Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
3 (2)
  • Bilgiler
8+ yıl
demo sürümleri
Güney Afrika'da doğup büyüdüm, 23 yaşında bugün ikamet ettiğim Londra'ya taşındım...

Temel olarak altı yaşında eski bir IBM XT makinesinde (8086 İşlemci) kodlamaya başladım.
Hayatım boyunca teknoloji ve sanat endüstrilerinde performans ve yenilik yaparak çalıştım. Ruhum her zaman yaratıcı olmuştur ve olmaya devam etmektedir ve ben en çok yaratırken veya eğlendirirken mutlu oluyorum...

Paranın peşinde koşan, finansal özgürlüğü elde etmek için mücadele eden birçok farklı kariyerim oldu ama her zaman hayallerimin ve tutkularımın peşinden gitmeye yöneldim...
Kendim için kodlamayı hiçbir zaman tam olarak bırakmadım ve bu nedenle kendim ve başkaları için birçok farklı dilde çok sayıda küçük uygulama yazdım, örneğin:

Makine Dili (İkili)

Bununla birlikte, ticaret yolculuğum 20 yılı aşkın bir süre önce, o zamanlar yeterince ciddiye almamış olmama rağmen, babamın bizi ticaret seminerlerine sürüklemesiyle başladı.
Altı yıl önce süpermarkette konuştuğum bir beyefendi bana yüksek kaldıraçlı bir Metatrader hesabında günde %23 kârla 60 günde 1 000 000 Sterline nasıl 5 Sterlin aldığını anlattı....
Bu bende ilgi uyandırdı, beni metatrader platformuyla tanıştırdı ve ticaret yolculuğum yeniden başladı... aklımda tam bir finansal özgürlük bulma hedefiyle...

Daha sonra ticaretle ilgili birçok seminere, web seminerine ve eğitime katıldım ve bir bilgisayara bağlı kaldığı ve hiçbir zaman duygusal olmadığı için bir bilgisayarın bir tüccardan çok daha iyi olması gerektiğini düşündüm, peki insanlar bu işi neden yapıyor? Tekrarlayan ve tekrarlayan her şey, bir bilgisayar sizden en değerli metayı almadan daha iyisini yapabilir... zaman!

Bu yüzden, önce basit bir Heikenashi Trading otomasyonu olarak Traders Toolbox™ EA'mı kodlamaya başladım, ancak bu beklediğim sonuçları veremediği için, eğitimimde öğrendiklerimi algoritmaya eklemeye başladım... ve yavaş yavaş ne hale geldi bugün...

Ticaret robotlarının kutsal kasesini bulmakta zorlanırken, aynı zamanda ticaret yapıyordum ve bunu yaparken para yönetimini otomatikleştirmem ve diğer şeylerin yanı sıra yerleştirmeyi durdurmam gerektiğini fark ettim... böylece ticaret robotu temel bir ticaret robotundan tam özellikli bir ticarete dönüştü. alet.

Geliştirme devam ediyor... araç gittikçe daha iyi hale geliyor, bu bir başarı ve bundan gurur duyuyorum!
3-6 yıl aradan sonra bugünlere geldi... ve neden sizinle paylaşmayayım diye düşündüm!!! Bende var!!!

Para kazanabilir mi? Gerçekten de doğru ayarlar kullanılırsa olabilir!!
Ticareti kolaylaştırıyor mu? %1000

İşte bununla ilgili daha fazlası:

Metatrader 4/5 için Traders Toolbox™, bu stratejileri ve hesaplamaları otomatikleştirme amacıyla ortak ticaret stratejilerine dayalı Hepsi Bir Arada bir ticaret aracıdır.


