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Boxmaster ParSar and MA MT5


  • Not martingale, not a grid, working on all symbols;
  • a good rational algorithm;
  • Work of two indicators: Parabolic Sar and Moving Average (you can set a separate Timeframe for each indicator);
  • There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss);
  • EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles;
  • Quickly optimized (the work is maximally accelerated).
  • Very well optimized for EURUSD. Current sets after optimization are in comments.
If you want to do optimization by yourself, there is a large algorithm for advanced optimization "Custom max". There are parameters for Custom Max (described below in the Parameters section), and if the current pass values ??are below the minimum parameter, the result of this pass becomes negative, and it is good for the Genetic Algorithm


Slippage - the size of slippage;
NEED_LOGS - need or not logs about work;

Parameters of the indicator Moving Average:
MA_tf - timeframe of Moving Average;
MA_Period - period of Moving Average;
MA_shift - shift of Moving Average;
MA_method - method of Moving Average;
MA_price - type of price of Moving Average;

Parameters of the Parabolic SAR indicator:
ParSAR_tf - timeframe of Parabolic SAR;
ParSAR_step - step of Parabolic SAR;
ParSAR_maximum - maximum step of Parabolic SAR;

num_of_bar_for_analize - number of bar (candles) for work. Value - 0 - search for signals at current prices (significantly slows down the optimization);

Money management parameters:
MM_trailing_type - type of Money Management. Variants: TYPE_MM_NON_MM (without TP and SL); TYPE_MM_JUST_SL (SL only); TYPE_MM_TRAILING (trailing stop loss and TP); TYPE_MM_SL_TO_0 (SL trails only to the break-even price);
MM_TP_pips - TakeProfit size (in pips);
MM_TRSL_pips - Trailing StopLoss (in pips);
MM_SL_pips - StopLoss (in pips);
MM_magic_num - magic number for order;
MM_close_deal_when_opposite - allow closing the current position and opening a new one in the opposite direction when a signal appears;
MM_lot - lot size;  
MM_type_of_risk - "Fix_lot" transactions are opened with a fixed volume specified in the parameter "MM_lot". " Smart_lot_by_risk " volume is calculated dynamically, "MM_risk_percent" - max risk.

Optimization parameters for the "Custom Max" (for advanced users):
CUSTOM_MAX_min_trades_per_month - the minimum number of trades per month (average);
CUSTOM_MAX_min_EXPECTED_PAYOFF - minimum expected payoff;
CUSTOM_MAX_min_PROFIT - minimum profit;
CUSTOM_MAX_max_EQUITY_DD_percent - the maximum percent of drawdown;
CUSTOM_MAX_min_PROFIT_FACTOR - minimum profit factor;
CUSTOM_MAX_min_RECOVERY_FACTOR - minimum recovery factor;
CUSTOM_MAX_min_LR_CORRELATION - minimum LR correlation;
CUSTOM_MAX_check_profit_every_month - once a month check (to speed up the optimization). If the test is not passed, then this optimization pass is stopped, and the result is assigned the value "-100". There are options: do_not_check (do not perform this test); without_loss_months (all months in profit); max_1_loss_month (maximum 1 losing month in a row); max_10_percent_loss_in_month (maximum 10 percent loss per month); no_max_DD (the balance at the end of the month is not less than CUSTOM_MAX_max_EQUITY_DD_percent of the maximum balance for the whole period);
CUSTOM_MAX_return - what to return to the optimization results. Options: all standard return parameteres; My_Formula (found on the Internet is a complex formula); PROM (Pessimistic return on margin - from the book of Robert Pardo); Balance_x_minDrawdown_x_TradesNumber; Balance_x_minDrawdown_x_ProfitFactor; Balance_x_minDrawdown_x_ProfitFactor_x_SharpeRatio.
