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Tebrikler! Forex piyasasında en uzun süredir faaliyet gösteren uzmanın sayfasına girdiniz!
İşte 5 yıldır işbu uzman hakkında konuşulmakta ve farklı üst düzeylerde bulunmaktadır.
"FrankoScalp" uzmanının tartışma konusu istenilen Forex forumlarında bulunabilir ve fakat ancak mql5’de uzmanın orijinal yenilenmiş versyonu alınabilir, ayrıca müellif ile temasa geçilebilir ve "FrankoScalp" uzman danışmanın kullanıcılarının samimi topluluğuna katılabilirsiniz.

Satın alma detayları

Uzmanı satın alırken kendisini sonsuz bir şekilde kullanma fırsatını elde etmiş olursunuz (tüm güncellemeler ücretsizdir) ancak 10 aktivasyonunuz vardır. Bunun anlamı siz uzmanı sadece 10 bilgisayarda (ya da VPS) kullanabileceğiniz demektir. Bunula birlikte ticari hesaplar ve terminallerin sayısı sınırlı değildir.

Biraz tarih

2012 yılında Forex dünyasına daldım, 2015 yılında otomatik ticaret sistemlerine tamamen konsantre oldum, 2016 yılında kendime ait Uzman Danışmanı - "FrankoScalp" yayınladım.
İki yıl sonra МТ4’le tamamen aynı olan МТ5 için versiyon meydana geldi.

"FrankoScalp" Uzman danışmanı uzun ömürlülüğün sırrı

Öncellikle “para basan makineyi” ne 100$ ne de 10,000$ karşılığında alamayacağımızı kabul etmeliyiz. Bunu kabul etmek zordur ama böyle bir düşünce Forex alanında (benzeyen alanlarda) rahat çalışmak ve hayal kırıklığına uğramamak için gereklidir. Herhangi uzman uygulaması– ilk önce hem kar dönemi hem de zarar dönemleri olabilen bir ticaret sistemidir. Uzman uygulamalarının çoğu zarar dönemlerindeyken üreticileri tarafından desteklenmiyor çünkü ticaret açısından yeni bir uzman uygulamasını çıkarıp yayınlamak daha kolaydır. Bu yüzden kullanıcılar yeni uzmanları satın alıyorlar ve sonuç olarak da değersiz bir çöp ürüne sahip oluyorlar.
"FrankoScalp" Uzman danışmanı kayıp döneminde güncellenir ve yeni ayar setlerini oluşturur, dolayısıyla çoğu kullanıcılar 5 yıldır "FrankoScalp" ı kullanmaya devam ediyorlar. 5 yıl önce satın aldığınız bir Uzman hiç kullandınız mı? Ama bu sınır değil. Uzman düzenli olarak güncellenmiş ve ben Forex alanındayken her zaman desteklenmeye devam edecektir. Eski setler ara sıra düzeltiliyor + yeni setler ortaya çıkıyor, bunun için Uzman çöpe dönüşmez ve kayıp döneminden sonra unutulmayacaktır.

Strateji hakkında

  • En önemli setler- gerçek hesaplar üzerindeki çalışmaların değerlendirilmesine dayanarak birçok nüans dikkate alınacak olan sakin zamanlardaki (haberlerin dışında) scalpingtir. Her anlaşma StopLoss ile kısıtlanır bundan dolayı bu setler muhafazakâr ticaret için uygundur (ağ veya martingal kayışı yöntemleri kullanılmaz).
  • Değiştirilmiş setler- “daha sıcak" çalışmayı sevenler için setlerdir. StopLoss yerine ortalama pozisyonlar kullanılır, yani ağ ve martingal kayışı yöntemleri kullanılır. Bu nedenle bu setler agresif ticaret için uygundur. Ancak bu setler "En önemli setlere" dayalı olduğu için olayların %95'inden fazlasında ilk ticari anlaşma ortalama bir pozisyon olmadan başarıyla kapatılır. Bu, istikrarlı risk içindeyken bu setlerin orta düzeyde olmasını sağlar.
  • Birçok döviz çifti için parametre setleri (ayarları) geliştirilmiştir.

Uzmanın ayarlanması

  • Ayarların en son arşivini indirin: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929
  • Uzman herhangi bir zaman diliminde bir fark olmadan çalışıyor çünkü birkaç zaman diliminden gerekli bilgileri kendisi alıyor. (M1 zaman diliminde geriye dönük test yapılması önerilir.)
  • Haber filtresinin çalışması için haber sitesini terminal ayarlarında izin verilen URL'ler listesine eklemeniz gerektir. Aşağıdakini ekleyin (boşluğu kaldırın): https://  sslecal2.investing.com
  • #2010 yorumundaki bilgiyi kullanarak uzman zamanı otomatik ayarının doğruluğunu kontrol edin.
  • Ticari lot hesaplamasının ayarlanması #2017 yorumunda açıklanmıştır.
  • Ayarlamaları yaptıktan sonra kontrol etmek için terminalinizin ekran görüntüsünü bana gönderebilirsiniz. Bir de kontrol işlemi uzak masaüstü (ya da teamviewer) üzerinden de gerçekleştirilebilir.
  • EA parametrelerinin tam listesi blogda bulunabilir.

P.S. Profilimde bulabileceğiniz faydalı bilgilere dikkat edin.
İncelemeler 133
Epsilon Hogas
Epsilon Hogas 2023.03.21 06:18 

Author support to his product is one of the best I could find in the market, and it got some up and down in the period and didn't blow my account with some net growth, I am grateful with it

lolodeth 2022.09.23 08:57 

At this moment, only Konstantin have EA to win in real. Always update it's necessary for the good quality of EA and satisfaction of customers. Never again i buy EA only signal on demo account or just backtest in sale page, only signal on real account. Thank you Konstantin.

Ardjuna 2021.11.05 15:13 

Hi.... Traders, this is one of the best expert I have tried so for, I have been testing for months to see how was the strategy works, and how smart the expert in calculating the markets movement before entering the market. The result... ?my balance real account increase significant and always in positive zone.... you guys should need to have these experts. The experts have a very good accuracy when deciding to enter the market. In addition, the Author is a really nice man, and he always happy to help if you guys have any problems for the experts.

