Sürüm 3.101
•Added support of 'Max Trades' and Trade Comment setting for signals.
•Added support m-hedg rule, which needed operands to look at opposite trade open status, current profit and lot size.
•Added consideration of auto entry mode for signals, so can for example, set SL & TP but not to trade.
•Added option of setting EA input Comms_App_Machine to blank to turn off communication with our Windows app, e.g. prevent it receiving automated signals.
Sürüm 3.100
• Fixed issue in f.tradesNum and f.tradesProfitPrct functions, used in some of our filters, as was failing to exclude other magic numbers to what was configured.
• Improved OBJ:Arrow to allow arrows to be checked that they have a valid price via a ^ flag. This is useful for indicators that sometimes show arrows with invalid price, i.e. not visible on the chart, which need to be ignored.
• Fixed issue with CONFIG | Advanced | Master/Slave Auto/External... options, where wasn't possible to configure per trade index.
• Fixed issue with CONFIG | Advanced | Master/Slave Auto/External... close, where wasn't sending close due to external event, e.g. close via terminal/MetaTrader mobile app.
• Added EA input Obscure_advLabelMoveWithChart which will keep the SL/TP/pending line labels visible if scroll back the chart. This makes it easier to set those lines to previous price action.
• Added support for setting Main_lotsMin EA input to -2. This will mean if calculated lots is below minimum allowed by broker then will set lots to that minimum.
Sürüm 3.99
•Added new rule logic functions of f.iLowestBullish and f.iHighestBearish, intended for setting SL based on price action of bullish candles for buy and bearish candles for sell.
•Added support for exit filters and added new 'Filter - Exit' section in the library. This allows trade close to be blocked based on filter criteria, e.g. block exit until peak pip profit achieved. Also added EA input Obscure_exitFilterAdditionalScope that allows additional scope to be added to exit filters, i.e. where not just exit rules blocked, e.g. indicators gone opposite, but also SL, TP, etc.
•Added support for adding tick box to panel to say if filters should be checked for manual trades.
•Added EA input Obscure_blockManualTradesOnFiltersEtc that allows manual trades to be blocked, say if filters not in agreement our outside trade hours. Can help with trade discipline.
Sürüm 3.98
•Added EA input Obscure_useOrderCalcProfitForPipValue, which if set to false will use 'Tick Value' from broker to work out how much a pip is worth in account currency. Note, 'Tick Value' will not take commission into consideration.
•Fixed position of Close button on main CONFIG button pop-up.
Sürüm 3.97
•Fixed issue with Risk box on the panel, where wasn't giving enough time for manually edited value to be accepted after pressing Return
•Fixed issue with divide by zero error if broker returning zero for Tick Value. Note, may need to set EA input Main_pipValPerLot if broker not supplying tick value, else try different broker.
Sürüm 3.96
•Fixed issue with d-ct rule (display candle timer) as wasn't working properly on MT5
Sürüm 3.95
•Fixed issue where configuration not fully removed when using CONFIG | Tools to remove library rules
•Added support filter f-mmfc that will check free margin in % on account before allowing trade to open
•Fixed issue with Obscure_breakEvenDontAllowUntickOnceTicked where effected break even
•Added BE to stop loss line label when break even has been set
•Added EA input Obscure_breakEvenDontAllowUntickOnceTicked which if true won't allow break even to be unticked on the panel once ticked for an open trade
•Added EA input Obscure_sltpManualMoveOnlyCloserNoPopup which if true won't show SL/TP pop-up if Obscure_*ManualMoveOnlyCloser are true
•Added EA input Obscure_tpManualMoveOnlyCloser that when set to true prevents TP line from being manually moved further away when trade is open
•Fixed issue where broker SL/TP was updating whilst hidden line was being moved
•Added EA input Obscure_slManualMoveOnlyCloser that when set to true prevents SL line from being manually moved further away when trade is open, i.e. increasing risk
Sürüm 3.8
•Fixed issue with Selected Trade selection list when in multi-trade, magic number is configured as 0 and got 'separate magic number per time frame period' option ticked in CONFIG | Advanced.