- 19 Bireysel Sinyal
- Kapsamlı Ekran Görüntüsü
- Otomatik Grafik / Analiz (Temel ve Teknik)
- Tek Tıkla Ticaret
- Otonom Ticaret
- Gelişmiş Para Yönetimi
- Çoklu Durdurma ve Patika Tipleri
- 3 Farklı Çalışma Modu
- Kapsamlı Yapılandırılabilir Uyarılar

Artık yolculuğumu ve neden Traders Toolbox™'ı geliştirdiğimi öğrendiğinize göre merak ediyor musunuz?
Neden denemiyorsun? Deneyip beğenirseniz yorumlarınızı bekliyorum...
(Kira - 45$ / Satın Al - 5000$ / Demo Hesaplar - Ücretsiz)

Önerilen Kripto/Forex Komisyoncuları:











Lite sürümü ücretsizdir ve tek istediğim, lite sürümünü kullanıyorsanız, lütfen takdirinizin bir göstergesi olarak elinizden geleni bağışlayın...
Lütfen devam edin ve bugün Traders Toolbox™'ı deneyin, beğendiyseniz bir inceleme bırakın ve Traders Toolbox™ ile Alım Satım ve alım satım deneyimlerinizi paylaşmak için yepyeni sosyal ağımıza katılın.

Sosyal https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

Teşekkürler ve çevrimiçi görüşürüz!!!
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
!!!!!! ПАСХАЛЬНАЯ АКЦИЯ (Спешите, она ЗАКАНЧИВАЕТСЯ 30 апреля)!!!!!!!

Зарегистрируйтесь у рекомендуемого брокера-партнера по ссылкам ниже и получите бесплатную пожизненную лицензию (привязанную только к нашему брокеру-партнеру)

ШАГ 1: (Зарегистрируйтесь у одного или нескольких рекомендуемых брокеров по ссылкам ниже)


ШАГ 2:
Загрузите и прикрепите Traders Toolbox Lite к своему новому графику реального счета.

ШАГ 3:
Сделайте снимок экрана блока «Учетные записи Traders Toolbox» и отправьте снимок экрана по электронной почте на адрес Jason@traderstoolbox.uk.

ШАГ 4:
После того, как мы подтвердим, что вы зарегистрировались по нашей ссылке у нашего партнерского брокера, мы сгенерируем лицензионный ключ и отправим его вам в ответ на ваш снимок экрана.

ШАГ 5:
Скопируйте и вставьте лицензионный ключ в поле ввода ключа активации Traders Toolbox Lite (Настройки).

Шаг 6:
Перезапустите Traders Toolbox, и Toolbox будет активирован. Наслаждаться...

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ скачали более 3800 человек по всему миру…

В январе этого года у нас было второе место по количеству загрузок после декабря 2021 года… будет ли этот месяц соответствовать?

Люди признают его обязательным инструментом как для автоматической, так и для ручной торговли!!!

Traders Toolbox™ для Metatrader 4/5 — это универсальный торговый инструмент, основанный на общих торговых стратегиях с целью автоматизации этих стратегий и расчетов.

- 19 индивидуальных сигналов
- Полноценное экранное меню
- Автоматическое построение графиков/анализ (фундаментальный и технический)
- Торговля в один клик
- Автономная торговля
- Расширенное управление капиталом
- Несколько типов остановок и следов
- 3 различных режима работы
- Комплексные настраиваемые оповещения

Присоединяйтесь к нашей совершенно новой социальной сети, чтобы поделиться своим опытом торговли и торговли с помощью Traders Toolbox™.

Ссылки здесь:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #трейдинг #инвестиции #доли #деньги #управление #форексстратегия #форекссигналы #трейдингонлайн #метатрейдер #биткойн #криптовалюта #фондовый рынок #форекстрейдер #инвестиционнаястратегия #финтехстартап #финтехинновации #алготрейдинг #алгоритмическийтрейдинг #алгоритм #крипто #биткоин #форекс #эфириум #блокчейн
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
!!!!!! EASTER PROMOTION (Hurry it ENDS April 30th)!!!!!!!

