I used to be an independent trader. Year after year I trade for my own 'till I finally decided to set up a team.
Together, we enhance our trading system to be as simple as possible and forgetting any kind of complicated theories that we've learned before.

I trade manually and never use EA, never will!
I just follow one simple method / system that so called "counting probability". I'm counting charts, not gambling.

"If you can count, you can trade"

For those who would like to subscribe to our signal through MQL5 :
1. You can just ignore the notification about symbols issue (continue to the next step) as we only trade currencies & gold in this account now
2. We trades on a plain symbol now, so the MQL5's copy trade function will work properly (again, you can ignore the symbol or suffix notification)
3. We still trade indices but in a separated account which can only be subscribed through our own copy trade system*

**feel free to subscribe / unsubscribe**

You can always subscribe to my daily signals just by simply register to our website:

John Paul
John Paul
Good news for those of you who missed us! :)

*NASDAQ Signal* finally released today.
For more information, please check on our site : https://tradersfamily.com/nasdaq-signal-released-tf-copy-trade-johnpaul77/
John Paul
John Paul 2014.10.08
We don't know yet.
In our opinion, social.tradersfamily.com more flexible than MQL5. You also can using symbol mapping if you don't have same symbol with our account.
[Silindi] 2014.11.18
Hey JP stop scamming innocent people here! This "team" blew up tons of accounts on FX Junction and Social Trader, refused to respond to questions and now just cowardly deleted their account! If you place your money with them you will regret it just like me. Be warned!
Mustain Jiddan Mubarak Zaka
Mustain Jiddan Mubarak Zaka 2024.06.30
Kirain saya jago ternyata 2014 register sebelum 2015 signanya sudah rungkad
John Paul
John Paul
Hi everyone, it's me JP

Many of you maybe still have no clue why we suddenly closed our master account and terminated our partnership with our broker.

It all started with one day full of incidents caused by the broker that I’ve been using for these past 4 years which is Futures Galleria. On Monday, 18 August 2014

On behalf of our clients and subscribers, it has become our duty to make an important decision before it drags them into the depth of kicking and screaming.

As the result, we decide to close account and not to trade until this issue is investigated and resolved properly.

One thing for sure, we won’t stop, we will keep trading. This is how we make a living and this is what we are good at, because we are traders!

You can read full the explanation here :
- https://tradersfamily.com/partnership-termination-futures-galleria/
- https://tradersfamily.com/letter-johnpaul77-retrospection/
- https://tradersfamily.com/johnpaul77-incidents/
Hans Janssen
Hans Janssen 2014.09.29
well said!
[Silindi] 2014.11.18
Hey JP stop scamming innocent people here! I can't believe you committed the same mistakes you said you wouldn't make just one month ago! This "team" blew up tons of accounts on FX Junction and Social Trader, refused to respond to questions and now just cowardly deleted their account! If you place your money with them you will regret it just like me. Be warned!
MrsMarple 2014.11.22
Same old lies and nothing learned. Anybody who falls for this rubbish must be a fool and we all know fools and their money are soon parted. If you are even considering subscribing please do the world a favor and give your money away to charity before you lose it to these people.
John Paul
John Paul
Hi everyone, it’s me again – JP…

Many of you maybe still have no clue why we suddenly closed our master account in FG and terminated our partnership with them. So, let me reveal all about it…
It all started with one day full of incidents caused by the broker that I’ve been using for these past 4 years which is Futures Galleria. On Monday, 18 August 2014, there are 2 issues happened:

1. Lot size configuration changes

As we all know, FG was using 10,000 of contract sizes before. That’s why in our trading history, everytime we traded 10 lots was calculated as 1 lot.

On August 18, 2014, FG changed their lot size into international standard but they forgot to convert all clients’ open positions as well. Of course for clients who didn’t get converted will be automatically suffered 10 times profit/loss for every open position they have.

My account became one of their victims because I had 3 open orders that day, all in negative positions, and all calculated as a standard lot. It’s affected my drawdown and nearly blew my account.

2. Unknown USDCHF trade

During US market time, suddenly there was one USDCHF trade opened in my account while I didn’t make that trade. To be honest, I know about this trade issue from my subscribers.

FG revised this trade before I even realized. Maybe that’s why between Simpletrader, MQL5, Myfxbook, and FXJunction were showing a different trade that day and I have no idea how could this happened.

I called FG directly to clarify this issue and they said they miss-placed orders between clients when they were in the middle of converting client’s orders.

