trillion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The land of the gods has long life dependent on debt. And last, the country will also get a new debt of US $ 96 billion or Rp 1,250 trillion to restore its economy in the next three years.

Every country is natural existence if you have debt, but the magnitude of the debt must be tailored to the capabilities of its economy, or gross domestic income (GDP) as a benchmark.

Greece entered into a State loan more besari of GDP or economic value, meaning that it is already larger than the peg pole. Debt ratio is Yunan 175,1% of GDP.

But there are also countries which debts are greater than GDP, yet the economy entered what category of developed countries. Call it United States (u.s.) and Japan.

The u.s. and Japan both have debt menggunung. However, the us economy and Japan still runs well, even they were developed countries which are quite influential. How can?

"Because Japan loan to the people themselves, not abroad," said GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY Economist, Tony Prasetiantono.

While the us, says Tony, trust his Government's response to the world financial market is very high. Almost everyone in the world is convinced, his country would not go bankrupt. It boosted the quality of human resources (HR) and excellent technology in the us. The country is also rich in natural resources.

"For us, the confidence of the market against the U.S. is very high. Almost everyone was sure the U.S. won't be rose. The us is not just the superior human resources, superior technology, but also its rich nature. Even now has oil reserves (shale oil) the world's largest with a population of 1 trillion barrels. Arabia just 276 billion barrels, Venezuela 300 billion barrels. Far away, "

As reported by from Forbes, there are 7 countries with a debt ratio to GDP are above 100%. That means, the amount of his debts exceeded the value of its economy.

But from 7 countries, only one country that is currently bankrupt, i.e. Greece. The following list is based on data for 2014:

Japan, with 227,2% debt ratio. From the ratio in 2014 165,5 $

Greece, with debt ratio 175,1%. From the ratio of 98.6% in 2014

Italy, with the debt ratio 132,6%. From 2014 103,9 ratio in%

Portugal, with the debt ratio of 129%. From the ratio at 57.6% 2014

Singapore, with the debt ratio 105,5%. From the ratio at 98% 2014

United States (USA), with the debt ratio 101.5%. From 2014 on ratio 62.7%

Belgium, with the debt ratio 101.5%. From the ratio in 2014 94,2%.