All Possibilities For First Rate Hike From June On Should Remain Open

9 February 2015, 06:46
Andrius Kulvinskas
The Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart, who will be amongst the few officials that will vote whether to start raising rates, supported a move as early as June. 

Key Quotes:

"As of today, I remain comfortable with the assumption that circumstances will come together around mid-year, or a little later, that will deliver sufficient confidence to begin normalization with the lift-off decision," 

"I think all possibilities from June on should remain open."

"Inflation is appropriately a focal point because its firming will reduce concerns that the economy is somehow stalling."

At the present momentum, Lockhart was not entirely sure though about the inflation outlook since there "are worrisome aspects of the current inflation picture, and reading underlying trends is problematic".

"(Rate hike) will be a momentous event", it will actually be "the evolution" of interest rates over the next few years that will most influence real business activity.