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Multi Sniper mq
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MULTI SNIPER EA, MT4 platformu için %85+ doğruluk oranına sahip hassas otomatik işlem sistemidir. Bu karlı scalping EA, şu anda piyasadaki en istikrarlı sistemlerden biridir. Yalnızca bu MQL5 web sitesinde sunulan orijinal bir üründür. - EA sürüm 25.15'u kullanmak/test etmek için "Yorumlar" bölümünden 2 Set dosyasını kullanın - Bileşik faiz yöntemi ve scalping teknikleri uygulandı. - Sistem, piyasa oynaklığına bağlı olarak dinamik SL'yi otomatik olarak ayarlar. - EA, varsayılan olarak otomati
Please download User Guide / set files / Strategy Tester Report from here: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/689449 Twins Grid System is a powerful and flexible tool for experienced trader. This system is consist of 2 full grids: Grid A and Grid B, each full grid contains 4 basic grid: BuyLimits Grid, SellLimits Grid, BuyStops Grid and SellStops Grid. There are 31 system parameters, 22 parameters for each basic grid. It’s able to create various kinds of grid strategies. Features (1) Some grid
FX EurUsd Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (13)
The EUR/USD Multi-Strategy Trading Robot MT4 is an advanced tool designed to optimize trading by combining 3 key systems:   daily trading, volume analysis, and Fibonacci   retracement levels. This robot works by integrating these different approaches to create a more dynamic and adaptable strategy for trading the   EUR/USD pair . EA adapts to different market conditions, this makes it an ideal solution for traders looking to enhance their trading strategy with a powerful, multi-faceted approach.
Здравствуйте уважаемые автотрейдеры. Представляю Вам полностью автоматизированного торгового советника    AutoBBbot v1. Данный торговый советник открывает ордер по сигналу Bolinger Bands. Рекомендую торговать советником на индексах # NASDAQ_m , # DJI 30_m  и  # SP 500_m у брокера Freshforex на счетах Market Pro . Если Вы купите прямо сейчас этот советник за эту сумму, то я Вам абсолютно бесплатно отдам нового советника " AutoBBbot v0.4". После покупки свяжитесь со мной через электронную почту: s
This trading expert advisors is an clone & upgrade of  "EA Rough Duster ", also trades best on GBPNZD minute 5 timeframe. Maintains a constant account growth and runs best on low spread and commission based accounts. Uses Martingale & perfect hedging to recover unprofitable positions ensuring no loss. Its consistent profit curves,low DrawDowns & risk proves the record for itself in reliability and consistency plus its unique market analysis ensures quick extraction of profits by scalping the mar
FiboSens AI – has modern solutions for automating trading strategies based on Fibonacci levels. With a wide range of features, it allows for precise order management and adaptability to a variety of trading strategies and ideas. Key Features · Analysis of Fibonacci levels: customization for any currency pair and chart period. · Trend analysis: the ability to trade with or against the trend. · Automatic closing: customizable parameters for take profit, stop loss, closing based on the total e
Introducing TrendSurfer OsMa: Elevating Your Forex Trading Experience. TrendSurfer OsMa is a cutting-edge automated trading system meticulously crafted to harness the power of the MetaTrader 4 indicator, Moving Average of Oscillator (OsMa), revolutionizing your approach to forex trading. The Moving Average of Oscillator (OsMa) is a derivative of the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) indicator. It represents the difference between the MACD line and its signal line. The OsMa provides
Vladislav Filippov
ENSAC is a fully automated Expert Advisor, built on a scalping strategy that involves closing a deal while achieving a small, but sufficient profitability indicator, which allows the user to minimize the leakage of funds from opening losing trades. The Expert Advisor is multi-functional and does not require a specific type of account for normal operation. The mechanism of the Expert Advisor is designed so that, before opening a transaction, instant implicit filtering is carried out thanks to the
Hello everyone, the expert works on pending deals moving with the price When a deal is activated, the take profit and stop loss are placed When moving with the profit, the other pending deal moves with the price Until it closes with a profit or loss and works again in the same way There are no complications or indicators in the expert The expert is very simple in his work Work on the five minutes, capital $ 100 or more The lot size will work based on the capital Work on gold A zero is placed on
This program works only on forex currencies, at New York Stock Exchange opening time (16:30) but opening time CAN BE SET as you want and automatically manage for each opening Trailing Stop Loss and BreakEven (if set). It is based on NY opening physiological movements of currencies quotes by putting pendants orders at defined (Gap) distance. It has an automatic recovery system in case the first trade gone in loss. It is possible to decide which multiply factor to use for the recover, thus it is a
/ ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** / Big Sales for Easter! Price is reduced > 50 % already! Grasp the chance and Enjoy it!  /   ********** **********   ********** **********   ********** **********   ********** **********   ********** **********   / This is a powerful EA that support single order strategy, martingale strategy, multiple timeframes strategy, etc with lots of useful indicators and self defined methods. I
Feature No Martingale, grid trading or averaging in this EA. Logic is original,sound and robust. Augmented by machine learning. Fixed Stoploss and Takeprofit = Safe. Win rate is 99%. ProfitFactor is over 5. One trade at a time. The Ultimate EA Finally,the EA with real edge has come to MQL5 Market. This EA is easy to use.No Optimization is needed. Currency Pairs This EA works on USDJPY. On strategy tester and live trading,choose symbol "USDJPY". Parameters Parameter name Description LotsMet
This EA can run on every currencies pairs recommend EURUSD, USDJPY, EURJPY, GBPUSD Timeframe 30 Minute (M30) The important advantage of this EA is that you can start to trade with $1000 min imum initial Deposit. And the robot can support your manual transactions on EURUSD. ACCOUNT LEVERAGE: 1:100 ACCOUNT (Stop Out): 50% or less ACCOUNT TYPE: Real account ACCOUNT MODE: Hedging account Take Profit: Automatically Stop Loss: Automatically LOT size: Manual first order
The advantages of EA TWO CANDLE SMART are: It is equipped with various filters, including: maxspread, maxlot, takeprofit (4 step), stop loss (3 step), profit target per day, and many more. Open order BUY = If iClose[2] > iOpen[2] && iClose[1] > iOpen[1]. Open order SELL = If iClose[2] < iOpen[2] && iClose[1] < iOpen[1]. Target_profit_perday=50; ==> can work on forward test. lockprofit=2;//Minimal Profit in money Step_LockProfit_in_Money=25; Stoploss_in_Money=1000; Stoploss_in %=50;==> Stoploss
The Expert Advisor analyzes the rate of price change and opens positions in the direction of price movement when the speed sign changes. Then it accompanies the positions with a trawl, which also depends on the speed. That is, when the price growth SL SL is pressed closer, when the speed increases, respectively, further, allowing the price to gain weight and prevents from closing when the market noise. tp also moves higher when the speed changes. If necessary, you can enable the transfer func
Monex Scalp is an intelligent trading robot designed for 1-minute time frames, offering simplicity and efficiency for traders. Key Features: •   User-Friendly Settings:   Monex Scalp offers straightforward settings, making it accessible for traders of all experience levels. •   Session Scheduling:   Customize trading sessions to align with various market hours, enhancing strategy execution. •   Adjustable Stop-Loss:   Set personalized stop-loss levels to effectively manage risk according to yo
u trading uzmanının temel amacı, açık pozisyonları takip eden stop kullanarak desteklemektir. Uzman, hem manuel olarak hem de diğer danışmanlar tarafından açılan pozisyonları takip edebilir. Zarar durdurma ve kar alma seviyelerinin hesaplanması, piyasadaki fiyat değişimlerindeki istatistiksel ilişkilere dayanmaktadır. Danışman bu sayede kâr ve risk arasındaki en iyi oranı seçer. Uzman ilk fırsatta pozisyonu başabaş noktasına taşır, ardından fiyatı takip etmeye başlar. Bir pozisyonun denge nokta
