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Delete Only Pending Orders

UZFX™ - MetaTrader 5 (MT5) için Sadece Bekleyen Emirleri Sil komut dosyası, bekleyen tüm emirleri (Alış Limiti, Satış Limiti, Alış Durdurma, Satış Durdurma) işlem hesabından otomatik olarak kaldıran basit ama etkili bir araçtır. Bu komut dosyası, aktif piyasa pozisyonlarını etkilemeden bekleyen emirlerini anında temizlemek isteyen tüccarlar için idealdir.

Bekleyen tüm emirleri siler (Alış Limiti, Satış Limiti, Alış Durdurma, Satış Durdurma).
Açık piyasa pozisyonlarını etkilemez.
Uzmanlar sekmesi aracılığıyla gerçek zamanlı uygulama geri bildirimi sağlar.
Yatırımcıların bekleyen emir stratejilerini manuel müdahale olmadan hızlı bir şekilde sıfırlamalarına yardımcı olur.
Kullanım şekli:
Komut dosyasını MT5 grafiğine ekleyin.
Komut dosyası, bekleyen tüm emirleri otomatik olarak tarayacak ve silecektir.
Silinen her emir için Uzmanlar sekmesinde bir onay mesajı görüntülenecektir.
Bu komut dosyası aktif işlemleri kapatmaz, yalnızca bekleyen emirleri kaldırır.
Komut dosyasını çalıştırmadan önce bekleyen tüm emirleri kaldırmak istediğinizden emin olun.
Yalnızca ekli grafikte değil, hesaptaki tüm işlem sembollerinde çalışır.
Geliştirici: Usman Zabir - UZFX
Sürüm: 1.00
Yıl: 2025
Önerilen ürünler
UZFX - MetaTrader 5 (MT5) için Marjin Gerekli ve Maksimum Lot Büyüklüğü komut dosyası, yatırımcıların 1 lotluk bir pozisyon açmak için gereken marjini hızlı bir şekilde belirlemelerine ve mevcut hesap özkaynaklarına göre işlem yapabilecekleri maksimum lot büyüklüğünü hesaplamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmıştır. Bu araç, risk yönetimi ve pozisyon boyutlandırma için gereklidir ve yatırımcıların işlemlerini verimli bir şekilde planlamalarına olanak tanır. Özellikler: Seçilen sembol üzeri
UZFX - MetaTrader 5 (MT5) için Tüm Açık Alış ve Satış Emirlerini Anında Kapat komut dosyası, yatırımcıların tüm aktif piyasa pozisyonlarını tek bir işlemle hemen kapatmalarını sağlayan güçlü bir araçtır. Bu komut dosyası, acil ticaret yönetimi için idealdir ve yatırımcıların yüksek volatilite, haber olayları veya strateji ayarlamaları sırasında piyasadan hızla çıkmalarına yardımcı olur. Özellikler Tüm sembollerdeki tüm açık Alış ve Satış pozisyonlarını kapatır. Doğru uygulama için en son Alış
NATS (Niguru Automatic Trailing Stop) will help you achieve more profits, by setting the trailing stop automatically. Pair this NATS application with EA, or can also be used as a complement to manual trading. A trailing stop is a powerful tool in trading that combines risk management and profit optimization.  A trailing stop is a type of market order that sets a stop-loss at a percentage below the market price of an asset, rather than a fixed number. It dynamically adjusts as the asset’s pric
MetaTrader 5 (MT5) için UZFX - Set Stop Loss to Breakeven Instantly komut dosyası, yatırımcıların tüm açık pozisyonların stop loss'unu hızlı bir şekilde giriş fiyatlarına taşımalarına ve risksiz işlemleri güvence altına almalarına olanak tanıyan güçlü bir araçtır. Bu komut dosyası, aktif işlemleri verimli bir şekilde yönetmek için özellikle yararlıdır ve bir pozisyon olumlu yönde hareket ettiğinde, tüccarın potansiyel kayıplardan korunmasını sağlar. Özellikler: Tüm açık pozisyonların Zararı D
UZFX - Grafikteki Tüm Çizim ve Nesneleri Anında Sil, tüm çizim nesnelerini aktif grafikten anında kaldırmak için tasarlanmış basit ama güçlü bir MetaTrader 5 (MT5) komut dosyasıdır. Bu komut dosyası, grafiklerini teknik analiz çizimlerinden, trend çizgilerinden, Fibonacci araçlarından, metin etiketlerinden ve diğer nesnelerden tek tek manuel olarak silmeden hızlı bir şekilde temizlemesi gereken tüccarlar için kullanışlıdır. Özellikler: Aktif grafikteki tüm nesneleri ve çizimleri siler. Tek b
Simple program i created, to help close all your orders instantly when you are busy scalping the market or if you want to avoid news days but still have a lot of orders and pending orders open and can't close them in time.. with this script all you're problems will be solved. Simple drag and drop and the script automatically does it's thing, quick and easy  also a very good tool to use when scalping
