Last week outlook

10 November 2014, 12:25
Francesco Sgarbossa

Reading speeches of prominent economists, committed to outline the current dynamics as economic and financial, that the more I read the word is "uncertainty" With tones of disappointment with this "uncertainty" .. an "object" external to a system, as if an exception and not a rule. But uncertainty is present in the DNA of the market, is the daughter and mother of the markets, and when you do not see it, it does not mean that there is not, but that is hidden ... No doubt there would be voltatility, Nos would fear and greed would not invest Haim who gains and who loses. The prices would Fizzi and would move gradually well-defined and stable markets disappear.

We live in uncertainty, and this uncertainty will never abandon us. The future is uncertain. The past is history and it is this that I can talk. That was the week that just ended. The events were many and interesting. Bank of Japan more and more convinced to loosen monetary tightening to bring liquidity into the markets, in Japan voglioni inflation. The Japan decided to increase the monthly growth of the monetary base. But Japan's talked about that last week, this week instead met the ECB, after some rumors of quarrels between the various inerne banchiri of member states who accuse dragons lack of transparency ... ineffective communication. I do not stop to comment. Draghi expressed preoccpupazione for growth and inflation. According dragons acquire the assets of the institute will begin selling 1 trillion more than the normal level. This liquidity MUST raise the level of inflation, and other measures are not taken by the ECB unless SSW is doubtful that this sforo not the desired effect.

The macro data last week (PMI and ISM) report once the Anglo-Saxon economies (the US, which shows the unemployment rate lowest in the last six years in the UK and BOE kept invriata economic policy) while traveling European limp France Italy have a PMI below 50, while Germany just over 50. In the foreign exchange market and everything is translated as the dollar gained a maximum of four years on a basket of currencies, while the yen has shown continued weakness on all fronts. In particular, the USD / JPY has reported a new record of ultimimi 7 years. EUR / USD broke support at 1.25 slipped as required under 1.24.