My   Expert Advisor   trade Gold (XAUUSD) on H1 time frame, Base on ADX indicator, and follow the trend. stop loss 17 usd/0.01 ounce take profit 32 usd/0.01 ounce (0.01 lot) Min deposit: from 300 usd Profit: 100%/years (back test). Draw Down: < 35% Input Setting to test my EA: - Lots: 0.01 - Stoploss: 17 usd/0.01 ounce depend on your broker and your account ( adjust to the correct ratio and   do not change) - Takeprofit:  32  usd/0.01 ounce   depend on your broker  and  your account   ( adjust t
The EA Bot strategy was developed with a foundation in market trends, support and resistance, and a hedging strategy. Additionally, it includes an auto-correction feature designed to mitigate risk during periods of high volatility and high-impact news. The EA Bot also incorporates a money management tool to ensure minimal trade entry during market vulnerability.
Meat EA
Roman Kanushkin
5 (1)
The Meat EA is a fully automatic, 24-hour trading system. It trades based on analysis of market movement on the basis of a built-in indicator and the Moving Average trend indicator. The system is optimized for working with the EURUSD currency pair on the M30 timeframe. It is recommended to use an ECN/STP broker with low spread, low commission and fast execution. Signal monitoring Working currency pair/timeframe: EURUSD M30. Advantages never trades against the market; the higher the risk, the hi
**Multi-Strategy EA with Advanced Statistical Analysis (ANOVA & R-squared)** **Core Statistical Framework:** 1. **ANOVA Analysis:**    - One-way ANOVA: For trend direction significance    - Two-way ANOVA: For market variable interactions    - P-value thresholds < 0.15 for trade validation 2. **R-squared Analysis:**    - ATR R² (Strong correlation ≥ 0.75)    - Standard Deviation R² (Moderate: 0.50-0.74)    - EMA R² (Weak: 0.25-0.49)    - Combined R² for overall market state    - Determines sid
Premium M15
Raphael Schwietering
Dear Investor, I am a full-time system developer since 2010, having developed thousands of trading systems in the last 11 years. My main goal when developing a strategy is long-term growth. All my systems have to pass strict criteria in terms of backtests, out-of-sample validations on unseen symbols, Monte Carlo simulations on different data feeds, slippage, and increased spreads.  It: Trades the EURUSD M15 with a focus on long-term growth. Opens trades at bar and uses no martingale nor any grid
GridMartin Conqueror
Konstantin Kulikov
4.69 (13)
An automated trading system with smart entry/exit algorithms that uses grid and martingale techniques to maximize profits. The expert has monitoring with a long history for many months, since this system, like all my other experts, is focused on long-term growth: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/test-standart The best sets for currency pairs: GBPUSD, GBPCAD, EURJPY (timeframe М1). Download settings (sets):   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 Description of EA parameters in comment
This is a Price Action based EA. No martingale or hedging strategy is used here. The EA is for EURUSD Only. Entry Logic: Support resistance to determine the area of buying and selling. We don't enter market if its a ranging market.we filter ranging market with Bollinger band and ADX. Also we check the market trend.only enter for buy if its an uptrend and sell if its a sell market. Exit Logic: Usually, we have a fixed stop loss which is very low according to the Take profit. Also we have trailing
EPriceJPY is a auto-trading EA focused on USDJPY. Trading Concept The operation concept of EPriceJPY is based on an algorithm that tries to determine the Trend. To be more specific, EPriceJPY works with its own calculation logic based on simulation. It is trying to find out the Top or Bottom in a Trend, and open the Short or Long Position accordingly. Don't expect EPriceJPY to open the trade on the highest or lowest level, because EPriceJPY will trade only when the Top/Bottom can be confirmed.
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Parameters General Trade Settings Money Management  Lot : Fixed (can change) Strategies  - H1 and H4 Strategies you can using both it is fixed with MA, Bollinger band, Candlestick Levels Close Functions  - H1 and H4 Strategies you can using both MagicNumber  - individual magic number. The EA will only manage position of the chart symbol with this magic number. NextOpenTradeAfterMinutes  - 20 minutes is default, can change it MaxSpread  - upto currenc
Hafis Mohamed Yacine
///  Trade smart Good profit And continuous with low risk /// Matrix EA Working with all pairs.   TimeFrame - 1m Deposit Recommended :  If you have an account under $ 100-200, it is best to work with a         Micro account lot=0.1   MICRO  If you have an account under $ 500, it is best to work with a               Micro account lot=0.2  MICRO If you have an account  standard  with 1000  $ , it is best to work with a          lot=0.01    ///  Trade smart Good profit And continuous with
This EA detects fast moving trend and opens and closes buy/sell position in jest few seconds only. Life of a trade is of only few seconds, that's why it is called Ultimate True Scalper EA. Recommendations for this EA: Please use given .Set (preset) file for better results from this EA. EA default settings may not be optimum so preset file must be used. You may find this .Set file in Comments section. EA gives best results on GBPUSD, Minutes-15 time frame. Broker should be 5-dgits. Broker should
Bu ürünün alıcıları ayrıca şunları da satın alıyor
10 KOPYADAN SADECE 3 KOPYA KALDI 399$! Bundan sonra fiyat 499$'a yükseltilecek. - GERÇEK SİNYAL (Gerçek Sinyal 6 aydan uzun süredir aktif): Varsayılan Ayar:  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2276213 Gold Scalping AI, birçok göstergenin verilerini analiz etmek için yapay zeka teknolojisini kullanan bir EA'dır. Buradan, EA emir girmek için en iyi seçeneğe sahip olacaktır. Gold Scalping   AI'nın en büyük farkı, EA'nın Risk:Ödül oranını diğer EA'lardan çok daha iyi kontrol edebilmesidir. Bu, giriş n
Scalping Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (6)
Introducing our advanced   Scalping Forex Robot , specifically designed to maximize trading opportunities. The scalping algorithm is built to spot high-probability entry and exit points, ensuring that every trade is executed with the highest chance of success within the   M1 timeframe . This robot is perfect for traders who prefer the   scalping method   and want to take advantage of rapid price movements without having to manually monitor the charts. It is suitable for both beginners looking fo
GbpUsd Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (42)
The GBPUSD Robot MT4 is an advanced automated trading system meticulously designed for the specific dynamics of the  GBP/USD  currency pair. Utilizing advanced technical analysis, the robot assesses historical and real-time data to  identify potential trends , key support and resistance levels, and other relevant market signals specific to GBP/USD. The Robot opens positions  every day,  from Monday to Friday, and  all positions are secured  with Take Profit, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, Break-Even
43% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $1,595) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctl
Quantum Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.84 (153)
Tanıtımı       Quantum Emperor EA   , prestijli GBPUSD çiftinde işlem yapma şeklinizi değiştiren çığır açan MQL5 uzman danışmanı! 13 yılı aşkın ticaret tecrübesine sahip deneyimli yatırımcılardan oluşan bir ekip tarafından geliştirilmiştir. IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***Quantum Emperor EA satın alın ve Quantum Wizard, Quantum StarMan veya Quantum Gold Emperor'ı ücretsiz edinin!*** Daha fazla ayrı
CyNera MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
2.8 (15)
CyNera: Sizin Ticaretiniz, Bizim Teknolojimiz Sinyaller >400%:  CyNera Sinyaller >500%: CyNera Turbo Kılavuz ve ayar dosyaları: Kılavuz ve ayar dosyalarını almak için satın aldıktan sonra benimle iletişime geçin Fiyat: Fiyat, satılan lisanslara göre artar Mevcut kopya sayısı: 4 Piyasadaki en değişken araçlardan biri olan altın ticareti, hassasiyet, derinlemesine analiz ve güçlü risk yönetimi gerektirir. CyNera Expert Advisor, bu unsurları kusursuz bir şekilde entegre ederek, optimum altın tica
AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX     MT4, Meta Trader 4 platformunda altın ticareti için basit ve etkili bir Uzman Danışmandır (EA). Yapay Sinir Ağlarını kullanan bu EA, altın piyasasında (XAU/USD) scalping yapmak için tasarlanmıştır. AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX'in ana stratejisi, küçük fiyat dalgalanmalarını belirlemeye ve kısa zaman dilimlerinde kar elde etmek için pozisyonlar açmaya odaklanır. EA, piyasa koşullarını gerçek zamanlı olarak analiz eder ve önceden tanımlanmış zarar durdurma ve kar alma s