Trading Notes   is an innovative tool designed for traders to streamline their decision-making process by allowing them to write and display important reminders or short details directly over their trading charts. This essential feature ensures that traders have quick access to their personalized checklist before opening any positions, enhancing their trading efficiency and accuracy. MT4 Version -  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/120613 Key Features: Five Customizable Input Fields:   Trad
The MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox Demo is a special version of the fully functional MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox MT5 library. The demo version has no restrictions, however, unlike the fully functional version, it outputs data with a delay. The library provides access to the CFTC (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator sepa
K Trade Lib5
Kaijun Wang
2 (1)
MT4/5通用交易库(  一份代码通用4和5 ) #import "K Trade Lib5.ex5"    //简单开单    long OrderOpen( int type, double volume, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comment= "" , double opprice= 0 , double sl= 0 , double tp= 0 , int expiration= 0 , bool slsetmode= false , bool tpsetmode= false );    //复杂开单    void SetMagic( int magic, int magic_plus= 0 ); void SetLotsAddMode(int mode=0,double lotsadd=0);    long OrderOpenAdvance( int mode, int type, double volume, int step, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comm
MarketPro toolkit
Johannes Hermanus Cilliers
Start earning profits by copying All trades are sent by our successful Forex trader & are extremely profitable. You can earn profits by copying trades daily Trial Period included You'll also get access to extremely powerful trading education which is designed in a simple way for you to become a profitable trader, even if you have no trading experience. https://ec137gsj1wp5tp7dbjkdkxfr4x.hop.clickbank.net/?cbpage=vip
Axilgo PipPiper CoPilot
Theory Y Technologies Pty Ltd
5 (2)
Axilgo Pip Piper CoPilot Elevate your trading game with the Axilgo Pip Piper CoPilot, the first in our revolutionary Pip Piper Series. This all-inclusive toolset is meticulously crafted for serious traders, focusing on key areas such as Risk Management, Trade Management, Prop Firm Rule Compliance, and Advanced Account Management . With CoPilot, you’re not just investing in a tool—you’re gaining a strategic partner in the intricate world of trading. Important Notice: To ensure you receive the fu
Lib5 EAPadPRO for MT5
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.4 (5)
Library to add the Information Panel to your Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 5. We can not guarantee that the information and interface of the program will give you a profit on deals, but we will definitely say that even the simplest interface of the program can strengthen the first impression. Detailed description and instructions for adding our panel to your Expert Advisor are in our blog: LIB - EAPADPRO Step-by-step instruction Detailed description of our panel and instructions for using EAPADP
MACD Colored ZeroLag
Farzin Sadeghi Bonjar
4.4 (5)
It is the MQL5 version of zero lag MACD that was available for MT4 here: https://www.mql5.com/en/code/9993 Also there was a colored version of it here but it had some problems: https://www.mql5.com/en/code/8703 I fixed the MT4 version which has 95 lines of code. It took me 5 days to write the MT5 version.(reading the logs and testing multiple times and finding out the difference of MT5 and MT4!) My first MQL5 version of this indicator had 400 lines of code but I optimized my own code again and n
çalışma mantığı Stop Out yardımcı programı, Stop Out seviyesine kaç puan kaldığını gösteren basit ama çok kullanışlı bir göstergedir / Avantajı, birçok tüccarın kâr peşinde alım satım yaparken riski kasıtlı olarak fazla tahmin etmesi, mevcut marjı maksimumda kullanması ve bu durumda komisyoncunun pozisyonlarınızı zorla nerede kapatabileceğini bilmek çok önemlidir. Sadece göstergeyi grafiğe yerleştirin ve Al veya Sat'taki açık pozisyona bağlı olarak, bu işlem için fiyatın sınır işaretini graf