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Main: Not martingale, not a grid, working on all symbols; a good rational algorithm; Work of two indicators: RSI (from older timeframe - it works as a signal filter) and RSI (from junior timeframe - it works as a signal) ; There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles; Quickly optimized (the work is maximally accelerated). Current sets after optimization are in comments. If you want to do optimizati
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Next Price -->   (Buy:   150 $ ) -  (3 Months:   55  $ ) -  (1 Year:   90  $ ) Step out of the ordinary trading strategies and explore "Escape The Matrix" – a robust Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 5 that can potentially enhance your trading experience. Escape The Matrix harnesses the power of cutting-edge methods identify trading opportunities in the EURUSD market. It's been diligently tested on historical data to analyze price movements. Key Features: Optimized for EURUSD: This EA is fine-tuned
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This Expert Advisor is meticulously designed for trading exclusively on the USDJPY pair, operating on the 15-minute timeframe for optimal precision and performance. It employs advanced strategies, including trend-following, breakout detection, and multi-timeframe analysis, enhanced by volatility filters to identify high-probability trade setups. With a minimum starting balance requirement of just $100, it caters to traders at all levels. The drawdown is fully adaptable to the user's risk appetit
MAO Trade X MT5 is an EA based on Moving Average Oscillator. Moving Average Oscillator parameters such as FastEMA, SlowEMA, MACDSMA, BuyShift, BuyValue, SellShift and SellValue can be adjusted. MAO Trade X MT5 applies BTN TECHNOLOGY's state-of-the-art intelligent technology to help you create optimal results for your trades. May your dreams come true through MAO Trade X MT5. Good luck. === Inquiries === E-Mail:support@btntechfx.com
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10 KOPYADAN SADECE 3 KOPYA KALDI 399$! Bundan sonra fiyat 499$'a yükseltilecek. - GERÇEK SİNYAL (Gerçek Sinyal 6 aydan uzun süre aktif): Varsayılan Ayar:  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2276213 Altın Scalping AI, Birçok göstergenin verilerini analiz etmek için yapay zeka teknolojisini kullanan bir EA. Buradan, EA emir girmek için en iyi seçeneğe sahip olacaktır. Gold   Scalping   AI'nın en büyük farkı, EA'nın Risk:Ödül oranını diğer EA'lardan çok daha iyi kontrol edebilmesidir. Bu, giriş nokta
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Arseny Potyekhin
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GbpUsd Robot MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.95 (82)
The GBPUSD Robot MT5 is an advanced automated trading system meticulously designed for the specific dynamics of the   GBP/USD   currency pair. Utilizing advanced technical analysis, the robot assesses historical and real-time data to   identify potential trends , key support and resistance levels, and other relevant market signals specific to GBP/USD.  The Robot opens positions  every day,  from Monday to Friday, and  all positions are secured  with Take Profit, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, Break-E
AlphaFlow EA MT5
Dolores Martin Munoz
4 (4)
Alpha Flow EA: Ticaretinizi Yeni Zirvelere Taşıyın Alpha Flow EA , stratejik hassasiyet, mükemmel uyum ve gelişmiş piyasa analizi ile ticaret deneyiminizi dönüştürmek üzere tasarlanmış en son teknolojiye sahip bir ticaret danışmanıdır. Özel ticaret algoritmaları ve derin piyasa içgörüleriyle geliştirilen Alpha Flow EA , çeşitli ticaret ortamlarında olağanüstü performans sunar ve piyasa trendlerinin bir adım önünde olmanıza yardımcı olur. Alpha Flow EA Canlı Ticaret Sinyalleri XAUUSD Sinyali: Can
CyNera MT5
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.49 (68)
CyNera: Sizin Ticaretiniz, Bizim Teknolojimiz Sinyaller >400%:  CyNera Sinyaller >500%:   CyNera Turbo Kılavuz ve ayar dosyaları: Kılavuz ve ayar dosyalarını almak için satın aldıktan sonra benimle iletişime geçin Fiyat: Fiyat, satılan lisanslara göre artar Mevcut kopya sayısı: 4 Piyasadaki en değişken araçlardan biri olan altın ticareti, hassasiyet, derinlemesine analiz ve güçlü risk yönetimi gerektirir. CyNera Expert Advisor, bu unsurları kusursuz bir şekilde entegre ederek, optimum altın tic
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Pablo Dominguez Sanchez
5 (23)
6 yıllık başarılı manuel işlem tecrübemin ardından, stratejilerim artık Uzman Danışman (Expert Advisor) olarak kullanılabilir! WallStreetKiller EA 'yı sunuyorum – US30 piyasası için yılların tecrübesi, kapsamlı testler ve güvenli, stratejik işlem konusundaki sağlam bir bağlılıkla geliştirilmiş bir işlem sistemi. GRID YOK, MARTİNGAL YOK, HER İŞLEMDE SIKI STOP LOSS. GÜNDE BİR İŞLEM. LOT ÇARPANI YOK. ICTRADING CANLI 10K SİNYALİ   (EA’lerinde 10K hesap kullanan başka satıcıları pek göremezsiniz).