Aura Neuron MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (3)
Aura Neuron, Aura serisi ticaret sistemlerini sürdüren özgün bir Uzman Danışmandır. Gelişmiş Sinir Ağları ve son teknoloji klasik ticaret stratejilerinden yararlanarak Aura Neuron, mükemmel potansiyel performansa sahip yenilikçi bir yaklaşım sunar. Tamamen otomatik olan bu Uzman Danışman, EURUSD ve XAUUSD (ALTIN) gibi döviz çiftlerinde işlem yapmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. 1999'dan 2023'e kadar bu çiftlerde tutarlı bir istikrar göstermiştir. Sistem, martingale, grid veya scalping gibi tehlikeli par
EvoTrade EA MT4
Dolores Martin Munoz
5 (1)
EvoTrade: Piyasadaki İlk Kendini Öğrenen Ticaret Sistemi EvoTrade’i tanıtayım. Bu, en son bilgisayarlı görme ve veri analizi teknolojileriyle geliştirilmiş benzersiz bir ticaret danışmanıdır. EvoTrade, piyasadaki ilk kendini öğrenen ticaret sistemi olup, gerçek zamanlı olarak çalışır. EvoTrade, piyasa koşullarını analiz eder, stratejileri ayarlar ve değişimlere dinamik bir şekilde uyum sağlayarak her ortamda olağanüstü bir hassasiyet sunar. EvoTrade, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) ve Gated Recurr
Bitcoin Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.81 (42)
The Bitcoin Robot  MT4 is engineered to execute Bitcoin trades with unparalleled   efficiency and precision . Developed by a team of experienced traders and developers, our   Bitcoin Robot   employs a sophisticated algorithmic approach (price action, trend as well as two personalized indicators) to analyze market and execute trades swiftly with   M5 timeframe , ensuring that you never miss out on lucrative opportunities.   No grid, no martingale, no hedging,   EA only open one position at the sa
Kapsamlı bir yaklaşımın özüdür ve ana hedefi, tüccar için minimum riskle uzun vadeli ve gerçekçi kazançlar sağlamaktır. Temel olarak ileri düzey ticaret konseptleri ve makine öğrenimi bir araya gelerek birbirini etkili bir şekilde güçlendirir. Bir diğer benzersiz özellik ise sistemin optimize edilmesine gerek olmamasıdır, çünkü bu işlev sunucularım tarafından yerine getirilmektedir. Güncellenmiş ayarlar günlük olarak Telegram kanallarımızda yayınlanmakta ve sistemi sürekli olarak en yüksek düze
The   AI Gen ProX   Expert Advisor is a powerful solution based on advanced market analysis and data processing technologies. Utilizing cutting-edge algorithms for time series analysis and complex mathematical models, it ensures high accuracy in forecasts and automates trading processes. The EA is designed to combine performance and reliability, making it an effective tool for trading.   Real Time Signal GEN PRoX:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2283186 The price of the advisor will increase si
Lo Thi Mai Loan
5 (2)
EA Gold Isis – Güvenli ve Etkili Bir Altın Ticaret Çözümü   Başlangıç promosyonu  Şu anki fiyatla yalnızca 3 kopya kaldı!  Sonraki fiyat: 458 $  Son fiyat: 1998 $  CANLI SİNYAL  MT5 sürümü   Merhaba! Ben EA Gold Isis, Diamond Forex Group ailesinin ikinci EA'sı olarak, altın (XAU/USD) ticareti için özel olarak tasarlandım. Olağanüstü özellikler ve güvenliğe odaklanan bir yaklaşım ile, tüccarlara sürdürülebilir ve etkili bir altın ticaret deneyimi sunmayı vaat ediyorum.   EA Gold Isis’i farklı
ChatGPT Turbo ile AI Destekli Teknoloji Infinity EA, GBPUSD ve XAUUSD için tasarlanmış gelişmiş bir ticaret Uzman Danışmanıdır. Güvenliğe, tutarlı getirilere ve sonsuz karlılığa odaklanır. Martingale veya grid ticareti gibi yüksek riskli stratejilere dayanan diğer birçok EA'nın aksine. Infinity EA, genel ticaret deneyiminizi olağanüstü kılmak için en son ChatGPT sürümü tarafından sağlanan makine öğrenimi, veri analitiği AI tabanlı teknoloji üzerine yerleştirilmiş sinir ağına dayalı disiplinli,
A Richter Expert is a professional market analyst working using a specialized algorithm. By analyzing prices over a specific time period, it determines the strength and amplitude of prices using a unique indicator system based on real data. When the trend and its direction change, the expert closes the current position and opens a new one. The bot's algorithms take into account signals about overbought and oversold markets. Buying occurs when the signal falls below a certain level and then rise
Alpha Flow EA: Ticaretinizi Yeni Zirvelere Taşıyın Alpha Flow EA , stratejik hassasiyet, mükemmel uyum ve gelişmiş piyasa analizi ile ticaret deneyiminizi dönüştürmek üzere tasarlanmış en son teknolojiye sahip bir ticaret danışmanıdır. Özel ticaret algoritmaları ve derin piyasa içgörüleriyle geliştirilen   Alpha Flow EA , çeşitli ticaret ortamlarında olağanüstü performans sunar ve piyasa trendlerinin bir adım önünde olmanıza yardımcı olur. Alpha Flow EA Canlı Ticaret Sinyalleri XAUUSD Sinyali:  
Supply Demand EA ProBot
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
5 (8)
Arz ve talep ilkelerine dayanan tam otomatik bir danışman . İlk defa tam otomatik arz ve talep danışmanları sunuyoruz . Ticaret artık daha kolay hale geldi ve artık ticaret stratejiniz üzerinde tam kontrole sahipsiniz. Kullanışlı bir grafik kontrol paneli kullanın. 15.000 satırdan fazla kodla en yüksek kalitede algoritmik ticaret yazılımına sahip olursunuz. EA Probot Arz ve Talep Kılavuzu Nesne Varlıklarıyla Ticaret Yapmanın En İyi Yolu sizi uzman bir tüccar olma yolunda her adımda zorlar. T
CoreX G MT4
Arseny Potyekhin
5 (7)
Genel Bakış CoreX G EA, Forex piyasasının karmaşıklıklarını ele almak üzere özel olarak tasarlanmış gelişmiş bir ticaret sistemidir. Son teknoloji sinir ağlarını, gelişmiş makine öğrenimi teknolojilerini ve entegre büyük veri stratejisini kullanarak CoreX G, ticarette olağanüstü doğruluk ve güvenlik sağlar. Bu Uzman Danışman (EA), teknolojik mükemmelliği ve premium müşteri desteği ile öne çıkarak, kullanıcıların herhangi bir soru veya endişelerinde her zaman yardımcı olunmasını sağlar. Sinyall
Synapse Trader: Ticarette yeni ufuklar açan bir sinir ağı Piyasayı sadece analiz etmekle kalmayıp, her gün öğrenen ve değişen piyasa koşullarına uyum sağlayan bir akıllı asistan haline gelen bir danışman hayal edin.   Synapse Trader , gelişmiş sinir ağı teknolojisine dayanan benzersiz bir araçtır ve piyasadaki en ince sinyalleri bile yakalayabilir. Bu sadece bir Uzman Danışman değil,   düşünen, tahmin eden ve gelişen bir canlı sinir ağıdır . Özel Teklif: Synapse Trader EA , tatil dönemi boyunca
Boring Pips MT4
Thi Thu Ha Hoang
4.73 (15)
Boring Pips EA'de %40 İNDİRİM – Sınırlı Teklif! Sadece $399 USD karşılığında 8 aktivasyon alın – Sadece 10 kopya mevcut! Neden Boring Pips EA? Kanıtlanmış Sonuçlar – 123 hafta boyunca izlenen sinyallerle %1000+ kâr Kolay Kurulum – Dakikalar içinde başlayın Tam Otomatik Bu fırsatı kaçırmayın! Güvenle ve hassasiyetle işlem yapın. Şimdi Boring Pips EA’nızı güvence altına alın! Çoğu uzman danışmanın neden canlı işlemlerde etkili olmadığını, mükemmel geri test performanslarına rağme
Dark Algo
Marco Solito
4.77 (56)
Last copy at 399$ -> next price 499$ Dark Algo  is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for Scalping Trading on Eurusd . This Expert Advisor is based on the latest generation of algorithm and is highly customizable to suit your trading needs.  If you   Buy this Expert   Advisor you can   write a feedback   at market and   get   a second EA for   Free , for More info contact me The basic strategy of this EA is built on a sophisticated algorithm  that allows it to identify and follow market trends . T
Stock Indexes EA is a sophisticated trading robot meticulously engineered to capitalize on the dynamics of the US30 . This expert advisor employs advanced algorithms and technical indicators to analyze market trends, identify potential entry and exit points, and execute trades with precision. A news filter has also been added to the robot, which prevents it from opening a position during important economic news , minimizing the risk. In robot, you can also specify the days and hours when the EA
EA (Uzman Danışman), piyasa New York seansı sırasında hareket etmeye başladığında (daha yüksek hacim) bir pozisyon açar. Bu şekilde, momentum hacim tarafından korunur ve yüksek bir olasılıkla hızlı bir şekilde Kar Al (Take Profit) seviyesine ulaşabiliriz. Sinyal (292%, 10% DD):   https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2274145 New York Seansı Sırasında Momentum Bazlı Giriş EA, düşük zaman dilimlerinde FVG'ler (Fair Value Gap) aracılığıyla gizli bir impuls tespit eder. Eğer impuls, New York seansı
