Quantitative Risk Assessment Model for Investment Options

21 October 2014, 15:42

(march 4, 2014 by pawel lachowicz)

Working in the superannuation industry in Australia has some great advantages. A nice atmosphere at work, gym sessions with colleagues during lunch time, endless talks about girls after hours. However, as Brian Tracy once said: When you go to work, you work. And this is true. And this is rewarding.

Superannuation is the Australian way of making people rich when they retire. Sadly, barely understood by many, it offers a wide palette of investment options for your super (9-12% of every salary is credited to the super account by the employer; regulated by law). Over 120 super funds across Australia, over 7000 options to choose from.

Read more if you want to study some good examples in Quantitative Job Assignment -> Sources.