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MetaTrader 5 için ücretli teknik göstergeler - 26

icon Teknik göstergelerden gelen sinyaller, borsa ve forex piyasalarında işlemler açılması ve kapatılmasında çok önemli bir rol oynar. Göstergeler, fiyat değişikliklerini tahmin etmeyi amaçlayan, finansal sembol fiyatının matematiksel dönüşümüdür. Piyasa davranışını daha iyi tahmin etmek ve bundan kâr elde etmek için teknik göstergeleri test edin.
Sentiment Liner This is a steroidised Daily-Weakly-Monthly high-low and open, must have indicator. With this stuff user can determine the average of (daily-weakly-montly) open levels. 4 example: if you in day mode switch the average to 5, you get the 5 day sentiment. In weakly mode turn the average to 4, than you get the 4 weak sentiment,...so on. Naturally one can us as a simple day-week-month high and low indikator. S1: high S2: low Pivot: open, Average: averager
Gösterge şunları gösterir (isteğe bağlı): Spearman'ın sıra korelasyon katsayısı, Pearson'ın doğrusal korelasyon katsayısı, Kendall'ın sıra korelasyon katsayısı ve Fechner'in işaret korelasyon katsayısı. Bu osilatör, fiyat aşırı alım ve aşırı satım seviyelerinin ötesine geçtiğinde olası piyasa dönüş noktalarını gösterir. Elde edilen değerlerin ek filtrelenmesi için 4 yöntem vardır: basit, üstel, düzleştirilmiş, doğrusal ağırlıklı. Bar kapatıldıktan sonra değerler sabitlenir ve yeniden boyanmaz.
VWAP Stdev Bands
Diogo Martins De Souza
1 (1)
This indicator plots VWAP  with 4 Standard Deviation bands.  In finance, volume-weighted average price (VWAP) is the ratio of the value traded to total volume traded over a particular time horizon (usually one day). It is a measure of the average price at which a stock is traded over the trading horizon. VWAP is often used as a trading benchmark by investors who aim to be as passive as possible in their execution. Many pension funds, and some mutual funds, fall into this category. The aim of usi
Forex is the most liquid market in the world. For this reason real volumes are not available. Some indicators use the number of ticks, in other cases the broker can supply volumes informations but they will be only data about that broker. Volumes are important becase they will form the price and volatility of the market. Using an algorithm this indicator can give you a very good approximation of the volumes for each candle. How to read the indicators? This version provides you many visualizati
*Non-Repainting Indicator Bruce Webb Explains How To Use Bruce's Price Predictor In Detail And Free Forex Strategy  https://youtu.be/hfoB1tZZpTo Bruce's Price Predictor is an indicator that shows precise price reversals. A great arsenal to add to any chart.  Bruce's Price Predictor points price reversals with high degree of accuracy and it is great for scalping on the 1min time frame, Or swing trading on the 1hr time frame. Buy and sell arrows are shown on the chart as for entry signals. They do
Индикатор строит канал Раффа на основе линейной регрессии. Красная линия тренда может использоваться для принятия решения о покупке или продаже внутрь канала при подходе цены к ней. Настройками можно задать ширину канала по коэффициенту отклонения от базовой линии или по максимальному и минимальному экстремуму. Так же можно включить продолжение канала вправо от текущих цен. Индикатор канала регрессии Раффа – удобный инструмент, значительно облегчающий работу современного трейдера. Он может быть
Bearish/Bullish divergent bar . One of the signals of the "Trade Chaos" system of Bill Williams. (First wiseman) When bar moving away from the  "Alligator" indicator and there is divergence on the Awesome Oscillator indicator, it shows a potential point of movement change. It is based on the opening/closing of the bar, the position relative to the previous ones, the Alligator and AO. When trading, the entrance is at the breakthrough of the bar(short trade - low of bar, long trade high of bar), a
Forex Driver is a great tool for detecting peaks and valleys on a chart. This indicator uses a modified peak and trough detection algorithm. This algorithm includes the Fractals indicator and the ZigZag indicator. This tool should be used to analyze peaks and valleys, as well as to detect patterns, or for other purposes. You can use this powerful tool for your own purposes at your own risk.