EvoTrade EA MT5
Dolores Martin Munoz
5 (8)
EvoTrade: Piyasadaki İlk Kendini Öğrenen Ticaret Sistemi EvoTrade’i tanıtayım. Bu, en son bilgisayarlı görme ve veri analizi teknolojileriyle geliştirilmiş benzersiz bir ticaret danışmanıdır. EvoTrade, piyasadaki ilk kendini öğrenen ticaret sistemi olup, gerçek zamanlı olarak çalışır. EvoTrade, piyasa koşullarını analiz eder, stratejileri ayarlar ve değişimlere dinamik bir şekilde uyum sağlayarak her ortamda olağanüstü bir hassasiyet sunar. EvoTrade, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) ve Gated Recurr
Top Trader - Profesyonel yatırım dünyasına açılan pencereniz! Top Trader Gold Trading Expert, özellikle XAU/USD için tasarlanmış, altın piyasasında gelişmiş ticaret için tasarlanmış profesyonel düzeyde bir Uzman Danışmandır (EA). Bu EA, daha az deneyimli yatırımcıların bile kolaylıkla gezinebileceği kullanıcı dostu bir arayüz korurken, yüksek olasılıklı ticaret fırsatlarını belirlemek için gelişmiş algoritmalardan yararlanır. EA, trend takip ve karşı trend stratejilerinin bir karışımını kullanı
Bitcoin Robot MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.61 (82)
The Bitcoin Robot MT5 is engineered to execute Bitcoin trades with unparalleled efficiency and precision . Developed by a team of experienced traders and developers, our Bitcoin Robot employs a sophisticated algorithmic approach (price action, trend as well as two personalized indicators) to analyze market and execute trades swiftly with M5 timeframe , ensuring that you never miss out on lucrative opportunities. No grid, no martingale, no hedging, EA only open one position at the same time. Bit
Revert Edge
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
Revert Edge, 7+ yıllık canlı işlem deneyimi üzerine inşa edilmiş, dikkatlice hazırlanmış bir algoritmadır. Temel odağı, uzun vadeli performansa vurgu yaparak yavaş, istikrarlı hesap büyümesidir ve sürdürülemez, hızlı, kısa vadeli kazançlar değildir. EA, AUDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDUSD, EURUSD, EURAUD ve daha fazlası gibi birden fazla para birimiyle işlem yapmak için geliştirilmiştir! Ortalama bir geri dönüş stratejisi kullanır ve EA'nın yararlandığı bir tür tepkiye duyarlı fiyat seviyelerinden yararlanır
ChatGPT Turbo ile AI Destekli Teknoloji Infinity EA, GBPUSD, XAUUSD ve AUDCAD için tasarlanmış gelişmiş bir ticaret Uzman Danışmanıdır. Güvenliğe, tutarlı getirilere ve sonsuz karlılığa odaklanır. Martingale veya grid ticareti gibi yüksek riskli stratejilere dayanan diğer birçok EA'nın aksine. Infinity EA, genel ticaret deneyiminizi olağanüstü kılmak için en son ChatGPT sürümü tarafından sağlanan makine öğrenimi, veri analitiği AI tabanlı teknoloji üzerine yerleştirilmiş sinir ağına dayalı disi
Quantum Queen MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.99 (77)
Merhaba tüccarlar! Ben Quantum Queen, Quantum Uzman Danışmanlar Ailesi'nin en yeni ve çok güçlü üyesiyim. Uzmanlığım mı? ALTIN. Evet, XAUUSD çifti ile hassas ve güvenli bir şekilde işlem yapıyorum ve size ışıltılı altın piyasasında benzersiz işlem fırsatları sunuyorum. IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. Canlı sinyal 1:   TIKLAYIN 31 Ağustos'a kadar   indirimli   fiyat.   Her 10 alışverişte fiyat 100$
Aura Neuron MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (10)
Aura Neuron, Aura serisi ticaret sistemlerini sürdüren özgün bir Uzman Danışmandır. Gelişmiş Sinir Ağları ve son teknoloji klasik ticaret stratejilerinden yararlanarak Aura Neuron, mükemmel potansiyel performansa sahip yenilikçi bir yaklaşım sunar. Tamamen otomatik olan bu Uzman Danışman, EURUSD ve XAUUSD (ALTIN) gibi döviz çiftlerinde işlem yapmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. 1999'dan 2023'e kadar bu çiftlerde tutarlı bir istikrar göstermiştir. Sistem, martingale, grid veya scalping gibi tehlikeli par
Quantum Bitcoin EA
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
5 (32)