Second Level Candles And Alligator Indicators 每12秒产生一个K线,而且自带Alligator指标,对超短线选手交易非常有帮助。程序启动时可能不成功,是因为MT5 MqlTick 数据加载少的原因。可以通过修改显示的数据参数避免,比如display=100,程序正常之后再将参数调大 display=300 。如果数据不正常,也可以采用重新加载的方式解决。 如果您对这个指标有任何建议,请联系作者。  Second Level Candles And Alligator Indicators  produced a candle per 12 seconds,include Alligator, it's helpful to Short-Term Trading。You'd better reload the indicator every start MT5 or change display parameter to reslove data bug. Please attach author when  you had some su
Exp Assistant 5
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.75 (106)
Otomatik Ayarlama, zararı durdurma, kar alma, takip eden durdurma, başabaş seviyeleri, zararı   sanal olarak   durdurma ve kar almayı etkinleştirme. Exp Assistant,   pozisyonlarınızın bakımını organize etmenize yardımcı olacaktır. Uzman Danışman olarak adlandırılan bu program,   Gerçek veya Sanal'ı   otomatik olarak ayarlamak için tasarlanmıştır.       İşlem yaparken pozisyonlarınız için   Zararı Durdur ve Kar Al   seviyeleri. Expert Advisor'ın tüm işlemlerini grafik üzerinde yer alan kontrol pa
!! THE FIRST FREE NEURAL NETWORK EA WITH EXCELLENT AND REALISTIC RESULTS.!! Another beautiful work of art, guys you don't know the powerful creations that are created by my developer Nardus Van Staden. Check him out guys and gals, he is the real deal, an amazing person and a professional when it comes to coding and business, if you want work done!, hit him up! you can get in contact with him HERE . THE FOLLOWING PRODUCT IS A FREE VERSION OF A PAID VERSION THAT IS TO COME, PROFITS ARE GOING TO B
Exact Time — detailed time on the seconds chart. The utility shows the opening time of the selected candle. This is necessary when working with seconds charts. For example, it can be used on a seconds chart built using the " Seconds Chart " utility, which helps to build seconds chart in the MT5 terminal. Inputs Base corner — the chart corner to which an object Is attached. X distance — the horizontal distance from the chart corner. Y distance — the vertical distance from the chart corner. Text f
Active Symbol is a tool that works together with our Trade Panel. Since version 1.2 our panel can manage multiple symbols without having to open it in all of them, just one. This tool make this possible, because with it the actual or remote symbol information are saved for our Trade Panel to use. Remember to enable the panel control mode in the all symbols function. If you have some problemas with the shortcut buttons on chart on unpinned mode of Trade Panel try change the tickets digits option.
The CloseByPercentLossOrProfit Expert Advisor closes all positions as the total profit of loss for the entire account reaches a specified value. The profit or loss is specified as percentage of the account balance. In addition, the Expert Advisor can delete pending orders. Allow AutoTrading before running the Expert Advisor. Instructions: Run the Expert Advisor on the chart. Input parameters: Language of messages displayed (EN, RU, DE, FR, ES) - the language of output messages (English, Russian,
Introducing Grid Master MT5, your ultimate trading utility designed to revolutionize the management of single or multiple orders with unparalleled ease and effectiveness. Evaluation version of Grid Master MT5 Some limitations are applied: - Maximum of 3 open positions and 1 pending order per side (Buy/Sell) - Trailing Stop feature disabled - Economic calendar and news protection disabled - Trade event push notifications disabled Features: Clean and user friendly UI: With the benefits of fellow
Tetris for MT5
Taras Slobodyanik
3 (1)
The Tetris — the most famous time killer is now on MT. Game develops active logic, attention and speed of decision making. This is a classic version of the game, no frills, but you can still adjust the size of the glass, the scale of the game, the color of the figures, and the desired speed. The game is made as an indicator. Control Keys: 'W,A,S,D' or 'Cursor' or 'NumPad'. S — Start new game. C — Continue previous game. P — pause on / off. Space  — drop a figure. Esc — exit to menu.