Sign up with a recommended partner broker via links below and get a lifetime licence free (tethered to our partner broker only)

STEP 1: (Sign up with one or more of recommended brokers via links below)

https://clicks.pipaffiliates.com/c?m=9383&amp ;c=244568&l=en
https://deriv.com/?t=yCe4nsGJqd30iKy7VsyUpmNd7ZgqdRLk&amp ;utm_source=affiliate_167207&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=MyAffiliates&utm_content=&referrer=

Download and attach Traders Toolbox Lite to your New Live Account Chart.

Screenshot the Traders Toolbox Accounts block and Email the screenshot to Jason@traderstoolbox.uk

Once we verify you have signed up with our link to our partnered broker, we will generate a licence key and send it to you in reply to your screenshot.

Copy and Paste the licence key into Traders Toolbox Lite's Input Activation Key field (Settings)

Step 6:
Restart Traders Toolbox and Toolbox will be activated. Enjoy...

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 3800 people around the world…

This January saw our second highest downloads after December 2021… will this month measure up?

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Вы можете попробовать это, чтобы обойти цензуру в вашей стране:

Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo

Зарегистрируйтесь у рекомендованного брокера по ссылкам ниже и получите бесплатную лицензию на активацию Traders Toolbox™ на 3 месяца:

ШАГ 1: (Зарегистрируйтесь у одного или нескольких рекомендованных брокеров)


ШАГ 2:
Загрузите и прикрепите Traders Toolbox Lite к своему новому графику реального счета.

ШАГ 3:
Сделайте снимок экрана блока «Учетные записи Traders Toolbox» и отправьте снимок экрана по электронной почте на адрес Jason@traderstoolbox.uk.

ШАГ 4:
Введите лицензионный ключ в поле ввода ключа активации Traders Toolbox Lite (Настройки).

Шаг 5:
Скопируйте и вставьте лицензионный ключ в Traders Toolbox...

Шаг 6:
Перезапустите Traders Toolbox, и Toolbox будет активирован. Наслаждайтесь... если вы зарегистрируетесь у этого брокера https://tpglobalfx.com/open-live-account/?ref=108126 и пришлете мне скриншот реального счета i панели инструментов трейдера, я могу дать вам три месяца бесплатно пробная лицензия...
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo

Зарегистрируйтесь у рекомендованного брокера по ссылкам ниже и получите бесплатную лицензию на активацию Traders Toolbox™ на 3 месяца:

ШАГ 1: (Зарегистрируйтесь у одного или нескольких рекомендованных брокеров)


ШАГ 2:
Загрузите и прикрепите Traders Toolbox Lite к своему новому графику реального счета.

ШАГ 3:
Сделайте снимок экрана блока «Учетные записи Traders Toolbox» и отправьте снимок экрана по электронной почте на адрес Jason@traderstoolbox.uk.

ШАГ 4:
Введите лицензионный ключ в поле ввода ключа активации Traders Toolbox Lite (Настройки).

Шаг 5:
Скопируйте и вставьте лицензионный ключ в Traders Toolbox...

Шаг 6:
Перезапустите Traders Toolbox, и Toolbox будет активирован. Наслаждайтесь... если вы зарегистрируетесь у этого брокера https://tpglobalfx.com/open-live-account/?ref=108126 и пришлете мне скриншот реального счета i панели инструментов трейдера, я могу дать вам три месяца бесплатно пробная лицензия...
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
!!!!!! EASTER PROMOTION !!!!!!!

Sign up with a recommended broker via links below and get a 3 month Traders Toolbox™ Activation licence free:

STEP 1: (Sign up with one or more of recommended brokers)


Download and attach Traders Toolbox Lite to your New Live Account Chart.

Screenshot the Traders Toolbox Accounts block and Email the screenshot to Jason@traderstoolbox.uk

Enter the licence key into Traders Toolbox Lite's Input Activation Key field (Settings)

Step 5:
Copy and Paste the Licence Key in Traders Toolbox...

Step 6:
Restart Traders Toolbox and Toolbox will be activated. Enjoy...
Jason Kisogloo
Ekran görüntüsü yayınlandı
GBPUSD, M15Raw Trading Ltd
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
!!!!!! EASTER PROMOTION !!!!!!!