•Added 'Force Reset to Configuration' button in CONFIG | Tools that will reset EA to default configuration even if looks like a setting has be made manually, e.g. manual move of SL. However, if trade open then will still keep with current settings.
•Made sure Lots boxed is blanked out (rather than just not updated) if stop loss is set to OFF or no stop loss but set to certain risk per trade.
Sürüm 3.7
•Added EA input Obscure_blockManualTradesIfNoAutoEntryMode which will block accidental manual trades if auto trade mode set not to trade, e.g. after max draw down reached for the day
•Fixed issue with recent release where Selected Trade selection not working if EA configured with magic number of 0
•Fixed issue with SL/TP on pending orders set when price closed beyond
Sürüm 3.6
•Added EA input Obscure_blockManualTradesIfNoAutoEntryMode which will block accidental manual trades if auto trade mode set not to trade, e.g. after max draw down reached for the day.
Sürüm 3.5
•Added check and auto fix on Tick Value returned from Broker, which is used in lot size calculation. This is achieved by looking tick value on closed trades.
•Added support for new Candle Timer rule (quick load code d-ct)
•Performance improvement where pivots and support/resistance are not calculated if not being shown on that chart, i.e. not set to be displayed in CONFIG | Display | Horizontal Lines.
•Optional performance improvement where can set EA input Obscure_captureDailyRange to false to not calculate daily range. Daily range is shown in the top left of the chart and is used if supply % for any pips inputs (where % of daily range).
•Added EA input Gen_brokerSLTPStep that allows a step to be supplied for broker SL/TP if broker requires that to be multiples of a certain value.
•Fixed issue on Windows/Mobile app where open trades would disappear from open list after partial close. Must update Windows app as well.
•Added tick box in CONFIG | Pending Orders so that PEND buttons can be moved to the toolbar
•Fixed price missing from on-the-fly take profit label/button popup, where target is supplied
•Fixed issue where OHLC snap controls where not showing as ticked in the Take Profit popup even though had been activated
•Added triangle icon for when SL/TP/Pending lines are unpinned so can still access the popup dialog for the line by clicking this icon
•Added support for lot sizes less than 0.01
•Added EA input Obscure_hideScaleInButton to allow scale-in button to be hidden from the panel
Sürüm 3.4
- Added support for broker pending orders via EA input Main_pendingImplementation
- Fixed issue with Master/Slave mode when using Multi-Trade mode
- Fixed issue with Master/Slave when trades opened, etc., from our mobile app connected to the master
Sürüm 3.3
- Added large buttons for setting up pending orders - SELL PEND and BUY PEND. This is to make it more obvious on how to setup pending orders. Can set EA input Obscure_pendingButtonsOnToolbar if prefer buttons to just be on the toolbar.
- Added + button when trade open or pending order set in order to make it more intuitive now hot to enter multi-trade mode, where can have multiple independent trades/pending orders in the same direction.
- Added option to set SL and/or TP in percentage terms of current balance
Sürüm 3.2
- Improved multi-trade mode selection list to include indication if trade open or pending order set, for the particular magic number/index. So, for 'Selected Trade' pop-up selection list, will see S if sell open and B if buy open and lowercase s or b if just pending order set.
- Added hot keys when setting up manual pending order via Pend button. Hot keys for the X, R and SET buttons, shown on the pending line, are X, R and space bar, respectively.
Sürüm 3.1
- Fixed issue with Pend button and master/slave mode
- Added option in CONFIG | Pending Orders to check filters/trading hours/max tickets when pending order price reached
Sürüm 3.0
- Added Pend button to toolbar to allow pending order to be quickly set by moving lines on the chart. Will show SET button on pending line to be clicked when happy with set price. Also shows R button to toggle between buy/sell and X button to cancel. Can also click Pend button again to cancel.
- Added option to CONFIG button | Pending Orders that allows dual Pend buttons for sell and buy. Will be shown as Spd and Bpd buttons for sell and buy, respectively.
