ST Trades2Chart MT4
- Yardımcı programlar
- Irek Gilmutdinov
- Sürüm: 1.2
- Güncellendi: 7 Şubat 2022
The utility displays information about performed trades on the current chart. The account history as well as a separate file can be used as a data source. The file format is set manually or selected from available templates.
- Source - where to take data from, from_History - account history, from_File - csv file.
- File Name - file name. The file has to be located at ..\MQL4\Files\ directory of the terminal.
- File Format - select the file format from the list: MQ_Signals - file of trades from the "Signals" section of, Myfxbook - file of trades from , Manual - manual setting.
- Manual format - specify the format in case of manual setting. Enumerate fields in the order they are given in the file. Fields:
- ОТ - opening time;
- OP - open price;
- CT - closing time;
- CP - close price;
- N - order ticket;
- S - order currency;
- D - order type;
- L - lot size;
- SL - stop loss level;
- TP - take profit level.
Six of these fields (bold font) are obligatory for plotting a close order. NB: in the absence of CT and CP fields the script will consider orders as opened.
Fields must be split up by a separator which shall be the same for all fields. You can omit unwanted fields using the separator several times.
- Date format - format of the date used in the file.
- Time shift (hrs) - time shift of trades (hours), used if there is a lag time towards the data source.
Prompt response and resolution. Keep up the good work. Thank you.