Quantum Gold Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.82 (11)
Tanıtım       Kuantum Altın İmparatoru EA   , prestijli XAUUSD (GOLD ) çiftiyle işlem yapma şeklinizi değiştiren, çığır açan MQL5 uzman danışmanı! 13 yılı aşkın ticaret deneyimine sahip deneyimli tüccarlardan oluşan bir ekip tarafından geliştirilmiştir. ÖNEMLİ! Satın aldıktan sonra kurulum kılavuzunu ve kurulum talimatlarını almak için lütfen bana özel mesaj gönderin. ***Quantum Gold Emperor EA satın alın ve Quantum Trade EA'ya ücretsiz sahip olun!*** Daha fazla ayrıntı için özel olarak sorun
Tree Of Life EA is an fully automatic trading advisor which recognise patterns and trends in a highly accurate manner. It is designed to generate stable long-term gains while providing excellent risk management. After years of trading and testing, we have discovered spesific combinations of indicators and internal calculations that secure a solid foundation for a robust strategy. The main indicators Tree Of Life uses are the Moving Average and Stochastic. Together with internal calculations, ou
Gold One MT4
Habib Gholamali Heidari
3.3 (10)
Gold One  MT4 Forex'teki altın ticaret meraklılarına merhaba, En iyi altın trader'larının arasına katılabileceğiniz robotumuza hoş geldiniz. Forex piyasasında 20 yılı aşkın hassas deneyimle, son nesil ticaret robotumuzu gururla sunuyoruz. Özellikler:  Prop firma zorlukları için ideal. Küçük sermayeler dahil olmak üzere tüm hesap boyutlarına uygundur. Hiç   Grid ve   Hiç   Martingale %100 Tamamen otomatik Bu robot, alış ve satış noktalarını belirlemede eşsiz doğrulukla, altın için en son, yenil
CyNeron MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.8 (5)
CyNeron: Hassas Ticaret ve Yapay Zeka İnovasyonu Sinyaller :   CyNeron Kılavuz ve ayar dosyaları : Satın alma işleminden sonra benimle iletişime geçin, kılavuz ve ayar dosyalarını alın Fiyat : Satılan kopya sayısına bağlı olarak fiyat artar Mevcut kopyalar : 5 Yapay Zeka Destekli Anlık Analiz: Piyasada Bir İlk CyNeron, gelişmiş yapay zekayı yenilikçi bir ticaret yaklaşımıyla entegre eden piyasadaki ilk EA'dir, piyasa koşullarının ayrıntılı anlık görüntülerini yakalayarak ve işleyerek. Yapay zek
The Matrix Mind AI MT4
Pool Quintal Carlos Alejandro
The Matrix Mind AI: Forex Ticaretinde Yeni Bir Standart The Matrix Mind AI, Forex piyasasında fırsatları genişletmek için tasarlanmış yenilikçi bir ticaret danışmanıdır. Matris Faktörizasyon Modellerine dayanan bu sistem, piyasa verilerini derinlemesine analiz eder, gizli desenleri keşfeder ve strateji geliştirme için benzersiz fırsatlar sunar. Gerçek Sinyal: https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2277247 Fiyat Teklifi: İlk 7 kopya:   399 $ Sonraki fiyat:   499 $ The Matrix Mind AI'nin Ana Özell
DESCRIPTION With the CHAOS ALGO TRADING EA, You dont need anymore to guess prices direction, You can profit when prices move either in mark up or in mark down from the moment You activate the EA in Your trading account. The ALGO TRADING EA was created to fully automate the TRADING STRATEGY OF CHAOS, leaving the single TRADE OPEN and TRADE CLOSE to the EA, and keeping for the TRADER only the decision when to activate it or close it. The EA is best used in loops; so if USER activate it, and then
XG Gold Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.52 (27)
The XG Gold Robot MT4 is specially designed for Gold. We decided to include this EA in our offering after   extensive testing . XG Gold Robot and works perfectly with the   XAUUSD, GOLD, XAUEUR   pairs. XG Gold Robot has been created for all traders who like to   Trade in Gold   and includes additional a function that displays   weekly Gold levels   with the minimum and maximum displayed in the panel as well as on the chart, which will help you in manual trading. It’s a strategy based on  Price
Yazarın diğer ürünleri
News Trade EA MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
4.55 (11)
Birkaç yıldır kullandığım çok yararlı bir robotu tanıtıyorum. Hem yarı otomatik hem de tam otomatik modlarda kullanılabilir. Program, ekonomik takvim haberlerinde esnek ticaret ayarlarını içeriyor. Stratejiler test cihazında kontrol edilemez. Sadece gerçek bir iş. Terminal ayarlarında, haberler sitesini izin verilen URL'ler listesine eklemeniz gerekir. Servisler > Araçlar > Danışmanlar'a tıklayın. "Aşağıdaki URL'ler için WebRequest'e İzin Ver:" kutucuğunu işaretle. Aşağıdakini ekleyin (boşluğu
An automated trading system with smart entry/exit algorithms that uses grid and martingale techniques to maximize profits. The expert has monitoring with a long history for many months, since this system, like all my other experts, is focused on long-term growth: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/test-standart The best sets for currency pairs: GBPUSD, GBPCAD, EURJPY (timeframe М1). Download settings (sets):   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 Description of EA parameters in comment
The utility places trailing stop, breakeven, stop loss and take profit.‌ It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. In testing mode, the utility opens Buy or Sell positions on the first ticks, which allows you to visually observe the given logic, changing the utility parameters. In real mode, the utility does not open positions. Parameters magic  - magic number. If less than 0, positions with any magic number are tracked. only_this_symbol  - only chart symbol. If  false
GoldenScalp MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
4.2 (5)
Hello algo traders. This Expert Advisor can be considered the apogee of my activity in Forex. I managed to apply all my knowledge to the development of this trading system. The Expert Advisor trades on gold (XAUUSD), any timeframe (the same on any TF), the initial account balance is from $50. The following presets are available "GS default SL 001for100"   (same as default settings). Each position has several closing logics, including a hidden StopLoss, which is calculated individually for each
FrankoScalp MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
4.28 (29)
Tebrikler! Forex piyasasında en uzun süredir faaliyet gösteren uzmanın sayfasına girdiniz! İşte 5 yıldır işbu uzman hakkında konuşulmakta ve farklı üst düzeylerde bulunmaktadır. "FrankoScalp" uzmanının tartışma konusu istenilen Forex forumlarında bulunabilir ve fakat ancak mql5’de uzmanın orijinal yenilenmiş versyonu alınabilir, ayrıca müellif ile temasa geçilebilir ve "FrankoScalp" uzman danışmanın kullanıcılarının samimi topluluğuna katılabilirsiniz. Satın alma detayları Uzmanı satın alırken
Friday Monday
Konstantin Kulikov
5 (2)
This EA trades a weekly gap, opening trades on the Friday before the market close and closing trades on Monday morning. This strategy do not contain grid and martingale elements. I have been using this strategy for a long time with my "Breakthrough Strategy" EA. I intentionally did not over-optimize the sets for "Breakthrough Strategy", as they have been showing good results for a long time on a real account: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/395124   . Therefore, as an alternative or addition to
Hello friends. I wrote this utility specifically for use in my profile with a large number of Expert Advisors and sets ("Joint_profiles_from_grid_sets"   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 ). Now, in order to limit losses on the account, there is no need to change the "Close_positions_at_percentage_of_loss" parameter on each chart. Just open   one   additional chart, attach this utility and set the desired percentage for closing all trades on the account. The utility has the following fu
Hello friends. I wrote this utility specifically for use in my profile with a large number of Expert Advisors and sets ("Joint_profiles_from_grid_sets" https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 ). Now, in order to limit losses on the account, there is no need to change the "Close_positions_at_percentage_of_loss" parameter on each chart. Just open one additional chart, attach this utility and set the desired percentage for closing all trades on the account. The utility has the following function
The utility places trailing stop, breakeven, stop loss and take profit.‌ It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. In testing mode, the utility opens Buy or Sell positions on the first ticks, which allows you to visually observe the given logic, changing the utility parameters. In real mode, the utility does not open positions. Parameters magic   - magic number. If less than 0, positions with any magic number are tracked. only_this_symbol   - only chart symbol. If fals
