10 Weekend Reads - Stock Market Correction, Interview With Woody Allen, and more

10 Weekend Reads - Stock Market Correction, Interview With Woody Allen, and more

12 July 2015, 09:11
Sergey Golubev
1 107
  • Who Would Benefit From a Stock Market Correction? (A Wealth of Common Sensesee also Short Sales Are at Their Highest Level Since the Financial Crisis (Bloomberg)
  • No Slowing RIA Growth (Wealth Management)
  • Stephen Roach: Why the Stock Meltdown Doesn’t Spell Doom for China. The country’s economy has a very different relationship to equity markets than the West’s do. (Slate)
  • Curb Your Malthusiasm (George Monbiot)
  • The Problem With Socially Responsible Investing (Motley Fool)
  • Buying Now More Affordable Than Renting in 66 Percent of U.S. Markets (World Property Journalsee also Share of Americans Behind on Home-Equity Loans Is the Lowest Since 2008 (Real Time Economics)
  • Explore the TWA Terminal, a Pristine Time Capsule From 1962 (Curbed)
  • Andy Murray Is a Tennis Nerd: No one in tennis obsesses about tactics and styles as much as the world’s No. 3 player (WSJ)
  • Why Doesn’t Jeb Want to Talk About Lehman Bros? (Fox Business)
  • An Interview With Woody Allen: As ‘Irrational Man’ is released July 17, the filmmaker looks ahead (WSJ)

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