I also sent an email to MQL5, Myfxbook and FXJunction tried to clarify about the drawdown and everything caused by FG, but only Myfxbook responded me and fixed my account’s portfolio. Thanks Ethan! I really appreciate it.

email to MQL5, myfxbook & FX Junction & reply from myfxbook you can see in here https://tradersfamily.com/johnpaul77-incidents/

Well, my portfolio means everything to me. It is my key to build my business and career. It’s not funny if I have to build another 3 years portfolio… 3 years! So yes, I will try to re-upload it on each site and let’s see if that work.

Those 2 issues really caused us a big damage for our entire business. Reputation, trust, portfolio, everything just name it, I lost them all in one day just because of that one stupid mistake and it’s not even my fault.

That’s why we terminated our partnership with them, closed our accounts, ask all 20,000+ of our clients to immediately close their accounts as well, so FG will at least suffer the same pain as us.

We’ve been doing business with FG for 5 years and we know that we were their most valuable IB. Never thought this would happen to us after all those years. So, for every broker who proposed to become one of our recommended brokers, you may want to reconsider it as this is the kind of feedback that you will get if you mess around.

I personally don’t trust brokers no matter how well-known they are or what regulators they use. Well, I had so many bad experiences with brokers all around the world. So, I only trust in the name of business.

As long as I can give them a good business, they won’t do any harm to me. At the same time, I automatically have enough power to fight them back when bad things come up. I guess that’s how business is done.

FG itself is actually a white-label of MRG (Maxrich Group) located in Manila – Philippines, while MRG is located in Hong Kong. That’s why the server is under MRG’s name. The only reason I trusted FG and keep using them was because I have more than 20,000 clients there. It’s a very good business for them, so there’s no way they want to lose it.

As for MRG, just like many other brokers in this world, MRG started their forex business from offshore broker under BVI regulation but they don’t do retail, instead, they just offer a white-label program. That’s why no one can ever find enough information about them.

But for me, I like MRG very much ever since I knew their main business is actually horse-racing. One of the biggest horse-racing companies in Asia. That makes me comfortable to do business with them because every big gambling company is not afraid to lose as long as the player is keep playing.

Same thing in forex business actually, brokers are not afraid to lose as long as you bring 10 more friends with you. And if your 10 friends also keep profiting, make sure each of them also bring another 10 more friends.

Anyway, looks like our action got MRG’s attention. They called us directly and invited us to meet them in person to settle this issue nice and gently in their office in Hong Kong. I don’t know what they are up to, but I got nothing to lose now. And as I said earlier, my portfolio means everything to me. If there’s somehow I can save my portfolio, then I will definitely do it.

So, here I am now in Hong Kong, and going to meet MRG’s people this afternoon.

I’m also thinking to spend more days to have a little visit to Macau and Lan Kwai Fong. So, if anyone is here too, maybe we can meet up and have drinks together.
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2014.09.03
Brokers are most emenies to deal with in the forex trading business
[Silindi] 2014.11.18
Hey JP stop scamming innocent people here! I can't believe you committed the same mistakes you said you wouldn't make just one month ago! This "team" blew up tons of accounts on FX Junction and Social Trader, refused to respond to questions and now just cowardly deleted their account! If you place your money with them you will regret it just like me. Be warned!
John Paul
John Paul
Hi everyone, it’s me JP…

As we all know, the past 2 months were the worst months ever for our career as a signal provider and also the biggest losing months after 3 years. It became the worst not because of the result, but it’s because we broke our own rules hence affected the result. Here are some rules that we broke:

1. Didn’t use stop loss
2. Hold position(s) for too long
3. Believing/loving too much to one theory (in this case – chart pattern)
4. Exceed our loss tolerance level
5. More than one average position in one pair
6. Force ourselves to trade during bad markets
7. Put ourselves on hoping instead of counting (read: gambling)

But somehow it’s also the most valuable lesson for all of us especially me. So, let me tell you about what really happened in those months.

Yes, this was my fault. I lose my focus on trading and the biggest distraction was because I got too excited on the business side. There are so many business opportunities approaching us and keep coming in. I rarely came to the office and spent most of my time meeting new people for the business purposes.

Until one day when I had a full team meeting, I heard a lot of complaints and issues, most of them were because of the trades.

First, the gold trades, this was when all “the bad lucks” began… Many subscribers were complaining about the gold trades and having a serious problem with it. I decided not to trade on gold unless it’s showing a strong confirmation. It turned out to be straight gold losses.

We scared people away and ourselves as well without realized that gold has contributed a quite big gain of our entire portfolio.

Many of our clients and partners were following us through MQL5 and FXJunction by reading its comments and reviews. Subscriber’s argument becomes their argument and their argument becomes our headache.

Now I understand why fund managers don’t show their trades or speak directly to their clients, it’s simply because of this psychological thing.

