The results of the ECB meeting and the most prominent was announced by Mario Draghi

The results of the ECB meeting and the most prominent was announced by Mario Draghi

22 January 2016, 07:52
Mohammed Abdulwadud Soubra
  In the first meeting of the European Central Bank for this year it proved Mario Draghi interest rates at 0.05%. Pair the euro against the US dollar lost about 150 points during Mario Draghi permit to test the 1.0776 area, no doubt today that the high volatility caused by the permit.
  Here the most important statement in the ECB meeting and told Mario Draghi
Install the reference interest rate at 0.05%
Install borrowing interest rates at 0.30%
Install deposit interest rates at -0.3%
Interest rates will remain at the same level or less for some time
That measures taken are bearing fruit. Positive developments in the economic and credit improvement
Decisions were well suited to the economy in the last December meeting
The December decisions Add a lot of liquidity in the market and strengthened the trend forward
European Central Bank cites the volatility in commodity markets, has increased the risk of once again landing
Monetary policy will need to reconsider its March meeting, that monetary policy is a potential for change
Polls point to continued growth in the fourth quarter
The European Central Bank expects the economy to recover and move forward. Domestic demand will benefit from the current policy
Low oil prices to support consumption and investment
Still significant risks to growth rates
Inflation in December, reflecting the decline in oil prices limit
Inflation has seen very low levels, even negative; inflation could rise in 2016
The European Central Bank's policy has improved borrowing conditions
Structural reforms are needed to help recovery in the region
Fiscal policy should be appropriate for growth
The European Central Bank has the strength, determination and a willingness to work. The European Central Bank did not want to discuss the tools today
There are no barriers to use all available tools
The current recovery must be supported by structural reforms
The European Central Bank measures "highly effective"
December was "very effective" measures. There is no limit in Astkhadem any tool through the states
European Central Bank Akiev tools with changing global conditions
The European Central Bank will use all the tools that can be used
Oil prices have fallen by 40% since our decision in December. Circumstances have changed since the decision in December
The European Central Bank monitors, financial markets and the financial sector to follow monetary policy
The European Central Bank is watching carefully the Chinese economy. We see a gradual slowdown of growth in China
Actions taken in Europe have made the best banks Health
China contributes to the decline in oil prices. European Central Bank seen as the continuation of price changes