BRIEF INTRODUCTION   : This Panel is made for Volatility 75 (1s) Index Synthetic indices instrument. It offers an ultimate and complete  auto trading with an optional money management Controls. This application is an automated panel who works on strategy tester. It is equiped with an automatic indicator attached in the bottom of the Panel.  There are another functionalities like   Martingale strategy   when the price reaches the   threshold level,   it triggers automatically when the control i
Show Pips for MT5
Roman Podpora
4.67 (21)
Bu bilgi göstergesi her zaman hesaptaki güncel durumdan haberdar olmak isteyenler için faydalı olacaktır. -   Daha kullanışlı göstergeler Gösterge, puan cinsinden kâr, yüzde ve para birimi gibi verilerin yanı sıra mevcut çiftin spreadini ve mevcut zaman diliminde çubuğun kapanmasına kadar geçen süreyi görüntüler. Bilgi satırını grafiğe yerleştirmek için birkaç seçenek vardır: Fiyatın sağında (fiyatın arkasında); Yorum olarak (grafiğin sol üst köşesinde); Ekranın seçilen köşesinde. Bilgi ayırıcı
AS Check MT5
Merit Christel Marie Mattsson
4 (1)
Welcome to my product page, glad you stopped by and I hope you find interest in this product which is completely free to use. There are certainly many other similar products but this is my version of one. AS Check   MT5  - Account and symbol informer utility compatible with  Meta Trader 5 With this software you quickly and easily extract information about your account and symbol. As this is a script and not an indicator or expert, the program runs once and detach itself from the chart and the i
It is just an alternative fibo lines. mt4 have is a very strange drawing of fibo lines, this utilites was written for mt4, but for mt5 it may not be particularly useful. A simple Box (Rectangle) graphic element with adjustable levels binding: it is possible to specify up to 17 custom levels, all rectangles on the chart with the given prefix in their name are processed. Levels are specified in % of the height of the rectangle. A convenient graphical element for analyzing charts by growth-correct
Growth Guard Indicator – The Backbone of Precision Monitoring Stay in control of your trading portfolio with dynamic insights into your external EAs’ performance. The Growth Guard Indicator is an essential tool designed to work seamlessly with the Growth Guard EA , providing real-time data on your external Expert Advisors’ (EAs) performance. With its unique rolling profit factor feature, the Growth Guard Indicator helps you monitor profitability over a customizable time frame, ensuring your port
Donchian Pro
Paulo Henrique Faquineli Garcia
5 (3)
The Donchian Channel Channels are among the most popular tools of technical analysis, as they visually convey to the analyst the limits within which most price movement tends to occur. Channel users know that valuable information can be obtained at any time, whether prices are in the central region of a band or close to one of the border lines. One of the best known techniques to explore these concepts is Bollinger Bands. However, John Bollinger was not the only one to research the application
Free automatic Fibonacci is an indicator that automatically plots a Fibonacci retracement based on the number of bars you select on the BarsToScan setting in the indicator. The Fibonacci is automatically updated in real time as new highest and lowest values appears amongst the selected bars. You can select which level values to be displayed in the indicator settings. You can also select the color of the levels thus enabling the trader to be able to attach the indicator several times with differe
Bu ürünün alıcıları ayrıca şunları da satın alıyor
Native Websocket
Racheal Samson
5 (5)
An   easy to use, fast,  asynchronous   WebSocket library  for MQL5. It supports: ws://   and   wss://  (Secure "TLS" WebSocket) text   and   binary   data It handles: fragmented message  automatically (large data transfer) ping-pong   frames  automatically (keep-alive handshake) Benefits: No DLL required. No OpenSSL installation required. Up to 128 WebSocket Connections from a single program. Various Log Levels for error tracing Can be synchronized to MQL5 Virtual Hosting . Completely native to
WalkForwardOptimizer MT5
Stanislav Korotky
3.63 (8)
WalkForwardOptimizer library allows you to perform rolling and cluster walk-forward optimization of expert advisers (EA) in MetaTrader 5. To use the library include its header file WalkForwardOptimizer.mqh into your EA source code, add call provided functions as appropriate. Once the library is embedded into EA, you may start optimization according to the procedure described in the User guide . When it's finished, intermediate results are saved into a CSV file and some special global variables.