The utility places virtual (hidden from your broker) trailing stop, breakeven, stop loss and take profit.‌ It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. In testing mode, the utility opens Buy or Sell positions on the first ticks, which allows you to visually observe the given logic, changing the utility parameters. In real mode, the utility does not open positions. Parameters magic   - magic number. If less than 0, positions with any magic number are tracked. only_this_sym
The utility places virtual (hidden from your broker) trailing stop, breakeven, stop loss and take profit.‌ It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. In testing mode, the utility opens Buy or Sell positions on the first ticks, which allows you to visually observe the given logic, changing the utility parameters. In real mode, the utility does not open positions. Parameters magic   - magic number. If less than 0, positions with any magic number are tracked. only_this_sy
The utility places stop loss and take profit for opened orders. It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. Parameters magic - magic number. If less than 0, orders with any magic number are processed. only_this_symbol - only chart symbol. If false , orders of any symbols are processed. Take_Profit - take profit (TP). If the value is less than 0, then TP does not change. If the value equal to 0, TP is nullified (removed); Stop_Loss - stop loss (SL). If the value is less t
Trailing by SAR
Konstantin Kulikov
5 (1)
Tracking positions using trailing on the Parabolic SAR indicator. It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. In testing mode, the utility opens Buy or Sell positions on the first ticks, which allows you to visually observe the given logic, changing the utility parameters. In real mode, the utility does not open positions. Parameters magic  - magic number. If less than 0, positions with any magic number are tracked. only_this_symbol  - only chart symbol. If  false , posi
Tracking positions using trailing on the Parabolic SAR indicator. It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. In testing mode, the utility opens Buy or Sell positions on the first ticks, which allows you to visually observe the given logic, changing the utility parameters. In real mode, the utility does not open positions. Parameters magic  - magic number. If less than 0, positions with any magic number are tracked. only_this_symbol  - only chart symbol. If  false , posi
Spread Record
Konstantin Kulikov
4 (3)
This utility allows to record the spread value to the file, which is equal to or greater than the value specified in the settings, at the specified time. The utility also displays useful information on the symbol's chart: current spread value in points, name of account holder, name of trading server, leverage, the size of the swap for buy orders, the size of the swap for sell orders, day of the week for accruing triple swap, the size of a point in the quote currency, the minimum allowed level of
Hello everyone, this is another utility that I wrote specifically for users using my profile with a large number of experts and sets ( https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/750723 ) . This utility is useful for working with a profile using grid strategies (averaging and martingale). As we know, such strategies periodically fall into a large drawdown and you need to be careful when opening averaging positions (do not open too many). In my profile, I use a limit of 3 positions for each EA, if this w
Hello everyone, this is another utility that I wrote specifically for users using my profile with a large number of experts and sets ( https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/750723 ) . This utility is useful for working with a profile using grid strategies (averaging and martingale). As we know, such strategies periodically fall into a large drawdown and you need to be careful when opening averaging positions (do not open too many). In my profile, I use a limit of 3 positions for each EA, if this w
Breakthrough Strategy
Konstantin Kulikov
4.46 (35)
Bu sistem çok sayıda setle çalışacak şekilde geliştirildi ve belirli bir süre sonra Cuma günü işlem kapanışında çalışırken kendini iyi gösterdi. Sonuç olarak, bu ticaret yönü, bu Uzman Danışman ile çalışmak için ana yön haline geldi. Farklı döviz çiftleri için 25 akım seti ve hızlı kurulum için bir profil vardır. Benim sinyalimi kullanarak Expert Advisor'ın istatistiklerini farklı döviz çiftleri için analiz edebilirsiniz. Bu stratejinin işlem süresinin özgüllüğü nedeniyle strateji test cihazı s
GridMartin Conqueror
Konstantin Kulikov
4.69 (13)
An automated trading system with smart entry/exit algorithms that uses grid and martingale techniques to maximize profits. The expert has monitoring with a long history for many months, since this system, like all my other experts, is focused on long-term growth: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/test-standart The best sets for currency pairs: GBPUSD, GBPCAD, EURJPY (timeframe М1). Download settings (sets):   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 Description of EA parameters in comment
Good Monday
Konstantin Kulikov
5 (8)
The expert trades at the opening of the market after the weekend, focusing on the price gap (GAP). Already developed sets are in the comments. At the same time, various options are available in the expert settings, allowing you to create your own unique sets yourself.  Download settings (sets):   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 Currency pairs for which the sets have been developed: GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURGBP, EURCHF, GBPCAD, GBPAUD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, CHFJPY, CADJPY,
GoldenScalp MT4
Konstantin Kulikov
4.25 (4)
Hello algo traders. This Expert Advisor can be considered the apogee of my activity in Forex. I managed to apply all my knowledge to the development of this trading system. The Expert Advisor trades on gold (XAUUSD), any timeframe (the same on any TF), the initial account balance is from $50. The following presets are available "GS default SL 001for100" (same as default settings). Each position has several closing logics, including a hidden StopLoss, which is calculated individually for each p
News Trade EA MT4
Konstantin Kulikov
4.38 (16)
Birkaç yıldır kullandığım çok yararlı bir robotu tanıtıyorum. Hem yarı otomatik hem de tam otomatik modlarda kullanılabilir. Program, ekonomik takvim haberlerinde esnek ticaret ayarlarını içeriyor. Stratejiler test cihazında kontrol edilemez. Sadece gerçek bir iş. Terminal ayarlarında, haberler sitesini izin verilen URL'ler listesine eklemeniz gerekir. Servisler > Araçlar > Danışmanlar'a tıklayın. "Aşağıdaki URL'ler için WebRequest'e İzin Ver:" kutucuğunu işaretle. Aşağıdakini ekleyin (boşluğu
Good Monday MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
4.5 (2)
The expert trades at the opening of the market after the weekend, focusing on the price gap (GAP). Already developed sets are in the comments. At the same time, various options are available in the expert settings, allowing you to create your own unique sets yourself.  Download settings (sets):   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 Currency pairs for which the sets have been developed: GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURGBP, EURCHF, GBPCAD, GBPAUD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, CHFJPY, CADJPY,
Bu sistem çok sayıda setle çalışacak şekilde geliştirildi ve belirli bir süre sonra Cuma günü işlem kapanışında çalışırken kendini iyi gösterdi. Sonuç olarak, bu ticaret yönü, bu Uzman Danışman ile çalışmak için ana yön haline geldi. Farklı döviz çiftleri için 25 akım seti ve hızlı kurulum için bir profil vardır. Benim sinyalimi kullanarak Expert Advisor'ın istatistiklerini farklı döviz çiftleri için analiz edebilirsiniz. Bu stratejinin işlem süresinin özgüllüğü nedeniyle strateji test cihazı s
Friday Monday MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
3.71 (7)
This EA trades a weekly gap, opening trades on the Friday before the market close and closing trades on Monday morning. This strategy do not contain grid and martingale elements. I have been using this strategy for a long time with my "Breakthrough Strategy" EA. I intentionally did not over-optimize the sets for "Breakthrough Strategy", as they have been showing good results for a long time on a real account: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/395124 . Therefore, as an alternative or addition to t
Teuling 2023.04.04 12:25 

