who is in charge – broker or Metatrader 4

4 June 2015, 19:40
Erik Schellenberg

Hello traders


I have experienced  the most outrageous behavior from my broker I would never have imagined!

First I was trading successful for 1 week – everything went well.

Next week I stated again and suddenly noticed that my leverage had been adapted from 500:1 to 25:1.

I got  shocked but everything went well and I even made a profit.

But I contacted them and said I want my old limit again – it's to dangerous, you could get wiped out!

I struggled  day after day for 1 week – no result.

I wanted to transfer the money to an other account that had 200:1.

The transfer was canceled after more than 1 day

So I told them I want withdraw the money to my account.

They finally moved and put the leverage to 100:1


So I made the mistake to try some trades

And, fully invested, without any warning, the account was "deactivated"!!!!!!!!!


I doubt that they have the right to do this

It certainly is worse than possible behaviour


But what can I do, what are my rights?


If your wondering who it is: CaesarTrade 



I would appreciate your opinion