Quantum Bitcoin EA   : İmkansız diye bir şey yoktur, önemli olan onu nasıl başaracağınızı bulmaktır! En iyi MQL5 satıcılarından birinin en son şaheseri   olan Quantum Bitcoin EA   ile   Bitcoin   ticaretinin geleceğine adım atın. Performans, kesinlik ve istikrar talep eden yatırımcılar için tasarlanan Quantum Bitcoin, kripto para biriminin değişken dünyasında mümkün olanı yeniden tanımlıyor. ÖNEMLİ!   Satın alma işleminden sonra lütfen kurulum kılavuzunu ve kurulum talimatlarını almak için ba
Big Forex Players MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.79 (86)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the  biggest Banks  (positions are sent from our database t
Kapsamlı bir yaklaşımın özüdür ve ana hedefi, tüccar için minimum riskle uzun vadeli ve gerçekçi kazançlar sağlamaktır. Temel olarak ileri düzey ticaret konseptleri ve makine öğrenimi bir araya gelerek birbirini etkili bir şekilde güçlendirir. Bir diğer benzersiz özellik ise sistemin optimize edilmesine gerek olmamasıdır, çünkü bu işlev sunucularım tarafından yerine getirilmektedir. Güncellenmiş ayarlar günlük olarak Telegram kanallarımızda yayınlanmakta ve sistemi sürekli olarak en yüksek düze
Gabriel Costin Floricel
4.1 (31)
SmartChoise EA: XAU/USD (Altın) İçin Gelişmiş Sinir Ağı Destekli Ticaret Çözümü Sadece XAU/USD (Altın) ticareti için tasarlanmış, gelişmiş sinir ağı destekli bir Expert Advisor (EA). Gerçek zamanlı piyasa verilerini işleyerek, stratejileri mevcut koşullara göre ayarlar ve optimal ticaret yürütmesi ile güçlü risk yönetimi sağlar. Martingale yöntemlerine dayanan birçok EAs'ın aksine, SmartChoise EA, adaptif lot büyüklüğü ve sıkı risk kontrolleri kullanır—her seviyedeki tüccar ve farklı risk tercih
AurumTrend – Ölçeklendirme ve Trend Ticareti için XAUUSD (EA) Genel Bakış AurumTrend, XAUUSD (Altın) için ölçeklendirme ve trend takip stratejileri kullanarak işlem yapan otomatik bir Uzman Danışmandır (EA). Piyasa eğilimlerini belirler ve önceden tanımlanmış parametrelere göre alım satımları gerçekleştirirken aynı zamanda kısa vadeli fiyat hareketlerine tepki vermek için ölçeklendirme tekniklerini kullanır. AurumTrend, alım satımları yönetmek için takip eden durdurma özelliği, yüksek etkili ola
The Gold Phoenix
William Brandon Autry
5 (5)
Gold Phoenix GPT - Altın Pariteleri için Nihai AI Ticaret Aracı Gold Phoenix GPT, altın pariteleri için özel olarak tasarlanmış, M1 zaman diliminde güçlü bir breakout stratejisi kullanan son teknoloji bir ticaret aracıdır. ChatGPT ve makine öğrenimi dahil olmak üzere gelişmiş yapay zeka ile güçlendirilmiş olan bu araç, tüm seviyelerdeki yatırımcıların hızlı hareket eden altın piyasalarında başarılı olmalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmıştır. Sadece 3 kopya kaldı, fiyatı sadece 1097 $! Bir son
PrizmaL 270 in 1 EA Profesyonel yatırımcılar için güçlü bir araç. Detaylar için bu blog yazısına göz atın: Blog yazısı Bu uzman danışman, 29 döviz çifti için 270 benzersiz strateji içerir: AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDUSD, CADCHF, CADJPY, CHFJPY, EURAUD, EURCAD, EURCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, EURNZD, EURUSD, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPJPY, GBPNZD, GBPUSD, NZDCAD, NZDCHF, NZDJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, USDJPY, XAUUSD. Farklı ayarları seçmek için benzersiz bir arayüze sahip olup, her döviz çif
Seviyenizi yükseltmek mi istiyorsunuz yoksa yedek kulübesinde kalmaya devam mı edeceksiniz? NODE Neural EA, otomatik ticarete kolayca başlamanızı sağladı. Ancak şimdi işleri ciddiye alma zamanı. Eğer zaten kolay yolu denediyseniz, artık gerçekten işe yarayan bir sisteme geçme vakti geldi. AXIS Neural EA ile tanışın, verimli ve kârlı otomatik ticaretin bir sonraki adımı. Burada kimse tek başına ticaret yapmaz AXIS'i satın aldığınızda sadece bir uzman danışman (EA) almazsınız. Strateji ve sonuç o
CANLI SINYAL Gold Trend Scalping'e Hoş Geldiniz LANS MANİPÜLASYONU: Sonraki fiyat: 433,99 $ Son fiyat: 1993,99 $   Gold Trend Scalping, özellikle altın için tasarladığım ilk EA'dir. EA, daha büyük zaman dilimlerine dayanan bir trend takip stratejisi kullanır. Büyük zaman dilimindeki ana trendi tespit etmek için süper trend kullanır ve ardından daha küçük zaman dilimlerinde işlemler açar. EA, her işlem için her zaman 100 pip olarak belirlenmiş sabit bir stop loss kullanır. Ayrıca karı güvence al