MTF MultiMeter5
Benefits: A new and innovative way of looking across multiple timeframes and multiple indicators on any chart. Provides instant multi-timeframe analysis of any market. i.e. forex currency pairs, cryptocurrency pairs, commodities, etc. It offers precise indications across multiple timeframes of volatility as measured by RSI, ADX and STOCH within one chart. Helps you determine high probability trading setups. See example strategy in comments. Can see bullish/bearish volatility building across mult
Price Control
Vitalii Zakharuk
The Price Control indicator determines a short-term and long-term trend. The analysis is based on the selected timeframe. The indicator shows the points of opening deals for sale or purchase, and also indicates the direction of the trend at: Short term Long term The indicator not only signals an immediate purchase or sale. It indicates a short-term and long-term trend. The indicator allows you to examine in more detail the real and historical market trends!
One of the Best Volume Indicators, with the addition of a Moving Average for weighting volume over time average. If the "Current Candle" Volume is X% greater than the Moving Average value, we will have a sign of increasing volume. It can be a sign of Beginning, Continuity, Reversal or Exhaustion of the Movement. Fully configurable and all options open, you can color and set ALL values as you see fit. The 'Volume Break' shows volume bars in the same color as the candlestick, in addition to b
Learning to trade on indicators can be a tricky process. Volatility Index indicator makes it easy by reducing visible indicators and providing signal alerts Entry and Exiting the market made possible through signal change  Works well with high time frame to reduce market noise simplicity in trading guarantees success and minimal losses Our system creates confidence in trading in case of any difficulties or questions please send message
Price Surfing MT5
Andrey Tatarinov
5 (2)
The advantage of the Price Surfing indicator is the search algorithm for the extremes of the price of the instrument. Most indicator signals are located at  local maximums  and  minimums  of the price . For the convenience of the trader, the potential profit of each signal is displayed on the chart. The indicator does not repainting, the signal appears after the bar is closed. MT4 version  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/46054 Parameters SendAlert - enable alert of a new signal SendEMail
PVA Color Candle
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Several techniques use volume as an important point in the trade. Whether to indicate strength, exhaustion, pullback weakness, among others. In chief I quote Richard Wyckoff's theory, which said about the importance of looking price and volume. However, there are several possibilities to filter what is volume that should be noticed. PVRSA/PVA users use an indicator with specific colors, which assist in identifying the volume and type of movement that the price has made. Will the high volume
Several techniques use volume as an important point in the trade. Whether to indicate strength, exhaustion, pullback weakness, among others. In chief I quote Richard Wyckoff's theory, which said about the importance of looking price and volume. However, there are several possibilities to filter what is volume that should be noticed. PVRSA/PVA users use an indicator with specific colors, which assist in identifying the volume and type of movement that the price has made. Will the high volume
Sinal RSI
Gabriel Delucis Maciel
Signal RSI printa no gráfico os melhores momentos de entrada segundo o indicador RSI. No gráfico aparecerá uma seta indicando o momento e a direção de entrada para a operação. O encerramento da operação se dá ao atingir o lucro esperado ou o stop. Se estiveres com uma operação aberta e aparecer outra seta de sentido inverso, inverta a mão e aproveite!  Amplamente testado em gráficos de mini índice e mini dólar, bem como ações e FIIs. Gráficos recomendados: 5, 10, 15 min.