- Added OFF button to pending order edit pop-up to allow pending order to be turned off in one click
- Add more options to CONFIG button | Display to control SL/TP line visibility and text
- Added trade index # as an option when configuring the system on a per symbol/period basis with our 'changes apply to' mechanism. This allows different configuration between trade indexes (magic numbers), when in multi-trade mode.
- Added Apply button to 'Indicator Values to Capture' and 'Rule GUI Controls' CONFIG pop-ups in order to save changes without closing pop-up. Allows multiple reference IDs to be edited more quickly.
- Updated OnCross capture mode to handle 3 color index buffers, e.g. when want signal at moment of cross of price/line over upper or lower bands
Sürüm 2.9
- Added ability to configure system per trade index when in multi-trade mode. Allows different trade indexes to be used for different strategies, e.g. different SL/TP regimes. To access feature, use <Select...> option in 'CHANGES APPLY TO' at the top of the configuration pop-ups and populate 'Trade Index #' box. Needs value 0 upwards. More guidance in the manual.
- Added SL/TP LINE VISIBILITY option in CONFIG | DISPLAY so can control when SL/TP lines appear
- Added ability to set SL and TP line text in CONFIG | DISPLAY | SL/TP TEXT
Sürüm 2.8
- Added 'Lines' button to toolbar at top of panel to control visibility of SL & TP lines on the chart
- Added option in CONFIG | Display to allow two 'Lines' buttons to be shown for sell & buy, respectively, so can be controlled separately
- Fixed issue where EA could stop if H12 used in 'Periods to Calc' in CONFIG | Display
Sürüm 2.7
- Added EA input Obscure_masterSlaveSendMask which can control what is sent from Master to Slave when in multi-account mode. Useful if want to make changes on the Slave, e.g. change TP, that won't be overwritten by similar changes on the Master. New EA input described fully in the manual.
Sürüm 2.6
- Added EA inputs Color_hiddenStopLossBuy and Color_hiddenTakeProfitBuy, which if set to a color will allow different SL and TP label/line colors for buy and for sell. If not set (default) then will be same color for both directions set from Color_hiddenStopLoss and Color_hiddenTakeProfit.
- Added more retry to trade close
- Added more logging to manual SL/TP adjustment
- Fixed issue where trade rule button clicks, such as Close All Trades, were not being sent from Master to Slave(s) in multi-account mode. Also added more logging of this.
Sürüm 2.5
- Made close all trades functionality more robust with more retries
- Added support for partial close in Master/Slave mode
Sürüm 2.4
- Added EA input Important_symbolForTrade which allows a different symbol to be used for open/closing trades than the chart symbol. Useful for synthetic symbols that are used for analysis, e.g. Renko charts, but symbol for trade operations needs to be different.
- Added support for 'Flip Flop' button in the scripts section of the library
- Stopped forcing chart candles to background if panel is positioned to the right
- Fixed issue with saving advanced optimization outcome in certain circumstances
Sürüm 2.3
- Added EA input Main_hideSLTPUnlessPendOrOpen to hide SL/TP lines unless trade open or pending order has been set
- Added support for scale-in pending limit order
- Added EA input Obscure_stopLossIgnore (false by default), which if set to true will ignore stop loss. Useful if want stop loss to be used to size order, but intend to take other/manual actions to deal with losing trades.