Hi francoscalp worked al long time for me but since end januari I have a lot of losses. I use the settings with stoploss.

Konstantin Kulikov
Geliştiriciden yanıt Konstantin Kulikov 2023.07.06 13:01
Hi! The GBPAUD set is out of order, the settings have been updated: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929
Epsilon Hogas
Epsilon Hogas 2023.03.21 06:18 

Author support to his product is one of the best I could find in the market, and it got some up and down in the period and didn't blow my account with some net growth, I am grateful with it

lolodeth 2022.09.23 08:57 

At this moment, only Konstantin have EA to win in real. Always update it's necessary for the good quality of EA and satisfaction of customers. Never again i buy EA only signal on demo account or just backtest in sale page, only signal on real account. Thank you Konstantin.

Konstantin Kulikov
Geliştiriciden yanıt Konstantin Kulikov 2022.09.23 16:30
Thank you very much)
Kevin 2022.05.30 19:22 

Kullanıcı incelemeye herhangi bir yorum bırakmadı

Konstantin Kulikov
Geliştiriciden yanıt Konstantin Kulikov 2022.05.31 19:56
Of course, I answered in a comment and in a private message.
Ardjuna 2021.11.05 15:13 

Hi.... Traders, this is one of the best expert I have tried so for, I have been testing for months to see how was the strategy works, and how smart the expert in calculating the markets movement before entering the market. The result... ?my balance real account increase significant and always in positive zone.... you guys should need to have these experts. The experts have a very good accuracy when deciding to enter the market. In addition, the Author is a really nice man, and he always happy to help if you guys have any problems for the experts.

zhouhfdzpt11 2021.11.02 09:20 

It has been used for two months, a cost-effective EA, the author is also a professional and responsible person, and will help you at any time if you encounter difficulties.

Anton Goldberg
Anton Goldberg 2021.10.08 12:29 

Kullanıcı incelemeye herhangi bir yorum bırakmadı

Danny Jacques
Danny Jacques 2021.09.12 14:46 

Kullanıcı incelemeye herhangi bir yorum bırakmadı

iccapital 2021.03.22 00:48 

Ea always reevaluated. Good work

Edward Fx
Edward Fx 2021.03.03 21:17 

I've been using Franko Scalp since 2019 February.

At that time, I know nothing about forex and was very lucky to start with this product.

The big plus with FrankoScalp is the amount of effort that the author to keep up with market condition.

The amount of support that he's given to this product is stellar.

Yes, if you look at the surface that the product seems not doing well,

however, you can pick and choose on which the instruments and broker to maximize profitability.

A small tips:

1. Use VPS.

The delay in execution might be the difference between win and losing.

2. Get the MT5 version, at the time of my purchase, MT5 doesn't exists.

However, in the chat group, MT5 beats MT4 most of the time.

3. Join the telegram. You will learn many more about which pair to take, on which broker that FS works best and others.

Admins are very helpful of giving warning on when to stop the EA due to market condition.

Spent 5 mins a day to get extra profitability, why the heck not.

4. Always test the new setting with 0.01 and figure out whether it works for your condition.

Konstantin is great with creating new opportunities.

However, always test and verify whether it works with your setup.


1. You would need to spend effort figuring out what's best for you.

But once that setup, it takes little effort to maintain it.

Do follow the documentation to the tee and use the available resources or even contact the group in telegram.

The group is super helpful on getting you up to speed.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor 2021.03.02 17:26 

This scalper is great if you don't want to code your own, lots of settings to play with so you can optimize to most any market condition.

NikoSeneca 2021.03.02 12:14 

Great support after many years. It keeps improving day after day!

Vladimir Stronskiy
Vladimir Stronskiy 2021.02.24 08:57 

Excellent support for all products. The author is constantly improving his advisors. I'm happy with the work so far!

GalaxyFund 2021.02.24 08:25 

Very promising system, 5 stars!

sed351 2021.02.23 19:02 

I recently bought this expert, so it’s still hard to say anything specific. So far, the results are positive. However, I can rate the author of this product as a very responsible, friendly, and understanding person.

Ye Yang
Ye Yang 2021.02.23 00:27 

It's profitable in the long run

Patrick McCarthy
Patrick McCarthy 2021.02.22 10:44 

I've had mixed results so far since November. I've been a small bit unlucky as it hasn't been a good few months overall for Franko. But I'm hoping it to be very good in the long run. There is excellent support from the Telegram page, the administrators and the author are very helpful and available

Xiaolei Lu
Xiaolei Lu 2021.01.20 14:25 

Very solid EA! And very niccce author! I cant appreciate more!

Orwa Kerdiea
Orwa Kerdiea 2021.01.16 12:52 

Lose more than interest. Too expensive for the expected result

Konstantin Kulikov
Geliştiriciden yanıt Konstantin Kulikov 2021.01.16 13:30
There were no losing trades this year ( https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/17470#!tab=comments&page=101&comment=20210815 ). You need to make sure that you are using my sets/profiles in the settings. You can always contact me in a personal message.
azers 2020.12.03 23:44 

Kullanıcı incelemeye herhangi bir yorum bırakmadı

İncelemeye yanıt
Sürüm 4.2 2024.10.14
Conferences are equivalent to speeches for the news filter.
Sürüm 4.1 2024.09.03
News sites have become more stable (pay attention to the MT5 version, there is an MQL5 calendar there, which eliminates breakdowns).
The trading algorithm has been slightly improved.
Sürüm 4.0 2024.05.28
The site for the news filter has been changed. Find the new site in the product description and add it to the terminal settings.
Sürüm 3.9 2023.04.07
The news site is back up and running.
Added the ability to skip trading with a triple swap (Skip_Triple_Swap_Rollover = true).
Sürüm 3.8 2022.04.16
Fixed a bug in the calculation of "Multiplier_of_Min_minutes_pause" and "Multiplier_of_Min_pips_between_positions" parameters.
This update does not affect sets and profiles, the settings remain the same.