We feel like we owe them trades, profit trades. It’s like we must prove that we can beat the market no matter what and it has to be “now”. We forced ourselves to trade and have to be profit trades in order to cover the losses. The more we try, the more we lose, and this is what the theory called the revenge.

The most annoying part is when someone asks me, “any trades for today John?” or “how do you see the market today John?” and so on… Wait, that’s not the worst, “I’m paying for your signal so why don’t you make any trades”, that’s the worst!

I mean, don’t you people learn about what makes people lose so much money in forex? It’s when they try to make money everyday or in every single trade. And what makes them lose deeper? It’s when they seek for revenge.

Trading is about waiting for the moment, not seeking for the moment. How about the risk? I think each of us really should take a review on how we manage our risk. But yes, we finally fell into the same hole, broke our own rules, just like everybody

In short, we were no longer trade for ourselves without burden as how we used to be, instead, we trade for the sake of clients, subscribers, and partners. We trade for our faces – reputation.

Well, this is what social trading taught us and I guess this is the bad side of social trading for signal providers. I personally prefer Myfxbook or FXJunction system. It’s because we only get commissions based on per lot traded. This way, we don’t feel like owe any trades to our copiers even just to cover the subscription fee. But it’s just my personal opinion.

There will always be some bad months for traders. Every trader has their own method, and every method has its own bad months. Take a closer look at our portfolio, there are months when we didn’t trade at all.

Anyway, I’m not blaming social trading or subscribers or anything at all. Again, it’s my own fault. I should have known how to handle things like this. I believe it’s a part of learning curves that everybody must been through and that’s so we remember it. The rest, only time can answer.

One thing for sure, we won’t stop, we will keep trading. This is how we make a living and this is what we are good at, because we are traders!

Dany Benjumea
Dany Benjumea 2014.09.03
Thank you for your wisdom, to err is human; admit mistakes is itself of great people
Cem Sarihan
Cem Sarihan 2014.09.03
As a signal provider myself I would welcome any comments and reviews from my clients. Feedback should always be welcome and should help keep you on your 'A' game. In my case I made 161% last month and if that isn't good enough then just wait for next month. It could give more but it could also give less. Of course it is human nature to keep wanting more and naturally I would do my best to provide that for the clients and myself :) Just enjoy what you have and enjoy getting rich together by taking what is given and not pressuring the market to give more. Discipline is everything in this game and once you master that the world is your oyster...Good luck to you :)
[Silindi] 2014.11.18
Hey JP stop scamming innocent people here! I can't believe you committed the same mistakes you said you wouldn't make just one month ago! This "team" blew up tons of accounts on FX Junction and Social Trader, refused to respond to questions and now just cowardly deleted their account! If you place your money with them you will regret it just like me. Be warned!
John Paul
John Paul
Thanks for all the support

somelink 2014.06.12
John, please keep your trading rules, not because the followers that change your principles, bless you.
DinaTomoum 2014.07.06
JP, I'm new to forex signals, and tried researching a lot to understand how things work with no avail. I was wondering which brokers are recommended in the UK that has a quick response time for your trades, which platform to use? should i be online the whole time or copying the trades work offline too? I am completely lost and i really want to subscribe to your signal (I've been checking your performance since 3 months). Please help as i want to start as soon as possible. Another point, i understand 3000 dollars are the preferred minimum, but if i put any amount, how can i calculate how much should i trade with you in terms of lot size?
Please answer me as i am lost. email: dina.t.tomoum@gmail.com
John Paul
John Paul
Don't forget to review about us in our website.

Blu-sky 2014.07.16
The website is ok, But your chat is a joke, no rules, people making massive trade claims etc, one guy claiming to make 200 pips per day...lol , moderators that don't moderate. Its a JOKE.
John Paul
John Paul
Signal for XAUUSD has been released. If you want to see that signal please sign up on our web at https://tradersfamily.com
thetradelife 2014.05.16
Hello GFB, have you been able to solve your problem ? And if so may I ask how? As I'm having problems also. Thanks a lot,
fuzzyforex 2014.05.20
hi john:

why i am not getting you signal for XAU/usd any more ?
Shijia Tong
Shijia Tong 2014.05.28
fuzzyforex, I have the same problem. John Paul, why is that I cannot copy any of your signals?even the GBPUSD
John Paul
John Paul
Don't forget to check out our signal for today. Please sign up at https://tradersfamily.com
John Paul
John Paul

There is any subscriber of my account by using a micro lot ?
Please let me know if there any subscriber using a micro lot.
I'm very grateful to you who inform me.

