
The integer variable cannot be divided from Mql4

The integer variable cannot be divided from Mql4 Sample Alert(31/100); // result = 0 int v=31; Alert(31/100); // result = 0 StringToDouble(31)/100 = 0.31

Mt4 Strategy Test , Time Not Work #bug

It gives the last time on the chart instead of the test time. Time[1] = Live Chart Time result. Time[1] = Strategy Chart Time Please check

Mt4 Mql4 Vline Bug

if ( ObjectGetInteger ( ChartID (),sparam, OBJPROP_TYPE ) == OBJ_VLINE || ObjectType(sparam) == OBJ_VLINE ) { string select_object=sparam; int obj_typ = ObjectGetInteger ( ChartID (),select_object, OBJPROP_TYPE ); datetime obj_time = ObjectGetInteger ( ChartID (),sparam