If you're a trader looking to use Binance.com and Binance.us exchanges directly from your MetaTrader 5 terminal, you'll want to check out Binance Library MetaTrader 5. This powerful tool allows you to trade all asset classes on both exchanges, including Spot, USD-M   and COIN-M futures, and includes all the necessary functions for trading activity. With Binance Library MetaTrader 5, you can easily add instruments from Binance to the Symbols list of MetaTrader 5, as well as obtain information ab
Bu kütüphane, herhangi bir EA'nızı kullanarak işlemleri yönetmenize izin verecektir ve açıklamalarda belirtilen komut dosyası koduyla ve ayrıca tüm süreci gösteren videodaki demo örnekleriyle kendi başınıza yapabileceğiniz herhangi bir EA'ya entegrasyonu çok kolaydır. - Limit Ver, SL Limit Ver ve Kar Al Limit Emirleri - Market, SL-Market, TP-Market siparişlerini verin - Limit emrini değiştirin - Siparişi iptal et - Siparişleri Sorgula - Kaldıraç, marjı değiştir - Pozisyon bilgisini al ve
Here   is   the   English translation   of   your   description   for   the EA   (Expert   Advisor): --- This   is a   time -based   automatic trading   EA . It allows   you   to   set the   exact   time   for trading , down   to   the   second , and   specify the   maximum number   of   orders . You   can choose   to   place   either   buy   or   sell   orders . It   is possible to   set take   profit and   stop   loss   points . Additionally , you can   specify   how   long after   placing  
The library is used to develop automatic trading on Binance Futures Market from MT5 platform. Support Binance Futures USD-M and COIN-M Support Testnet mode Support all order types: Limit, Market, StopLimit, StopMarket, StopLoss and TakeProfit Automatically display the chart on the screen Usage: 1. Open MQL5 demo account 2. Download Header file and EA sample https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=17fWrZFeMZoSvH9-2iv4WDJhcyxG2eW17 Copy BinanceFutures.mqh to folder \MQL5\Include Copy  Bina
The library is dedicated to help manage your trades, calculate lot, trailing, partial close and other functions. Lot Calculation Mode 0: Fixed Lot. Mode 1: Martingale Lot (1,3,5,8,13) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 2: Multiplier Lot (1,2,4,8,16) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 3: Plus Lot (1,2,3,4,5) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 4: SL/Risk Lot calculate based on s
MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox is a special library that provides access to CFTC (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator separately. Instead, you can obtain a single set of all 34 indicators including additional indicators that are not available as separate versions. The library supports all types of reports, and prov
This is a simplified and effective version of the library for walk forward analysis of trading experts. It collects data about the expert's trade during the optimization process in the MetaTrader tester and stores them in intermediate files in the "MQL5\Files" directory. Then it uses these files to automatically build a cluster walk forward report and rolling walk forward reports that refine it (all of them in one HTML file). Using the WalkForwardBuilder MT5 auxiliary script allows building othe
Order Book, known also as Market Book, market depth, Level 2, - is a dynamically updated table with current volumes of orders to buy and to sell specific financial instument at price levels near Bid and Ask. MetaTrader 5 provides the means for receiving market book from your broker, but in real time only, without access to its history. The library OrderBook History Library reads market book state in the past from archive files, created by OrderBook Recorder . The library can be embedded into you
Cryptocurrency analysis has never been easier with Crypto Charts for MetaTrader 5. Now, trading on BitMEX has never been easier with BitMEX Trading API for MetaTrader 5. BitMEX Trading API library was built to be as easy to use as possible. Just include the library into your Expert Advisor or Script, call the corresponding methods and start trading! Features Trade on BitMEX and BitMEX Testnet. Build and automate your strategies. Concern more with the trading strategy logic and less with the co
Teclado trader, é uma BIBLIOTECA que você pode chamar no OnChartEvent para abrir posição de compra/venda/zerar, os botões padrões são: V = venda C = compra Z = zerar posições a mercado S = zerar posições opostas e depois a mercado X = zerar posições opostas Além da função de teclado, é possível mostrar os estados do ExpertAdvisor usando o MagicId, com informação de: lucro mensal, semanal, diario, e posição aberta, para isto use o OnTick, ou qualquer outro evento (OnTimer / OnTrade / OnBookEven
Goliath Mt5
Nicolokondwani Biscaldi
