
Profillerinden veya arama yoluyla arkadaş ekleyerek, onlarla kolayca iletişim kurabilir ve sitede çevrimiçi olup olmadıklarını takip edebilirsiniz

Gold regained ground on Thursday after hitting five-week low on Wednesday, as negotiations between Greece and European Union officials failed to progress on a way forward to allow Athens to get a needed funding program in place before the end of the month...
Greece “gets so much noise from everyone, that it’s so fascinating that it causes the typical mom and pop that are saving not to want to invest because they’re afraid,” BlackRock Inc. President Robert Kapito said in an interview in Miami...
Вышел годовой отчет World Gold Council. Согласно этому документу мировой спрос на золото в физическом выражении в минувшем году снизился на 4% по сравнению с 2013. Его объем составил 3 923,7 тонны. Больше всего покупали золотых украшений (хотя спад закупок в годовом выражении составил 10...
Overnight, the Greek bailout crisis has taken a disappointing turn, after yesterday’s eurogroup meeting in Brussels failed to agree a blueprint for future talks...
Tesla Motors Inc. Chief Executive Elon Musk thinks that the company’s market capitalization could equal the one of Apple Inc.’s in 10 years, says MarketWatch. Musk made the comments on a conference call with analysts following Tesla’s unexpected quarterly loss...
On Thursday the Australian dollar dropped sharply on disappointing jobs data that underlined a vulnerable view on economic recovery and on continued turmoil in Greece bailout talks...
Análisis y Recomendaciones: El par EUR/USD hoy bajó mientras los problemas con Grecia siguen creciendo. El euro cotizaba a 1,1286 tras perder 39 puntos en la sesión europea...
Análisis y Recomendaciones: El precio del oro hoy bajó para cotizar a 1236,90 tras ceder 4,60 dólares mientras los inversores se preparan para que los chinos abandonen los mercados por vacaciones...
Análisis y Recomendaciones: El Petróleo Crudo cedió las ganancias anteriores y parte de su avance de ayer para cotizar a 52,23 dólares, bajando 64 centavos de dólar, mientras que el crudo Brent siguió al WTI para caer a 59...
Análisis y Recomendaciones: El Gas Natural continuó subiendo mientras las temperaturas de los EE.UU. siguieron cayendo. Accuweather está advirtiendo que el frío y el viento provocarán condiciones que amenazan la vida...
PepsiCo Inc reportó una ganancia trimestral mejor a la esperada, ayudado por mayores ventas en su negocio de refrigerios Frito-Lay, y anunció que recomprará acciones por un valor de hasta 12.000 millones de dólares para 2018...
China modificó las normas en torno a los barcos que permitirá atracar en sus puertos, allanando el camino para que las enormes naves de 400.000 toneladas de peso muerto de capacidad de la minera brasileña Vale puedan atracar en ellos con mineral de hierro...
On Wednesday the euro plunged to seven-year lows against its UK counterpart, amid mounting concerns over whether Greece will reach a compromise deal with creditors to extend its bailout program. The euro held steady against the U.S. dollar...
On Wednesday PwC issued a report detailing the difficulties facing the UK's oil and gas industry. The company argues that because of the recent drop in oil prices many British oil and gas firms will need to transform the way they operate...
The ratings agency Moody's said cheap oil will not boost the global economic growth, as it would be offset by the eurozone's economic woes as well as slowdowns in China, Japan and Russia. Thus, the agency would not be revising its growth forecasts for the G20 countries...
Egypt will join Russia-led Eurasian free trade zone, which includes Russia, Armenia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, Egyptian President Abdel al-Sisi announced at a joint news conference with Vladimir Putin...
The British currency rose against its US peer on Wednesday, however gains were capped, as market players were concerned over Greece's uncertain future in the euro zone...
The New Zealand dollar rose against its U.S. peer on Wednesday, but gains were seen limited as market players were concerned over Greece's future in the euro zone...
On Wednesday gold edged up as the dollar took a breather after recent gains and as financial markets were jittery regarding Greece's future in the euro zone...
Вчерашние торги в Европе закончились дружным ростом большинства индексов. Инвесторы надеются на то, что с греческими премьер-министром и министром финансов удастся договориться к обоюдной пользе и Греции, и Евросоюза...