Sergey Ermolov
Sergey Ermolov
4.5 (352)
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10+ yıl
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Sono Sergey Yermolov, la programmazione è il mio hobby dalla classe 10 e il trading sul Forex è ciò a cui dedico il mio tempo libero.
Credo solo ai numeri e considero le statistiche principali nel trading sul Forex.
Pertanto, solo i numeri:
- Sviluppo su MQL4 c 2008
- Sono stati sviluppati oltre 800 robot personalizzati
- Il mio robot guadagna in media il 6,12% al mese dal 2019
- Il mio conto di trading è superiore a 15.000 USD
- Il consulente è già utilizzato da 523 trader

I miei sviluppi:
- MiloBot Pro Advisor ->
- Indicatore Ovl Smart Levels ->

Buona fortuna a tutti, spero che i prodotti pubblicati da me sul mercato ti saranno utili!
Sergey Ermolov
首先我们先来了解一下什么是Prop Controller。 它是内置于 Expert Advisor 交易中的一个单独模块,其任务是防止超过账户允许的提款。 帐户类型并不重要。 它可以是 Prop 帐户,也可以是您的常规帐户。 Prop Controller 在这些帐户上的工作方式相同...
Sergey Ermolov
First of all, let's understand what Prop Controller is. It is a separate module built inside the Expert Advisor, the task of which is to prevent exceeding the allowable drawdowns on the account. And the type of account does not matter. It can be either a Prop account or your regular account...
Sergey Ermolov
Давайте, прежде всего, разберем что такое Prop Controller . Это отдельный модуль, встроенный внутрь советника, задача которого не допустить превышения допустимых просадок на счете. При чем, тип счета не имеет никакого значения...
Sergey Ermolov
En primer lugar, vamos a entender lo que es Prop Controller. Es un módulo separado construido dentro del Expert Advisor, cuya tarea es evitar que se superen las detracciones permitidas en la cuenta. Y el tipo de cuenta no importa. Puede ser una cuenta Prop o su cuenta regular...
Sergey Ermolov
Zunächst einmal sollten wir verstehen, was Prop Controller ist. Es handelt sich um ein separates Modul innerhalb des Expert Advisors, dessen Aufgabe es ist, die Überschreitung der zulässigen Drawdowns auf dem Konto zu verhindern. Dabei spielt die Art des Kontos keine Rolle...
Sergey Ermolov MetaTrader 5 sinyali yayınladı
Level Up EA
Fiyat: 30 USD, Büyüme: -26.74%
Sergey Ermolov
From the very beginning, as soon as the MiloBot PRO Expert Advisor was launched, I connected the account on which the Expert Advisor trades to Myfxbook. This allowed me to track statistics openly for all users...
Sergey Ermolov
С самого начала, как только советник MiloBot PRO был запущен, я подключил счёт, на котором торгует советник, к Myfxbook. Это позволило отслеживать статистику открыто для всех пользователей...
Sergey Ermolov
从一开始,MiloBot PRO Expert Advisor 一启动,我就将 Expert Advisor 交易的账户连接到 Myfxbook。 这使我能够公开跟踪所有用户的统计数据。 根据指标,自 2020 年以来,Expert Advisor 交易每月持续产生利润,根据市场情况,利润从 2% 到 14% 不等...
Sergey Ermolov
Desde el principio, tan pronto como se lanzó el MiloBot PRO Expert Advisor, conecté la cuenta en la que opera el Expert Advisor a Myfxbook. Esto me permitió realizar un seguimiento de las estadísticas abiertamente para todos los usuarios...
Sergey Ermolov
Von Anfang an, sobald der MiloBot PRO Expert Advisor eingeführt wurde, habe ich das Konto, auf dem der Expert Advisor handelt, mit Myfxbook verbunden. Dies ermöglichte es mir, die Statistiken für alle Nutzer offen zu verfolgen...
Sergey Ermolov
客户经常问我一个问题:我能多快通过 Expert Advisor 交易的挑战? 假设我回答:5天内可以完成。 你相信我吗? 我想不是。 如果我说50天呢? 你可能会说那是很长一段时间。 我认为每个人都应该能够评估条款和风险,而我会尽力向您解释如何做到这一点。 作为示例,我们将考虑 Prop Master Expert Advisor...
Sergey Ermolov
Customers often ask me a question: How fast can I pass the challenge with an Expert Advisor? Assume I answer: it can be done in 5 days. Would you believe me? I think not. What if I said 50 days? You would probably say that's a very long time...
Sergey Ermolov
Клиенты часто задают мне вопрос: Как быстро можно пройти испытание советником? Допустим, я отвечу: это можно сделать за 5 дней. Вы мне поверите? Я думаю нет. А если скажу за 50 дней? Скорее всего вы скажете это очень долго...
Sergey Ermolov
Los clientes a menudo me hacen una pregunta: ¿En cuánto tiempo puedo superar el Challenge con un Expert Advisor? Supongamos que respondo: se puede hacer en 5 días. ¿Me creerían? Creo que no. ¿Y si dijera 50 días? Probablemente diría que es mucho tiempo...
Sergey Ermolov
Kunden stellen mir oft eine Frage: Wie schnell kann ich die Challenge mit einem Expert Advisor bestehen? Nehmen wir an, ich antworte: Das kann man in 5 Tagen schaffen. Würden Sie mir das glauben? Ich glaube nicht. Was wäre, wenn ich 50 Tage sagen würde...
Sergey Ermolov
ATR Zone indicator signal gönderisini yayınladı
Indicator ATR Zone: ATR Zone MT4 ATR Zone MT5...
Sergey Ermolov ürün yayınladı

69.00 USD

ATR is an important indicator for any financial market. The abbreviation ATR stands for Average True Range. This indicator is a tool to determine the volatility of the market, this is its direct purpose. ATR shows the average price movement for the selected period of time. The initial price of the indicator is 63$. The price will increase every 10 sales   up to 179$ The original ATR indicator is present in many trading programs. The ATR indicator is not very informative, so I modified its

Sergey Ermolov ürün yayınladı

69.00 USD

ATR is an important indicator for any financial market. The abbreviation ATR stands for Average True Range. This indicator is a tool to determine the volatility of the market, this is its direct purpose. ATR shows the average price movement for the selected period of time. The initial price of the indicator is 63$. The price will increase every 10 sales up to 179$ The original ATR indicator is present in many trading programs. The ATR indicator is not very informative, so I modified its data and