Yazarın diğer ürünleri
This panel brings convenient functionality - Virtual Stop Loss and Take Profit levels . Peculiarities This panel allows to hide the Stop Loss and Take Profi t levels of your trades.  The panel stores these levels in memory .  When the market price reached one of the levels, a trade is closed and terminal generates a message indicating that a virtual level was triggered. there are 4 options for setting Stop Loss: Fixed Stop Loss - fixed Stop Loss Trailing Stop Loss - classic Trailing Stop Loss.
Great   smart dashboard   for market analytics. Using this dashboard you can: find signals from different indicators from     all timeframes ; find signals from the Moving Average from     all symbols ; Include: 9 indicators (10 in Mt5 version); 27 signals (29 in Mt5 version); "Total" page. Indicators and signals: MOVING AVERAGE MA cross Price  - MA crosses Price; MA more/less Price  - MA higher/lower Price; BOLLINGER BANDS BB crosses Price (in) - Price crosses Bollinger (upper/lower line) i
Lusaka mt5
Mikhail Mitin
4 (3)
Main: Not martingale, not a grid; Working on all symbols; Signals: There is a good rational algorithm. Work of two indicators: Envelopes and Moving Average (you can set a separate Timeframe for each indicator) Stop Loss/Take Profit: There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); There is virtual levels of Stop Loss / Take Profit; There is smart lot (percent by risk) or fix lot Important: EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles; Quickly
Main: Not martingale, not a grid; Working on all symbols; Signals: There is a good rational algorithm. Work of two indicators:  Stochastic   and  OsMA  (you can set a separate Timeframe for each indicator) Stop Loss/Take Profit: There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); There is virtual levels of Stop Loss / Take Profit; There is smart lot (percent by risk) or fix lot Important: EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles; Quickly opti
"All in One" panel. You can simultaneously control: up to 3 symbols; up to 6 periods; up to 31 popular signals. You can see the sum for all signals taking into account the weight of the signal Version for MetaTrader 4: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/27880 Version for MetaTrader 5: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/27830 Parameters NUM_BAR - number of the bar to analyze (set a value greater than 0 to work on closed bars). timeframe_1....timeframe_6 - working timeframes (if set to "c
Great dashboard for market analytics. Help you to analyze the values ​​of the Moving Average indicator and prices. Using this dashboard you can: find signals from the Moving Average from all timeframes; find signals from the Moving Average from all symbols; check - how far the Moving Average is from the price; check - the Moving Average value has changed; 2 types of signal. Modes of operation (switched by a button on the graph): current value of Moving Average; the difference between the curr
Mikhail Mitin
4.5 (2)
Main: Not martingale, not a grid; Working on all symbols; Signals: There is a good rational algorithm. Work of two indicators:  Stochastic   and  OsMA  (you can set a separate Timeframe for each indicator) Stop Loss/Take Profit: There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); There is virtual levels of Stop Loss / Take Profit; There is smart lot (percent by risk) or fix lot Important: EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles; Quickly opti
Mikhail Mitin
4.5 (2)
Main: Not martingale, not a grid; Working on all symbols; Signals: There is a good rational algorithm. Work of two indicators: Envelopes and Moving Average (you can set a separate Timeframe for each indicator) Stop Loss/Take Profit: There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); There is virtual levels of Stop Loss / Take Profit; There is smart lot (percent by risk) or fix lot Important: EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles; Quickly