John Paul
John Paul 2014.05.07
Hi Maxh, my account not connected ? Really ? When Maxh ?
Kagor123 2014.05.08
Hi John, my account's Balance about $6200, is it good to subscribers your signal?
mojca80 2014.05.08
I'm using microlots... if you're still looking for someone?
John Paul
John Paul
XAUUSD signal has been release. For more information please sign up in our web https://tradersfamily.com
John Paul
John Paul
Signal for USDCHF, USDJPY, EURJPY, GBPJPY and XAUUSD has been release. For more information please sign up in our web https://tradersfamily.com
John Paul
John Paul
Our premium signal has been release. Please check out and sign in our web to this see signal >> https://tradersfamily.com/
John Paul
John Paul
This is our story before we not know about trading until we have own community.Check out our story in here http://goo.gl/quLQp8
John Paul
John Paul
Why you should use social.tradersfamily ?

This is the answer:
- No VPS require
- Can read different suffix
- Choose only specific -pairs to copy
- Currency Mapping
- Slippage Setting
- No more Missing Trades

Please check out web for more info https://tradersfamily.com/
Mehdi Ghasemi
Mehdi Ghasemi 2014.04.30
dear jp, thanks for your signal. i have just subscribed to that. i have a question, what is the maximum number of active trades in forex in your system? i mean while copying your system, how many maximum number of open trades will i have?
John Paul
John Paul 2014.05.01
Hi ghasemime,

We can not be sure the number of our signals, it depends on the market movement. ^^
In average our signal never exceeds of 5.

John Paul
John Paul
our premium signal has been released. check out our web for info and don't forgate to regist at https://tradersfamily.com/

John Paul
John Paul
By using our own Traders Family Social Trade System it will minimize many copy trade issue. Not require a VPS, can read different symbol, copy TP/SL from signal provider, etc.... Want to try a better copy trade system?? Please check here : http://tradersfamily.com/copy-trade/

John Paul
John Paul
hai guys

Thanks to you who have given us feedback about copy trade issue, we develop our copy trade system.

Our copy trade maybe not the best, but much better than fxjunction or MQL5. You don’t need to bother with the suffix. Position that you copy will remain open even you don’t use VPS. 4 variant copy trade method. And more… more… more feature in here http://tradersfamily.com/copy-trade/

cancheck 2014.04.24
can i know the account name for indices ?
[Silindi] 2014.04.26
And perhaps to add to that which broker would one have to open an account with in order to trade indices?
John Paul
John Paul 2014.04.28
@cancheck : we didn't publish yet, we'll inform you soon or sooner :).

@babuyao : that's right
John Paul
John Paul
Hi everyone,

Please be informed that we will charge our signal subscription for US$ 21 starting today, April 21, 2014.

This amount of subscription fee is basically as a tribute to "21" blackjack movie that inspired our trading method, and also because of the minimum charge of MQL5's regulation is US$ 20.

Thanks for supporting us and all the review for these past few months. We really appreciate it.

However, we just launched our own copy trade system that solved all issues that you may find here in MQL5.
Please visit our website to get more details :

P.S :
For those who would like to subscribe to our signal through MQL5 :
1. You can just ignore the notification about symbol issue (continue to the next step) as we only trade currencies & gold in this account now.
2. We still trade indices but in a separated account which can only be subscribed through our own copy trade system*.

**feel free to subscribe / unsubscribe**

John Paul
John Paul 2014.04.21
About new copy trade system we still finishing, we hope around 3-4 hour later done.
Index score ? do you mean indices ? i still don't get it.
Grigorii Kustov
Grigorii Kustov 2014.04.21
I understand you have an account for the NASDAQ? And if so how can it be to follow))
John Paul
John Paul 2014.04.22
We still trade in indices but in a seperate account, and we'll add indices account in our copy trade system.

John Paul
John Paul
Hi everyone,

Please be informed that we will charge our signal subscription for US$ 21 starting on Monday / April 21, 2014.

This amount of subscription fee is basically as a tribute to "21" blackjack movie that inspired our trading method, and also because of the minimum charge of MQL5's regulation is US$ 20.

Thanks for supporting us and all the review for these past few months. We really appreciate it.

However, we just launched our own copy trade system that solved all issues that you may find here in MQL5.
Please visit our website to get more details :
For those who would like to subscribe to our signal through MQL5:
- You can just ignore the notification about symbol issue (continue to the next step) as we only trade currencies & gold in this account now
- We still trade indices but in a separated account which can only be subscribed through our own copy trade system*

**feel free to subscribe / unsubscribe**

John Paul
John Paul 2014.04.20
yes, $21 per month as MQL5 subscription fee is monthly based
Andigho 2014.04.21
Hey JohnPAul. Your trade is not updating at the moment on the MQL
John Paul
John Paul 2014.04.21
@Andigho : what do you mean ?
i don't have any trade except GBPUSD