Important regularity US stock market

Important regularity US stock market

23 November 2014, 16:47
Vasilii Apostolidi
Most of the gains in the US stock market occurs in the last three and first three days of the month.

This pattern has a fairly simple explanation. In the last days of the month occur receipt / redemption of funds in investment funds and, accordingly, these funds come to the market.

But there are no rules without exceptions. I suppose that this month we can see the opposite picture. Considering how much increased market share over the past month and a half, and that the market is at historic highs, and that the growth of S & P500 index from the beginning of the year is almost 12% (very normal performance in terms of control), at the end of this month, we can see the fixation profits and withdrawal of funds from the funds.

Given that Thursday in America - holiday (Thanksgiving Day), under which the stock market usually grows up, I see a high probability that the correction will happen on the last day of the month. McAuley NICHOLAS LUDANOV