The ZigZagMozart indicator is based on the calculation of the advanced ZigZag. Displays trend break points (white squares), resulting points (yellow circles), flat zones (purple dots). The only indicator parameter: “ pivot in points ” - the minimum shoulder between the peaks of the indicator. The indicator uses market analysis based on the strategy of the famous modern trader Mozart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcXvUmvr0mY. ZigZagMozart - works on any currency pairs. If the parameter “pivo
Recommended TimeFrame >= H1. 100% Non Repainted at any moment.  Use it carefully, only with Trend Direction. Trading Usage: 2 Variants: as Range System or as BreakOut System (Both Only With Trend Direction)::: (Always use StopLoss for minimise Risk); [1] as Range System: (Recommended) in UP TREND:  - BUY in Blue Line , then if price goes down by 50 points (on H1) open Second BUY.   Close in any Profit you wish: TrailingStop(45 points) or Close when Price touches upper Gold Line. in DOWN TREND
Vol 2 DPOC volume vol 2 DOC-dynamic horizontal volume indicator for any time periods Main settings of the indicator: Volume Source -selecting data for volumes (tick or real) DPOCOn -enabling / disabling the indicator DPOCFrom -calculation start date DPOCTo -settlement end date The indicator allows you to manually select areas on the chart to analyze changes in the maximum volume over time. You can do this by using vertical lines and moving them along the chart. Or by setting specific dates in
Unique trend trading algorithm with advanced filtering and many features which should become a part of your trading arsenal. This indicator can give you also trading advisors (with take profit target), success rate scanner and much more. TrendMagiX PRO comes with built-in multi-pair and multi-timeframe scanner which is fully adjustable. User can select own symbols and time-frames to monitor. + ALL the features of standard TrendMagiX indicator Important information For additional detailed inform
Traders know that paying attention to volume can make the crucial difference in understanding how the market will move. Information such as the traded volume, frequency of executed trades and the correlation of buyers and sellers at a certain time period expand our understanding of volume and can significantly improve the accuracy of our trading forecast. The Volume at Price (or VAP) indicator displays the cumulative traded volume for each price level during a time period, as well as the corre
Phongkrit Phattanawijak
ECHO INDICATOR V2.2 Update A top-quality indicator works with trend and pattern.  The tool is a good assistant for the traders use various levels in trading. When price approaches a level, the indicator produces a sound alert and (or) notifies in a pop-up message, or via push notifications. A great decision making tool for opening orders. Can be used any timeframe and can be customized Easy to trade It implements alerts of all kinds It implements a multi-timeframe   Trade with Trend  + signa
Two-way Fibonacci indicator. The function is to facilitate traders to find their retracement and entry and exit points. The principle of the workpiece of this indicator: First, draw a V shape for the high and low points formed by the fractal indicator, and then draw a golden section proportional line for the V line, which can be applied to any period and currency pair.
Real MACD for MT5
Steven Van Ingelgem
The built-in MACD does not properly display all the different aspects of a real MACD. These are: The difference between 2 moving averages A moving average of (1) A histogram of the difference between (1) and (2) With this indicator you can also tweak it as much as you want: Fast Period (default: 12) Slow Period (default: 26) Signal Period (default: 9) Fast MA type (default: exponential) Slow MA type (default: exponential) Signal MA type (default: exponential) Fast MA applied on (default: close)
Two Lines MT5
Andrey Kaunov
5 (1)
Индикатор показывает две линии динамики движения двух инструментов. Если один из коррелирующих инструментов убегает, другой будет его догонять. Этот принцип даёт точки входа в сделку по их кроссу или для синхронной покупки и продажи в парном трейдинге. Гистограмма индикатора показывает значение дистанции между   линиями инструментов. При уменьшении и увеличении дистанции гистограмма принимает разные цвета. Треугольный значок показывает текущее состояние линий: расхождение ( Divergence ) или схо
Simple Traditional MACD
One of the most popular methods of Technical Analysis is the MACD , Moving Average Convergence Divergence, indicator. The MACD uses three exponentially smoothed averages to identify a trend reversal or a continuation of a trend. The indicator, which was developed by Gerald Appel in 1979 , reduces to two averages. The first, called the MACD1 indicator, is the difference between two exponential averages , usually a 26-day and a 12-day average.