- Fixed issue where broker SL/TP might not be set due to price not being normalised to tick size
- Improved margin handling so lot size reduced if insufficient margin to open
- Fixed issue where labels on SL/TP/pending lines could end up wider than should be
- Added EA input Gen_pointToPipDivider1for0digits, true by default, which will force 1 pip to be 1 unit change for symbols that don't have any digits after the decimal point, i.e. displayed as an integer number
Sürüm 2.2
- Fixed 'indicator not found' issue when settings from our library are used for our Currency Map & Strength indicator
- Added support for s-sym rule in our library, which can be used to change chart symbol from the mobile app
Sürüm 2.1
- Added button in CONFIG | Tools to copy Indicator Combine configuration for indicators into the EA
- Added options in CONFIG | Advanced to set SL & TP based on configured value for any orphan/external trades that get detected
- Fixed issue with UTM detecting IC present and utilizing its features
Sürüm 2.0
- Substantial improvements to horizontal SL, TP and Pending price lines:
* Lines can be unpinned (click pin icon) and moved manually to different price then pinned back
* Line labels no longer overlap
* Labels can be positioned to the right of candles (use MetaTrader's Chart Shift)
* Line labels can be clicked (if not unpinned) to show SL, TP or Pending dialogs - as appropriate
* TP & SL update dynamically if moved manually, e.g. as SL moved the TP lines will update if set as risk reward ratio
* SL, TP and lots will be based on pending order if set and again SL & TP lines will update dynamically if pending moved to new price
* TP line label will show risk reward ratio even if set as price, pips, etc.
- SL & TP now support being set as an amount in account currency
- Added option in CONFIG button | Risk / Lots for selecting 'amount per pip' to be used when lots is calculated
- In multi-trade mode, if multiple pending orders are set in the same direction then these are shown on the chart at the same time. Clicking on them will change panel to the selected trade index.
- New pending dialog for setting up pending orders where pips can be entered or price, plus bracketed pending orders can be set too
- New pending dialog also includes setting Expiry date/time, with a variety of different formats to express expiry
- Simplified the SL dialog, for on-the-fly changes to the stop loss, with radio button selection between Auto, Price, Pips, Amount, etc.
- Added new auto stop loss calculation methods of Bollinger Bands, Envelopes and Fractals
- Improved TP dialog, for on-the-fly changes to take profit, to include a 'Reset' button which will reset the take profit level to the configured default
- Additional options add in CONFIG button | Display for controlling what is displayed when panel is minimized
- Fixed issue where manually set SL or TP was being overwritten when configuration changed made for something else
- Added break even profit pips to CONFIG | Take Profit. This allows a small profit in pips to be captured if trade makes back to break even, e.g. to cover commission
- Turned on restore following MetaTrader restart on by default. This can be controlled in CONFIG | Advanced. Will restore settings, e.g. Manual SL, pending orders, etc., when MetaTrader/PC is restarted.
- Improved intelligence of settings restore after MetaTrader/PC restart. For example, if pending order was set but pending price was reached whilst MetaTrader was closed then pending order will be cancelled.
- Added 'max move during open retry' to CONFIG | Advanced, as easier then setting EA input
- Added 'point to pip divider' to CONFIG | Advanced, which controls our definition of a pip. Set to 1 if would like the system to use points like MetaTrader, rather the classic pips (0.0001 change on EURUSD), which is our default. Users trading indices may wish to set to 100 so one pip is one basis points, for most brokers.
- Added 'broker requires SL to be set with order open request' to CONFIG | Options. This is required for some EU regulated brokers.
- Added 'broker supports hedging' to CONFIG | Options. Untick this option if your broker doesn't support hedging or you don't wish to allow auto buy & sell trades at the same time as part of your strategy.
Sürüm 1.3
- Added preview of SL & TP when pending order set based on pending price
- Improved pending order pop-up, e.g. so can set pending with pips, not just price
- Added ability to set SL & TP in $ amount, i.e account currency
- Fixed issue with buttons sometimes disappearing
Sürüm 1.2
- Fixed issue with manually set SL & TP being lost if chart time frame period changed
I really can't fault this EA - it's worth every penny, especially when one considers the amount of thinking and development that has clearly gone into it. It does pretty much everything that you could ever need, especially when combined with either of the two matrix products that RunwiseFX offer that integrate with the EA, allowing you to mix and match almost any external indicators to trigger a trade. It takes a little while (at least a day or two) to work through the extensive and clear documentation (which is excellent) and you'll need to be prepared for some trial & error tweaking and testing the comprehensive array of settings that are built in. There's also a huge library of plug-in settings that allow extra behaviours to be added in. But if you run into any issues setting it all up, RunwiseFX's support service is excellent as well. And the icing on the cake is the mobile add-on which means that you can keep an eye on things when away from your desk.