"All in One" Expert Advisor. The EA collects information from different signals (listed below) on the selected timeframes. Each signal has its own weight. The weight of all signals is summed. If the total weight of signals for a timeframe is greater than the minimum weight, a deal is opened. Operation on each selected timeframe is performed independently. After that, the deal is managed according to the Money Management conditions. It can work simultaneously on: up to 6 periods; up to 31 popula
Great dashboard for market analytics. Help you to analyze the values ​​of the   Moving Average   indicator and prices. Using this dashboard you can: find signals from the Moving Average from all timeframes; find signals from the Moving Average from all symbols; check - how far the Moving Average is from the price; check - the Moving Average value has changed; 2 types of signal. Modes of operation (switched by a button on the graph): current value of Moving Average; the difference between the
Excellent Multiplatform Copier of deals. I use it regularly on VPS (copy from Mt5 to Mt4). Multiplatform : copying from MetaTrader 4 to MetaTrader 4; copying from MetaTrader 4 to MetaTrader 5; copying from MetaTrader 5 to MetaTrader 4; copying from MetaTrader 5 to MetaTrader 5. Modes: master   - the current terminal is   source of trades (deals are copied from it); slave   - the current terminal is the receiver of trades (trades are copied to it). from myself  - mode "deals multiplier" (usefu
This panel brings convenient functionality -   Virtual Stop Loss and Take Profit levels . Peculiarities This panel allows to   hide   the   Stop Loss and Take Profi t levels of your trades.  The panel stores these levels   in memory .  When the market price reached one of the levels, a   trade is closed   and terminal generates a   message   indicating that a virtual level was triggered. there are   4 options   for setting Stop Loss: Fixed Stop Loss   - fixed Stop Loss Trailing Stop Loss   - c
Conversion of ".set" files created in the MT5 terminal for use in the MT4 terminal. The script is great for cross platform experts. How to work: place the source files ".set" in the local terminal folder\MQL5\Files run the script the ".set" files for the MT4 terminal appeared in the local terminal folder (the end of the file name "* -MT4.set") Created on MT5 build 1755 from 18/01/18 Please leave your feedback after using.
Mikhail Mitin
4 (1)
Genaral: Not martingale, not a grid; Use on EURUSD Use on M5 Signals: There is a good rational algorithm. Work of two indicators:   2 DeMarker (from 2 timeframes)   (you can set a separate Timeframe for each indicator) Stop Loss/Take Profit: There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); There is virtual levels of Stop Loss / Take Profit; There is smart lot (percent by risk) or fix lot Important: EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles;
Main: Not martingale, not a grid, working on all symbols; a good rational algorithm; Work of two indicators: RSI (from older timeframe - it works as a signal filter) and RSI (from junior timeframe - it works as a signal) ; There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles; Quickly optimized (the work is maximally accelerated). Current sets after optimization are in comments. If you want to do optimizati
This panel shows the price position and the selected MAs for the selected timeframes and symbols. You can control up to 3 symbols; up to 6 timeframes; up to 10 different Moving Averages. Version for MetaTrader 4: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/28281 Version for MetaTrader 5: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/28096 Parameters NUM_BAR - bar number for analysis; timeframe_1....timeframe_6 - names of used timeframes (if set to "current", the timeframe will not be used); symbol_1 ....
