Prüfung des Handelstag


Hallo zusammen,

kann man im MT5 den Handelstag prüfen, also ob offen ist?

Ich möchte praktisch eine Strategie immer Freitags ausführen, aber wenn Freitag nicht geöffnet ist, dann eben Donnerstag.




Kommt drauf an wie gut der broker die Symbol info trade pflegt, ich kenne welche die machens gar nicht und andere passen es jede woche auf die richtigen werte an

wenn das gepflegt ist kannst es auslesen


Eine Lösung die ich selber geschrieben habe und erfolgreich verwende.

Diese Funktion gibt die aktuelle quote/trade session wieder, wenn vorhanden und sucht den Anfang der nächsten Sitzung.

Gibt es keine Sitzung zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt, werden die Ergebnisse auf NULL gesetzt.

Ist es ein 24/7 Markt, gibt die Funktion False und aller Resultate als NULL zurück.

Im Fehlerfall gibt die Funktion alle Werte als LONG-Max-Wert zurück.

Es ist möglich, der Funktion einen eigenen Timestamp als referenzpunkt mitzugeben. Ansonsten wird die Trade-Server-Zeit herangezogen.

   Die Parameter session_begin, session_end und next_session können als datetime-werde übergeben werden. (datetime entspricht dem long-Typ)

//| SymbolInfoSession()                                              |
const bool SymbolInfoSessionTimes(const string symbol, long& session_begin, long& session_end, long& next_session, const bool quote_sessions = false, const long reference_time = NULL)
    // Pre init

                MqlDateTime     mql_time        = { NULL };
                const ulong     time_current    = (reference_time == NULL) ? TimeTradeServer(mql_time) : (ulong)reference_time;
                if( (reference_time > NULL)
                 && (TimeToStruct(time_current, mql_time))
                    session_begin   = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
                    session_end     = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
                    next_session    = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

    // Local init

                ulong           start           = NULL;
                ulong           finish          = NULL;
                ulong           day_start       = time_current - (time_current % 0x0000000000015180) - 0x0000000000015180;
                ulong           session_index   = NULL;
                session_begin   = NULL;
                session_end     = NULL;
                next_session    = NULL;

        // Loop search 

                for(ulong cnt = NULL; (cnt < 0x08) && !_StopFlag; cnt++)
                        // Current time offset
                        day_start      += 0x0000000000015180;
                        session_index   = NULL;

                        // Switch type of evaluation
                                // Find current session if any
                                case 0x00:
                                                while( ((day_start + finish) <= time_current)
                                                        && (mqlplus::SymbolInfoSessionQuote(symbol, DayOfWeekToEnum(mql_time.day_of_week + cnt), (int)(session_index++), start, finish)) 
                                                        && !_StopFlag);
                                                while( ((day_start + finish) <= time_current)
                                                        && (mqlplus::SymbolInfoSessionTrade(symbol, DayOfWeekToEnum(mql_time.day_of_week + cnt), (int)(session_index++), start, finish)) 
                                                        && !_StopFlag);
                                        // Check results
                                        if( ((day_start + start) <= time_current) 
                                         && ((day_start + finish) > time_current))
                                                session_begin           = (long)(day_start + start);
                                                session_end             = (long)(day_start + finish);

                                        // Search for beginning of session
                                        if(session_begin > NULL)
                                                // Init loop
                                                int             session_index1  = NULL;
                                                int             max_count               = NULL;
                                                ulong       local_begin     = NULL;
                                                ulong       local_end       = NULL;
                                                // Loop search
                                                for(int cnt1 = (day_start == session_begin); (cnt1 < 0x08) && !_StopFlag; cnt1++)
                                                        // Init search loop
                                                        day_start      -= 0x0000000000015180 * ((cnt1 > NULL) && (session_index1 == NULL));
                                                        session_index1  = NULL;                    
                                                        //local_begin     = NULL;
                                                        local_end       = NULL;
                                                        // Loop backwards
                                                                while( ((session_index1 < max_count) || (max_count == NULL))
                                                                        && (mqlplus::SymbolInfoSessionQuote(symbol, DayOfWeekToEnum(mql_time.day_of_week - cnt1), (int)(session_index1++), start, finish)) 
                                                                        && ((long)(day_start + finish) <= session_begin) 
                                                                        && !_StopFlag)
                                                                        local_begin = (day_start + start);
                                                                        local_end   = (day_start + finish);
                                                                while( ((session_index1 < max_count) || (max_count == NULL))
                                                                        && (mqlplus::SymbolInfoSessionTrade(symbol, DayOfWeekToEnum(mql_time.day_of_week - cnt1), (int)(session_index1++), start, finish)) 
                                                                        && ((long)(day_start + finish) <= session_begin) 
                                                                        && !_StopFlag)
                                                                        local_begin = (day_start + start);
                                                                        local_end   = (day_start + finish);
                                                        // Repeat search on same day if more than one session
                                                        if(session_begin == local_end)
                                                                session_begin   = (long)(local_begin);
                                                                cnt1           -= 1 * (session_index1 > 0x01);
                                                                max_count       = session_index1;

                                                        cnt1 |= 0xFF * (session_begin > (long)local_end);
                                                // Reset day_start variable
                                                day_start = time_current - (time_current % 0x0000000000015180);
                                        // Check for multiple sessions
                                        if( ((long)(day_start + start) > session_end) 
                                         && (finish > NULL))
                                                next_session            = (long)(day_start + start);

                                // Find next session
                                                if(!mqlplus::SymbolInfoSessionQuote(symbol, DayOfWeekToEnum(mql_time.day_of_week + cnt), (int)(session_index++), start, finish))
                                                { continue; }
                                                if(!mqlplus::SymbolInfoSessionTrade(symbol, DayOfWeekToEnum(mql_time.day_of_week + cnt), (int)(session_index++), start, finish))
                                                { continue; }
                                        // Next found session                 
                                        next_session                = (long)(day_start + start) * (session_end < (long)(day_start + start));
                                        session_end                 = (long)((session_end * (next_session > NULL)) + ((day_start + finish) * (next_session == NULL)));
                        if(next_session > NULL)
                        { return(true); }

    // Clear to zero as 24/7 sessions
    session_begin   = NULL;
    session_end     = NULL;
    next_session    = NULL;

    // Return

//| SymbolToString()                                                 |
template <typename T>
const ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK DayOfWeekToEnum(const T day_of_week)
    switch(((uint)day_of_week) % 7)
        case 0x01:  return(MONDAY);
        case 0x02:  return(TUESDAY);
        case 0x03:  return(WEDNESDAY);
        case 0x04:  return(THURSDAY);
        case 0x05:  return(FRIDAY);
        case 0x06:  return(SATURDAY);
        default:    return(SUNDAY);

//| SymbolInfoSessionQuote()                                         |
namespace mqlplus
const bool SymbolInfoSessionQuote(const string symbol, const ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK day, const int session_index, datetime& start, datetime& finish)
    start   = NULL;
    finish  = NULL;
    return(::SymbolInfoSessionQuote(symbol, day, session_index, start, finish));
}; // Namespece mqlplus::

//| SymbolInfoSessionTrade()                                         |
namespace mqlplus
const bool SymbolInfoSessionTrade(const string symbol, const ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK day, const int session_index, datetime& start, datetime& finish)
    start   = NULL;
    finish  = NULL;
    return(::SymbolInfoSessionTrade(symbol, day, session_index, start, finish));
}; // Namespece mqlplus::