
Profillerinden veya arama yoluyla arkadaş ekleyerek, onlarla kolayca iletişim kurabilir ve sitede çevrimiçi olup olmadıklarını takip edebilirsiniz

Tokio, 9 sep (EFE).- El ministro de Finanzas nipón, Taro Aso, mostró hoy su preocupación por el agudo abaratamiento del yen frente al dólar, tras alcanzar el billete verde nuevamente hoy en Tokio su máximo nivel en casi seis años con respecto a la divisa nipona...
Corporate and infrastructure Sukuk issuance is likely to rise over the next few years, despite the fall in issues over the past eight months compared to the same period of 2013, says Standard & Poor's Ratings Services in its new report Why Corporate And Infrastructure Sukuk Issuance Is Declin...
European stocks were little changed after their biggest two-day decline in a month. While Asian shares declined, US index futures were also slightly changed...
As the long-rumoured debut of a renovated smartphone and a new smartwatch is approaching, fans of technology are starting to queue outside Apple stores...
O valor de mercado do Facebook ultrapassou pela primeira vez a marca de US$ 200 bilhões nesta segunda-feira (8), após alta de 0,8% nas ações da empresa, que atingiram o valor de US$ 77,89 no fechamento da Nasdaq, a bolsa de tecnologia dos Estados Unidos...
El día en el que Alibaba inició su "road show", la red social más grande del mundo se dispara. Gana 340 por ciento nominal desde que tocó su mínimo histórico hace 2 años...
On Tuesday the Australian sharemarket snapped a four-day period of losing, being led by a rally in the miners and the big banks, but a dip in business confidence hampered investor enthusiasm...
SÃO PAULO - O grupo chinês de comércio eletrônico Alibaba iniciou nesta segunda-feira a apresentação ("roadshow") de sua oferta pública inicial de ações (IPO, na sigla em inglês) a investidores...
Фьючерсные контракты на нефть марки WTI впервые за четыре сессии подорожали, прибавив 0,6%. Это происходит в ожидании публикации данных о запасах топлива в США (которые могут оказаться ниже прогнозных...
On Tuesday Asian stock markets were muted due to holidays in Hong Kong and South Korea, while the yen dipped to a six-year low as the U.S. dollar strengthened on expectations the Federal Reserve will soon end stimulus and raise interest rates...
Котировки акций нефтяных компаний на Уолл-Стрит вчера снизились, поэтому ночные торги два основных индекса из американской тройки - S&P 500 и DJIA закончили в "красной" зоне, потеряв 0,31% и 0,15% соответственно...
Программа утилизации автомобилей, которая должна была возобновиться 1 сентября, до сих пор не начала действовать, так как отсутствует соответствующее постановление правительства. Об этом пишут во вторник, 9 сентября, «Ведомости» со ссылкой на представителей автомобильных компаний...
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) declined 3.3%, or $15.76, on Slovenia-based BitStamp to trade at $461.78 during U.S. morning hours, as speculators continued to exit the market amid bearish chart signals. Prices fell to a session low of $457.57, a level not seen since August 19...
El Mundo: los bancos españoles ganaron un resultado atribuido al cierre del primer semestre de 6.363 millones de euros, un 19,5% superior al alcanzado en el mismo periodo del ejercicio 2013, según los datos facilitados por la Asociación Española de Banca (AEB...
The $100 million Commodity Murabahah agreement was signed following a previous Memorandum of Understanding agreed in Tokyo in April 2014: under which both parties agreed to form a joint strategic collaboration to investigate opportunities in the constantly developing Islamic finance industry espe...
Enquanto boa parte das empresas tem sofrido com a retração na economia no Brasil, a Microsoft tem motivos para comemorar. A subsidiária da dona do Windows foi a que apresentou maior crescimento de receita entre os países emergentes no ano fiscal 2014, encerrado em junho...
El par EUR/USD intentó subir inicialmente durante la sesión del viernes, pero encontró el nivel de 1,30 demasiado resistente. Al final, terminamos formando una estrella fugaz, que por supuesto sugiere que el mercado irá mucho más abajo...
On Monday the dollar was at 14-month highs against the basket of other major currencies, while the pound fell steeply as a new poll with and prospects for Scottish independence pressured the currency lower...
Petróleo Bruto O mercado de petróleo bruto caiu durante a sessão de sexta-feira, os números da folha de pagamento não-agrícola saiu mais fraco do que o esperado nos Estados Unidos...
Below are some of the things that will help shape the week that lies ahead for American financial markets, according to Daily Finance...