- Why Active Management Fell Off a Cliff – Perhaps Permanently (TRB) but see If you want to make money on the markets you’ve got to tune out the noise (National Post)
- Apple Pay gets a big vote of confidence from the U.S. government (The Switch)
- At UPS, the Algorithm Is the Driver (WSJ)
- “In the one-thousand four-hundred and ninety-seven days since the
market bottomed, we have admittedly been early in our call that the next
shoe will drop. . .” (Irrelevant Investor)
- Jesse Livermore: The Greatest Trader Who Ever Lived (Crossing Wall Street)
- The size of the recent macro policy failure (Mainly Macro) see also Why do non-experts think they know about macroeconomics? (Noahpinion)
- Get Ready for $10 Oil (Bloomberg View)
- ‘From Atoms to Bits’: A Brilliant Visual History of American Ideas (The Atlantic)
- Arctic glacier’s galloping melt baffles scientists (Climate News Network) see also Why climate scientists are right about how hot the planet is going to get (Washington Post)
- How to Cause a Measles Epidemic in Five Easy Steps (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
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