Goliath MT5 - scalper fully automated Expert Advisor for medium-volatile forex markets P roperties: The Library trades 10 currency pairs (USDCHF, EURCHF, EURGBP, AUDUSD, USDCAD, GBPUSD, EURUSD, NZDUSD, CADCHF, EURAUD, EURCAD, AUDJPY) The Library does not use martingale The Library sets a fixed stop loss and take profit for all orders The Library only trades a user input volume The Library can be installed on any currency pair and any timeframe Recommendations: Before using on a real account, t
Binance Library
Hadil Mutaqin SE
5 (1)
The library is used to develop automatic trading on Binance Spot Market from MT5 platform. Support all order types: Limit, Market, StopLimit and StopMarket Support Testnet mode Automatically display the chart on the screen Usage: 1. Open MQL5 demo account 2. Download Header   file and EA sample   https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1kjUX7Hyy02EiwTLgVi8qdaCNvNzazjln Copy Binance.mqh to folder \MQL5\Include Copy  BinanceEA-Sample.mq5 to folder \MQL5\Experts 3. Allow WebRequest from MT5
Gold plucking machine   Gold plucking machine is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading gold. The operation is based on opening orders using the Fast and Slow lines indicator, thus the EA works according to the "Trend Follow" strategy, which means following the trend. Use grid strategy to place orders without stop loss operation, so please make sure the account has sufficient funds. magic number      -  is a special number that the EA assigns to its orders. Lot Multiplier        - 
Gold plucking machine S   Gold plucking machine  S Gold plucking machine S   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading gold. The operation is based on opening orders using the Fast and Slow lines indicator, thus the EA works according to the "Trend Follow" strategy, which means following the trend. Use grid strategy to place orders without stop loss operation, so please make sure the account has sufficient funds. magic number        -  is a special number that the EA assigns to its
MT4/5通用交易库(  一份代码通用4和5 ) #ifdef __MQL5__      #define KOD_TICKET ulong      #define KOD_MAGIC   long #else        #define KOD_TICKET long      #define KOD_MAGIC   int #endif class ODLIST; #import "K Trade Lib Pro 5.ex5"       //祝有个美好开始,运行首行加入    void StartGood() ;    //简单开单    long OrderOpen( int type, double volume, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comment= "" , double opprice= 0 , double sl= 0 , double tp= 0 , int expiration= 0 , bool slsetmode= false , bool tpsetmode= false );    //复杂开单
1. What is this The MT5 system comes with very few optimization results. Sometimes we need to study more results. This library allows you to output more results during backtest optimization. It also supports printing more strategy results in a single backtest. 2. Product Features The results of the optimized output are quite numerous. CustomMax can be customized. The output is in the Common folder. It is automatically named according to the name of the EA, and the name of the same EA will be au
T5L Library is necessary to use the EAs from TSU Investimentos, IAtrader and others. It contains all the functions framework needed to Expert Advisors working properly.  ツ - The Expert Advisors from  TSU Investimentos does not work without this library,  the T5L library can have updates during the year - At this Library you will find several funcionalities like order sends, buy and sell, trigger entry points check, candlestick analyses, supply and demmand marking and lines, and much more. 
AO Core
Andrey Dik
3 (2)
AO Core is the core of the optimization algorithm, it is a library built on the author's HMA (hybrid metaheuristic algorithm) algorithm. Pay attention to the MT5 Optimization Booster product , which makes it very easy to manage the regular MT5 optimizer . An example of using AO Core is described in the article: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/14183 https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/756510 This hybrid algorithm is based on a genetic algorithm and contains the best qualities and properties of p
EA Toolkit
Esteban Thevenon
EA Toolkit   is a library that allows any developer to quickly and easily program Advisor experts. It includes many functions and enumerations such as trailing stop, lot, stop loss management, market trading authorisations, price table updates, trading conditions and many more. Installation + Documentation : You will find all the information to install this library and the documentation of its functions on this GitHub : https://github.com/Venon282/Expert-Advisor-Toolkit WARNING : The installat
Bu kitaplık, anahtar ve değer dizilerini sıralamak için kullanılır, genellikle değerleri sıralamamız gerekir. piton dilinde olduğu gibi sorted(key_value.items(), key = lambda kv:(kv[ 1 ], kv[ 0 ])) içe aktarma işlevi Kullanım senaryoları örneği 1. Izgara EA siparişleri açılış fiyatına göre sıralanır void SortedByOpenPride()   {    long     OrderTicketBuffer[];    double   OpenPriceBuffer[];    for ( int i = PositionsTotal ()- 1 ; i>= 0 ; i--)      {        if (m_position.SelectByIndex(i))  