Sign up with a recommended broker via links below and get a 3 month licence free:

STEP 1: (Sign up with one or more of recommended brokers)


Download and attach Traders Toolbox Lite to your New Live Account Chart.

Screenshot the Traders Toolbox Accounts block and Email the screenshot to Jason@traderstoolbox.uk

Enter the licence key into Traders Toolbox Lite's Input Activation Key field (Settings)

Step 5:
Copy and Paste the Licence Key in Traders Toolbox...

Step 6:
Restart Traders Toolbox and Toolbox will be activated. Enjoy...

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 3800 people around the world…

This January saw our second highest downloads after December 2021… will this month measure up?

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
In these uncertain times you need a compass to navigate the turbulent markets…
Let Traders Toolbox™ Be your compass…

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 3800 people around the world…

This January saw our second highest downloads after December 2021… will this month measure up?

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
In these uncertain times you need a compass to navigate the turbulant markets… let Traders Toolbox™ Be your compass…
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 3800 people around the world…

This January saw our second highest downloads after December 2021… will February measure up?

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Ekran görüntüsü yayınlandı
GBPUSD, M15Raw Trading Ltd
Jason Kisogloo
Ekran görüntüsü yayınlandı
USDRUB, W1Raw Trading Ltd
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
The Russian Rub Sinks after sanctions... Watch the action unfold... Putin's actions have been detrimental to the Russian and Ukrainian people...
Years of peace destroyed in by the greed of dictatorship... The world suffers the consequences of one mans actions...

My Russian friends you need to Question your president...

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 3700 people around the world…

This January saw our second highest downloads after December 2021… will February measure up?

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:
1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. South Africa
4. Russian Federation
5. Indonesia
6. Thailand

Top 6 paid Download location:
2. Russian Federation
3. Nigeria
4. USA
5. Australia
6. China, South Africa

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
The Russian Rub Sinks after sanctions... Watch the action unfold... Putin's actions have been detrimental to the Russian and Ukrainian people...
Years of peace destroyed in by the greed of dictatorship... The world suffers the consequences of one mans actions...

My Russian friends you need to Question your president...

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 3700 people around the world…

This January saw our second highest downloads after December 2021… will February measure up?

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:
1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. South Africa
4. Russian Federation
5. Indonesia
6. Thailand

Top 6 paid Download location:
2. Russian Federation
3. Nigeria
4. USA
5. Australia
6. China, South Africa

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Ekran görüntüsü yayınlandı
USDRUB, D1Raw Trading Ltd
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Мои русские друзья, ваш лидер подвел вас… не позволяйте ему больше лгать вам… Теперь он привел свои ядерные силы в состояние повышенной боевой готовности, он готов убить любого, кто встанет на пути его планов за ваш и наш счет… если разразится ядерная война, это конец человеческой расы, поскольку мы не знаем ее и нашей прекрасной земли… только вы, мои русские друзья, можете что-то с этим сделать….

My Russian friends, your leader has failed you…do not let him lie to you anymore… Now he has put his Nuclear forces on high alert he is ready to kill anyone who gets in the way of his agenda at your and our cost… if nuclear war breaks out thats the end of the human race as we know it and our beautiful earth… only you my russian friends can do something about it…

Please share with all your russian friends… also on vkontakte… (as putin may block facebook)
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 3700 people around the world…

This January saw our second highest downloads after December 2021… will February measure up?

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:
1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. South Africa
4. Russian Federation
5. Indonesia
6. Thailand

Top 6 paid Download location:
2. Russian Federation
3. Nigeria
4. USA
5. Australia
6. China, South Africa

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

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Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 3700 people around the world…

This January saw our second highest downloads after December 2021… will February measure up?

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:
1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. South Africa
4. Russian Federation
5. Indonesia
6. Thailand

Top 6 paid Download location:
2. Russian Federation
3. Nigeria
4. USA
5. Australia
6. China, South Africa

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Ekran görüntüsü yayınlandı
GBPUSD, H1MetaQuotes Software Corp.