Excellent dashboard for analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the   Parabolic SAR  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from  Parabolic SAR  on all timeframes; watch the current signal from  Parabolic SAR  for different symbols; watch the current   Parabolic SAR   value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: value of Parabolic SAR Signal type: Parabolic SAR crosses Price Parabolic SAR upper/lower Price Work opti
Excellent dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the  RSI  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from RSI on all timeframes; watch the current signal from  RSI   by different symbols; watch the current   RSI   value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: RIS value. Signal type: RSI crosses level buy out/level sell out (outside); RSI crosses level buy out/level sell out (inside); RSI is upper/l
Excellent dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the   Stochastic  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from  Stochastic  on all timeframes; watch the current signal from   Stochastic  for different symbols; watch the current   Stochastic value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: Stochastic - Main line Stochastic  - SIgnal line Stochastic  - Main line minus signal line Signal type: Stochast
Excellent dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the   Stochastic  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from  Stochastic  on all timeframes; watch the current signal from   Stochastic  for different symbols; watch the current   Stochastic   value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: Stochastic - Main line Stochastic  - SIgnal line Stochastic  - Main line minus signal line Signal type: Stocha
Excellent dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the   Ichimoku  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from   Ichimoku   on all timeframes; watch the current signal from   Ichimoku   for different symbols; watch the current   Ichimoku   value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: Value of Tenkan-Sen Value of   Kijun-Sen Value of  Senkou Span A Value of  Senkou Span B Value of  Chikou Span Span
Excellent dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the   Ichimoku  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from Ichimoku on all timeframes; watch the current signal from   Ichimoku for different symbols; watch the current   Ichimoku value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: Value of Tenkan-Sen Value of   Kijun-Sen Value of  Senkou Span A Value of  Senkou Span B Value of  Chikou Span Span A - Spa
"All in One" panel. You can simultaneously control: up to 3 symbols; up to 6 periods; up to 31 popular signals. You can see the sum for all signals taking into account the weight of the signal Version for MetaTrader 4: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/27880 Version for MetaTrader 5: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/27830 Parameters NUM_BAR - number of the bar to analyze (set a value greater than 0 to work on closed bars). timeframe_1....timeframe_6 - working timeframes (if set to "c
The panel shows the relative position of the price and the selected moving averages (MA) for the selected timeframes and symbols. You can simultaneously control: up to 3 symbols; up to 6 periods; up to 10 different Moving Averages. Version for MetaTrader 4: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/28281 Version for MetaTrader 5: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/28096 Parameters NUM_BAR - number of the bar to analyze (set a value greater than 0 to work on closed bars). timeframe_1....timefr
use on EURUSD use on M5 price and indicator analysis. Deals is in the direction of the trend. analysis 4 TimeFrame. Price and MovingAvarage (MA) are analyzed at TF EA. Market conditions in each TF are analyzed separately, then the overall picture. The algorithm shown in the screenshot below Sets is in Comments Advantages Advisor is optimized well for any instrument Can work on accounts with any spread, commissions, delays in the execution of orders Flexible settings specifically for your needs
Use on EURUSD Use on M5 Intraday trading. Analise the price movements on the H1 timeframe (TF) (This allows to trade even in the absence of a global price trend). Analyzes 2 or 3 timeframes. On each TF, the EA analyzes the relative position of the price and moving averages (MA) (one or two on each TF). The operation algorithm is shown in the screenshot Sets is in Comments Advantages The EA can be easily optimized for any instrument at any moment. Flexible customization specifically to your nee
This indicator draws   strong price   levels   (price consolidation levels). The levels are plotted using   2 MA indicators and 1 MACD   using a complex algorithm. The algorithm used in the EA is also in personal use.  These levels have 4 variants (colors of the variants can be customized): strong up, weak up, strong down, weak down. In turn, a weak level usually appears and then it can become strong. A strong level can also become weak. Version MT4:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/279
Main: Not martingale, not a grid, working on all symbols; a good rational algorithm; Work of two indicators:  Parabolic Sar  and  Moving Average  (you can set a separate Timeframe for each indicator); There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles; Quickly optimized (the work is maximally accelerated). Very well optimized for  EURUSD . Current sets after optimization are in comments. was optimized on
Main: Not martingale, not a grid, working on all symbols; a good rational algorithm; Work of two indicators:  RSI (from older timeframe - it works as a signal filter) and RSI (from junior timeframe - it works as a signal) ; There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles; Quickly optimized (the work is maximally accelerated). Current sets after optimization are in comments. MetaTrader 4:  https://www.m
Create your own trading expert without programming skills! It is easy and simple. This panel is a    designer of Expert Advisors (like Wizard). This Wizard contains: 57 signals (regularly add new) several Trailing Stop systems (including Trailing by Bollinger Bands) How create EA easy: Choose 1 signal Choose no more than 3 filters Choose the Trailing system Save the ".set" file - by one button Ready. Run this expert with the desired set. Interesting: "invisible" (virtual) levels StopLoss and
İnceleme yok
İncelemeye yanıt
Sürüm 3.0 2018.09.19
Fixed bugs. Upgrade params. Add in Custom max LR Correlation
Sürüm 2.0 2018.08.22
Add smart lot by risk