Intro to Range Breakout Strategy (pre-close clearance) Range = yesterday high - Yesterday low On track = opening price + range *k; Lower rail = Open price - range *K Stop-loss closing position: When the price breaks up the upper track or breaks down the lower track, it breaks the opening price of the day again Parameters: Pairs List (comma separated)       = "GBPUSD,GBPJPY,USDJPY,XAUUSD,XTIUSD,USTEC"; - TimeFrame = PERIOD_D1; - MagicNumber      = 60037;          - OrderComment     = "RangeBrea
Want to get all events like Previous/Forecast/Actual values for each news to analyze/predict it? By this simple library you can do it easily,Just import/integrate the library into your system,then get all possible values for each news   Even In Strategy Tester   . Note: Please add the address " https://www.forexfactory.com/ " of news feed at your MT5 tab > Tools > Options > Expert Advisors > Check Allow web request for listed URL. Since the WebRequest() function can't be called from indicator ba
A Simple Moving Average (SMA) is a statistical indicator used in time series analysis. This indicator represents the arithmetic mean of a sequence of values over a specific period of time. SMA is used to smooth short-term fluctuations in data, helping to highlight the overall trend or direction of changes. This aids analysts and traders in better understanding the general dynamics of the time series and identifying potential trends or changes in direction.  More information you can find in Wiki 
Hello everyone! I am a professional MQL programmer , Making EAs, Indicators and Trading Tools for my clients all over the world. I build 3-7 programs every week but I seldomly sell any ready-made Robots. Because I am fastidious and good strategy is so few...  this EA is the only one so far I think its good enough to be published here.  As we all know, the Ichimoku indicator has become world popular for decades, but still, only few people knows the right way of using it, and if we check the clo
Applying these methods, I managed to arrive at a nuanced conclusion that is crucial to understanding the importance of unique strategies in contemporary trading. Although the neural network advisor showed impressive efficiency in the initial stages, it proved to be highly unstable in the long run. Various factors such as market fluctuations, trend changes, external events, etc. cause its operation to be chaotic and eventually lead to instability. With these experiences, I accepted the challenge
Introducing "TG Risk Service Manager" — your comprehensive toolkit for swift and precise risk management and lot size calculations in the dynamic world of trading. Designed to streamline development processes and enhance trading strategies, this indispensable library equips developers with essential tools for optimizing risk assessment and trade profitability. Metatrader4 Version |  All Products  |  Contact   Key Features: Efficient Lot Size Calculation : Harness the power of precise lot size c
Introducing "TG Trade Service Manager" — your all-in-one solution for seamless trade management in both MQL4 and MQL5 environments. With a focus on speed, reliability, and convenience, this powerful library simplifies the complexities of trade execution and management, empowering developers with a single interface for enhanced efficiency. Metatrader4 Version   |   All Products   |   Contact   Key Features: Unified Interface : TG Trade Service Manager" provides a unified interface for   MQL4   an
The following library is proposed as a means of being able to use the OpenAI API directly on the metatrader, in the simplest way possible. For more on the library's capabilities, read the following article: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/756098 The files needed to use the library can be found here: Manual IMPORTANT: To use the EA you must add the following URL to allow you to access the OpenAI API as shown in the attached images In order to use the library, you must include the following Hea
Yazarın diğer ürünleri
UZFX - MetaTrader 5 (MT5) için Tüm Açık Alış ve Satış Emirlerini Anında Kapat komut dosyası, yatırımcıların tüm aktif piyasa pozisyonlarını tek bir işlemle hemen kapatmalarını sağlayan güçlü bir araçtır. Bu komut dosyası, acil ticaret yönetimi için idealdir ve yatırımcıların yüksek volatilite, haber olayları veya strateji ayarlamaları sırasında piyasadan hızla çıkmalarına yardımcı olur. Özellikler Tüm sembollerdeki tüm açık Alış ve Satış pozisyonlarını kapatır. Doğru uygulama için en son Alış
MetaTrader 5 (MT5) için UZFX - Set Stop Loss to Breakeven Instantly komut dosyası, yatırımcıların tüm açık pozisyonların stop loss'unu hızlı bir şekilde giriş fiyatlarına taşımalarına ve risksiz işlemleri güvence altına almalarına olanak tanıyan güçlü bir araçtır. Bu komut dosyası, aktif işlemleri verimli bir şekilde yönetmek için özellikle yararlıdır ve bir pozisyon olumlu yönde hareket ettiğinde, tüccarın potansiyel kayıplardan korunmasını sağlar. Özellikler: Tüm açık pozisyonların Zararı D