How to update in order not to reset the settings of Expert Advisors on open charts.
1) Save your current profile (tab "file" -> "profiles").
2) Switch to another profile (for example, the default profile).
3) Update the experts in the terminal (via the market).
4) Open your profile (saved in step 1).
This can be done even if you have open positions.
Sürüm 3.7 2022.02.16
Fixed news filter.
Sürüm 3.6 2022.02.13
The following has been added to the EA parameters.
1) Skip American holidays in the news filter - "Skip_American_Holidays".
2) Time not to close deals. The time at which only real TP and SL are valid.
By default, these parameters set the rollover hour time, so if you want to use it, then just Use_Not_Closing_Time=true.
3) Do not open deals on new currency pairs if there are 2 deals or more for some pair (you can set any number of deals): Total_deals_for_one_symbol_so_as_not_to_open_new_symbol = 2.
Sürüm 3.5 2021.12.04
◾Total_first_deals_of_line_magics_for_one_symbol - the maximum number of open positions for the current symbol with magic numbers from "Line_Magics"; valid for values greater than 0; this parameter limits the opening of the first position and does not limit the opening of averaging positions.
◾Total_first_deals_of_line_magics_for_all_symbols - the maximum number of open positions for all symbols with magic numbers from "Line_Magics"; valid for values greater than 0; this parameter limits the opening of the first position and does not limit the opening of averaging positions.
◾Line_Magics - line of magic numbers of positions; if empty, then the number of open positions is calculated for all (any) magic numbers.
Sürüm 3.4 2021.01.11
Fixed access bug version 3.3
Sürüm 3.3 2021.01.11
Updated link for news filter.
Sürüm 3.2 2020.10.17
An additional strategy with flexible parameter settings has appeared.

On/Off_Flexible_Strategy - a strategy with flexible configuration of parameters (Analysis_in_minutes, Entrance_Level, Exit_Level);
Comment_F - comment for "Flexible_Strategy";
Magic_F - magic number for "Flexible_Strategy";
Analysis_in_minutes - the number of minutes to analyze "Entrance_Level" and "Exit_Level" (value range: from 15 to 240);
Entrance_Level - "entry level" (value range: from 0 to 12); the more, the more stringent conditions for opening a position (the fewer positions);
Exit_Level - "exit level" (value range: from 0 to 12); the more, the more stringent conditions for closing a position (the positions are open longer);

Additional parameter for the "Grid" mode.
Close_positions_at_percentage_of_loss - percentage of floating loss from the balance at which all positions are closing; 0 - disabled;

Some parameters have been renamed.
Sürüm 3.1 2020.07.13
Code optimization, full copying from MT5 version to eliminate possible differences in trading by EA.
Sürüm 3.0 2020.05.08
1) Martin parameters added: Use_Grid_mode, Multiplier_of_trade_Lot, Signal_Only_for_First_Transaction.
2) Added HighLow filter.
3) The Minimum_Duration_for_deals parameter has also been added, allowing you to choose which positions the Minimum_Duration_of_deal_in_seconds parameter will apply to.
4) Some old parameters are changed or renamed.
Sürüm 2.9 2019.11.22
1) Added parameter:
"Total_open_for_Buy_and_Sell" - if Total_open_for_Buy_and_Sell=false, then Total_open_transactions is applied separately for Buy transactions and Sell transactions.
If Total_open_transactions=1 and Total_open_for_Buy_and_Sell=false,
it is possible to open one BUY transaction and one SELL transaction at the same time.
If Total_open_transactions=1 and Total_open_for_Buy_and_Sell=true,
it is possible to open only one transaction.

2) The news history for the strategy tester replaced by 2019 ("NewsFilter").
Sürüm 2.8 2019.04.30
1) Added the parameter "Close_Loss_only_by_SL" - closing of negative trades only by StopLoss (virtual or real).

2) The news history for the strategy tester is updated until May 19, 2019 ("NewsFilter").
Sürüm 2.7 2019.01.25
1) Added another type of calculation of the volume of trading lot.

2) The news history for the strategy tester is updated until January 26, 2019 ("NewsFilter").
Sürüm 2.6 2018.12.05
1) Optimization for the main currency pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, NZDUSD.

2) The news history for the strategy tester is updated until December 31, 2018 ("NewsFilter").

3) New parameter: Minimum_Pips_at_Profit - the minimum number of profit points for closing a positive transaction.
Sürüm 2.5 2017.11.21
1) "multiplier_of_trade_lot_for_opening_of_week" - lot multiplier for the EA trades during the market opening on Monday. (To reduce the risks, as this is the most unpredictable time.)
2) The log file with the EA operations ("Record_in_txt") can now be viewed at a time other than the time the EA is allowed to trade and when there are no trades opened by the EA. Without changing the "Record_Deals" parameter to "false", as before.
3) The history of news for the strategy tester is updated to November 14, 2017 ("NewsFilter").
Sürüm 2.4 2017.10.12
1) News archive till October 7, 2017 is added.
2) The option allowing to note jumps of spread on a chart.
Sürüm 2.3 2017.08.25
Parameters made more convenient for optimization.
Sürüm 2.2 2017.07.17
1. Additional parameter in the filter of news: "AllSpeaks".

2. The parameter limiting the minimum transaction lifetime: "not_close_transaction_number_second".

3. In the AUTO_PARAMETERS mode, it is possible to change all the parameters in the "Common Parameters" block.

4. Downloaded the news archive (1/1/2015 - 7/10/2017) for testing with the news filter enabled.
Sürüm 2.1 2017.06.09
1) Protection against gaps.
2) Skipping holidays.
3) Field for entering currencies in the filter of news.
4) Skipping the beginning and end of month.
Sürüm 2.0 2017.05.03
1) Block of parameters: "News Filter";
2) block of parameters: "Trailing Stop";
3) additional filter on an entrance to the transaction: "add_filter_of_entrance";
4) option of alternative settings at the included mode "AUTO_PARAMETERS": "Alternative_Set_at_AUTO".
Sürüm 1.9 2017.03.03
1) Additional options in the AUTO mode for quick control.
2) Ability to close a profitable transaction at any spread.
3) The internal improvements to prevent the EA incorrect operation in emergency.
Sürüm 1.8 2017.02.10
1) Improved the additional algorithm for closing transactions "use_Close_Analysis_Time=true".
2) Added the ability to select the trading direction (Buy or Sell).
Sürüm 1.7 2017.01.24
1) Internal optimization not related to trade logic.
2) Parameters of the maximum spread can be changed if AUTO_PARAMETERS=true.
Sürüm 1.6 2016.12.22
1) Functions regulating the opening of new orders relative to the already open orders.

2) The recommended currency pairs: EURCHF, USDCHF, GBPCHF, EURCAD, CADCHF, GBPCAD.
Sürüm 1.5 2016.12.06
1) Added ability to close open positions using FIFO rule; First In First Out. All positions that are opened within a particular currency pair are closed in the order in which they were originally opened.
2) Added option to record the EA information (opening/closing of positions), to a file for future analysis.
3) Ability to set a custom maximum opening spread and closing spread for BUY and SELL positions.
4) When back testing, a custom date can now be assigned for the beginning and end of DST (Daylight Savings Time) for more accurate back testing results.
5) Added the ability to limit open positions in time.
Sürüm 1.4 2016.10.24
1) Added the ability to set GMT_Offset based on the local computer time.
2) Added the ability to set the pause in the time interval for opening orders.
Sürüm 1.3 2016.09.26
1) Optimization for the following currency pairs is performed: EURJPY, USDJPY, EURAUD, AUDUSD.
2) The number of strategies is increased (more transactions).
3) Magic numbers and comments to strategies can now be set manually and in the AUTO mode.
Sürüm 1.2 2016.09.06
1) Strategy 2 and strategy 3 for currency pairs are optimized: EURGBP, EURCAD, USDCAD, GBPUSD, EURUSD.
2) Parameters are divided into two blocks for simplicity of setup:
◾MANUAL_PARAMETERS - block of parameters to be filled manually;
◾AUTOMATIC_PARAMETERS - block of parameters recommended to be set automatically (AUTO_PARAMETERS = true).
Sürüm 1.1 2016.08.19
Parameter is added: Use_safety_SL_and_TP - on/off use of safety Stop Loss and Take Profit for restriction of losses, in case of switch-off of the terminal for the long time (for those who aren't confident in the VPS server).
Safety_StopLoss = 2*StopLoss, Safety_TakeProfit = 1.2*TakeProfit.