WEEKLY DIGEST 2014, November 02 - 09 for Quantitative Analysis, Trading and Development

WEEKLY DIGEST 2014, November 02 - 09 for Quantitative Analysis, Trading and Development

12 November 2014, 12:11
Sergey Golubev

Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street – A Documentary about algorythmic trading - 50 minutes documentary movie

Quant Value Investing: Alternatives To Joel Greenblatt’s Magic Formula. Book review:

A runaway bestseller even before it was published, The Little Book That Beats the Market shows how successful investing can be made easy for investors of any age. It's never too early or too late to start investing, and with Greenblatt as your guide you'll know exactly where to go and what to do. By following the clearly outlined simple steps and magic formula, you can achieve extraordinary long-term investment results with a very low level of risk.

Quantopian raises $15 million for a new ‘quant’ led trading fund. "Quantopian, the Boston company that has created an open online network for developers of quantitative trading algorithms, announced today that it has raised $15 million in funding."

GAM Adds Quants. GAM Holding has hired a three-strong quantitative team from Alternative Beta Partners.

Python for Quants ebook.

Book review, About the author: Pawel Lachowicz, PhD Addicted to a morning sip of caffè latte. Financial risk analyst. Traveler. Writer. Photographer. Motivational speaker. Signal processing and Matlab lover. Astrophysicist in nature. Based in Sydney, Australia.

To Hire Quants, Fix Your Hiring Process. "Hiring talented quants requires an up-to-date hiring process including components like competitive salaries, special bonuses, expedient timelines, and that extra special touch to make your company stand out to quality candidates."

Battle of the Quants – London, November 18, 2014. Meet investors interested in allocating to Quantitative Systematic based strategies. Meet Quantitative Systematic based strategies in equities and futures (CTA) based strategies. Meet managers and investors interested in succeeding with the right partners in the hyper competitive hedge fund world. Gain up to date information on trends in the Quant space and where services are needed.