UzFx-Total TP'SL & Timer-MT5 göstergesi, tüm açık ve bekleyen işlemlerde toplam Kar Al (TP) ve Zararı Durdur (SL) değerlerinin gerçek zamanlı takibini sağlamak için tasarlanmıştır. Ek olarak, mevcut mumun kapanması için kalan süreyi göstermek için bir mum geri sayım sayacı içerir. Diğer Tüm Ürünlere Göz Atın --> BURADA Temel Özellikler: Toplam TP ve SL Hesaplaması: Tüm aktif işlemlerden ve bekleyen emirlerden beklenen toplam kar ve zararı otomatik olarak hesaplar. Mum Zamanlayıcı: Mevcut m
UZFX - Grafikteki Tüm Çizim ve Nesneleri Anında Sil, tüm çizim nesnelerini aktif grafikten anında kaldırmak için tasarlanmış basit ama güçlü bir MetaTrader 5 (MT5) komut dosyasıdır. Bu komut dosyası, grafiklerini teknik analiz çizimlerinden, trend çizgilerinden, Fibonacci araçlarından, metin etiketlerinden ve diğer nesnelerden tek tek manuel olarak silmeden hızlı bir şekilde temizlemesi gereken tüccarlar için kullanışlıdır. Özellikler: Aktif grafikteki tüm nesneleri ve çizimleri siler. Tek b
UZFX - MetaTrader 5 (MT5) için Marjin Gerekli ve Maksimum Lot Büyüklüğü komut dosyası, yatırımcıların 1 lotluk bir pozisyon açmak için gereken marjini hızlı bir şekilde belirlemelerine ve mevcut hesap özkaynaklarına göre işlem yapabilecekleri maksimum lot büyüklüğünü hesaplamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmıştır. Bu araç, risk yönetimi ve pozisyon boyutlandırma için gereklidir ve yatırımcıların işlemlerini verimli bir şekilde planlamalarına olanak tanır. Özellikler: Seçilen sembol üzeri
UzFx-Total TP'SL & Timer-MT4 göstergesi, tüm açık ve bekleyen işlemlerde toplam Kar Al (TP) ve Zararı Durdur (SL) değerlerinin gerçek zamanlı takibini sağlamak için tasarlanmıştır. Ek olarak, mevcut mumun kapanması için kalan süreyi göstermek için bir mum geri sayım sayacı içerir. Diğer Tüm Ürünlere Göz Atın --> BURADA Temel Özellikler: Toplam TP ve SL Hesaplaması: Tüm aktif işlemlerden ve bekleyen emirlerden beklenen toplam kar ve zararı otomatik olarak hesaplar. Mum Zamanlayıcı: Mevcut m
The   UZFX - Set Stop Loss to Breakeven Instantly   script for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is a powerful tool that allows traders to quickly move the stop loss of all open positions to their entry price, securing risk-free trades. This script is particularly useful for managing active trades efficiently, ensuring that once a position moves favorably, the trader is protected from potential losses. Checkout All Other Products -->  HERE Features: Automatically sets the   Stop Loss   of all open positions
UzFx-Local Currency Converter-MT5, değişken ve günlük kar ve zararlarını (P&L) hem USD hem de yerel para birimi cinsinden takip etmek isteyen yatırımcılar için tasarlanmış güçlü ve kullanımı kolay bir göstergedir. Bu araç, kullanıcı tanımlı bir döviz kuru kullanarak gerçek zamanlı dönüşüm sağlar ve yatırımcıların işlem performanslarını daha etkili bir şekilde görselleştirmelerine yardımcı olur. Diğer Tüm Ürünlere Göz Atın --> BURADA Temel Özellikler Gerçek Zamanlı Değişken K&Z Takibi - Çal
The   UZFX - Close All Open Buy & Sell Orders Instantly   script for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is a powerful tool that enables traders to   immediately close all active market positions   with a single execution. This script is ideal for emergency trade management, helping traders quickly exit the market during high volatility, news events, or strategy adjustments. Checkout All Other Products -->  HERE Features: Closes   all open Buy and Sell positions   across all symbols. Uses the latest   Bid/Ask
The   UZFX - Delete All Drawing and Objects on Chart Instantly   is a simple yet powerful MetaTrader 4 (MT4) script designed to instantly remove all drawing objects from the active chart. This script is useful for traders who need to quickly clear their charts from technical analysis drawings, trend lines, Fibonacci tools, text labels, and other objects without manually deleting them one by one. Checkout All Other Products -->  HERE Features: Deletes all objects and drawings on the active char
UzFx-Local Currency Converter-MT4, değişken ve günlük kar ve zararlarını (P&L) hem USD hem de yerel para birimi cinsinden takip etmek isteyen yatırımcılar için tasarlanmış güçlü ve kullanımı kolay bir göstergedir. Bu araç, kullanıcı tanımlı bir döviz kuru kullanarak gerçek zamanlı dönüşüm sağlar ve yatırımcıların işlem performanslarını daha etkili bir şekilde görselleştirmelerine yardımcı olur. Diğer Tüm Ürünlere Göz Atın --> BURADA Temel Özellikler Gerçek Zamanlı Değişken K&Z Takibi - Çal
The   UZFX - Delete Only Pending Orders   script for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is a simple yet effective tool that automatically removes all   pending orders   (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Stop) from the trading account. This script is ideal for traders who want to clear their pending orders instantly without affecting active market positions. Checkout All Other Products -->  HERE Features: Deletes all   pending orders   (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Stop). Does   not   affect open
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