Deep Neural Networks: A Getting Started Tutorial, Part #3

Deep Neural Networks: A Getting Started Tutorial, Part #3

30 June 2014, 12:35
Sergey Golubev
The Deep Neural Network Constructor

The deep neural network constructor begins by copying its input parameter values to the corresponding class members:

public DeepNeuralNetwork(int numInput, int numHiddenA,
  int numHiddenB, int numOutput)
  this.numInput = numInput;
  this.numHiddenA = numHiddenA;
  this.numHiddenB = numHiddenB;
  this.numOutput = numOutput;

Next, space for the inputs array is allocated:

inputs = new double[numInput];

Then space for the three weights matrices is allocated, using helper method MakeMatrix:

iaWeights = MakeMatrix(numInput, numHiddenA);
abWeights = MakeMatrix(numHiddenA, numHiddenB);
boWeights = MakeMatrix(numHiddenB, numOutput);

Method MakeMatrix is defined as:

private static double[][] MakeMatrix(int rows, int cols)
  double[][] result = new double[rows][];
  for (int r = 0; r < result.Length; ++r)
    result[r] = new double[cols];
  return result;

The constructor allocates space for the three biases arrays:

aBiases = new double[numHiddenA];
bBiases = new double[numHiddenB];
oBiases = new double[numOutput];

Next, the local and final output arrays are allocated:

aOutputs = new double[numHiddenA];
bOutputs = new double[numHiddenB];
outputs = new double[numOutput];

The constructor concludes by instantiating the Random object and then calling helper method InitializeWeights:

 rnd = new Random(0);
} // ctor

Method InitializeWeights is defined as:

private void InitializeWeights()
  int numWeights = (numInput * numHiddenA) + numHiddenA +
   (numHiddenA * numHiddenB) + numHiddenB +
     (numHiddenB * numOutput) + numOutput;
  double[] weights = new double[numWeights];
  double lo = -0.01;
  double hi = 0.01;
  for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; ++i)
    weights[i] = (hi - lo) * rnd.NextDouble() + lo;

Method InitializeWeights assigns random values in the interval -0.01 to +0.01 to each weight and bias variable. You might want to pass the interval values in as parameters to InitializeWeights. If you refer back to Listing 1, you'll notice that the Main method calls method SetWeights immediately after the DeepNeuralNetwork constructor is called, which means that initial random weights and bias values are immediately overwritten. However, in a normal, non-demo scenario where SetWeights isn't called in the Main method, initializing weights and bias values is almost always necessary.