Vitalii Zakharuk
Reversible indicator. You need to understand that any indicator is just a visual waveform. Currency pairs never rise or fall in a straight line. Their rises and falls are alternated by pullbacks and turns. The Reversible indicator contains an entire trading system, processes information from several technical instruments and the appearance of its signals is the final calculation result. The indicator itself evaluates how strong a signal appears in the market and when to change direction, sign
5 (5)
Likiditeye ve hareketli ortalamaya bağlı olan bir gösterge > size %98 doğru alım ve satım kararı verir. ve ticareti kapatma zamanı. FİYAT zaman zaman artacaktır> ve ilk EA'nın ne zaman başlayacağı bu göstergeye bağlı olarak 2k'den fazla olacaktır. 1-alış veya satış pozisyonlarının ne zaman açılacağı (iki doğrunun kesişimine bağlıdır X ve puan hesaplamaları seçilen Çerçeveye bağlıdır) (çapraz renkli alanın dışında olmalıdır) mum çarpı sırasında veya sonrasında (birinci veya ikinci ila beşinci) ça
Market Momentum PRO
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
The Market Momentum indicator is based on the Volume Zone Oscillator (VZO), presented by Waleed Aly Khalil in the 2009 edition of the International Federation of Technical Analysts journal, and presents a fresh view of this market valuable data that is oftenly misunderstood and neglected: VOLUME. With this new approach of "seeing" Volume data, traders can infer more properly market behavior and increase their odds in a winning trade. "The VZO is a leading volume oscillator; its basic usefulness
Crisis Trading
An indicator to fetch the market shocks from the economic events directly to the chart. It indicates the surprise factor (actual published data minus the expected value) exactly on the right candlestick! The bigger the value of the indicator, the higher price gap will be. The indicator's value and sign gives a great opportunity to forecast the amount and direction of the price gap. Do not miss any opportunity by setting an Expert Advisor to place buy or sell orders based on this indicator's valu
Quieres ser rentable y que un indicador haga los análisis por ti.. este es la indicado tener mas seguridad en tus operaciones si respetas los parámetros este indicador fue diseñada y modificado por mas de 6 meses, escogiendo y modificando la para tener un mejor resultado y entradas mas precisas. que te ayudara a asegurar tu entrada y poder sacarle muchas ganancias. los parametros: Entrada cuando La linea roja o verde cruce hacia arriba Puede entrar apenas comencé a cruzar Compra o venta Observa
***Please Give Some Feedback and Reviews*** This is an indicator which shows the direction and the strength of the selected Symbol based on the two outputs, Signal and Value. The Signal indicates the directions as Buy equals 2(Blue) and Sell equals 1(Red). The Value output indicates the strength of the signal between -100 to 100. This indicator  is both trend and fast preliminary indicator by choosing appropriate parameters. Indicator uses the Tick Volume as the hitting catalyst, which by choosi
Turn Over
Oleksii Ferbei
Turn Over is a direction indicator for determining the trend. The Turn Over indicator visually “unloads” the price chart and saves analysis time: there is no signal - there is no deal, if a return signal appears, then the current deal should be closed. The indicator implements a strategy for trend trading, filtering and all the necessary functions built into one tool! The principle of the indicator is that when placed on a chart, it automatically determines the current state of the market, an
The Netsrac Correlation Trade Indicator (NCTI) was created to trade correlations between different assets. NCTI offers five different strategies to do this. Five different correlation trading strategies with two or three assets Fast access your assets with one click via asset buttons Your profit/loss at a glance Configurable alerts via screen or mobile You can use the indicator with every timeframe. Higher timeframes give fewer but better signals. If you have some questions or suggestions - ple
This indicator signals significant price movements compared to the average over a defined period, making it easy to spot potential trading opportunities. It takes into account not only price movements but also the spread value of each symbol, providing a more accurate picture. You can use this indicator for multiple symbols, up to 8 pairs, as specified in the input parameters. With its flexible settings, traders can easily customize it to suit their individual preferences and trading styles. It'
OHLC Candle
Fernando Sanches
This tool draws candles at different TIMEFRAME from the 'pattern' displayed on the screen... ...In the 'Standard Chart' M1, he draws the Candles in M15. For example: The 'Standard Chart' in M1, the 'OHLC' in M15 are drawn the Candles (boxes) of M15 behind the candles of M1. Download the demo version... ...see how it can help you notice Support/Resistance points as well as good moves with highs and lows in the 15M.
Lomb Periodogram
Alfred Mirzasalikhov
The Lomb algorithm is designed to find the dominant cycle length in noisy data. It is used commonly in the field of astronomy and is very good at extracting cycle out of really noisy data sets. The Lomb phase plot is very similar to the Stochastics indicator. It has two threshold levels. When it crosses above the lower level it’s a buy signal. When it crosses the upper level it’s a sell signal. This is cycle-based indicator, the nicer waves look, the better the signal. Caution Also It’s really i
Основная цель индикатора заключается в определении наиболее оптимальных точек входа в сделку и выхода из нее. Индикатор состоит из трех частей. Первая – это стрелки, показывающие оптимальные точки входа в сделку и выхода из нее. Стрелка вверх – сигнал на покупку, стрелка вниз – на продажу. В индикаторе заложен алгоритм аналитического анализа, который включает в себя множество показаний стандартных индикаторов, а также авторский алгоритм. Вторая часть – это информация в правом верхнем углу (работ
Three Channel 5
Kourosh Hossein Davallou
The Price Channel pattern trading strategy is one of the smartest ways to make money trading. The Price Channel pattern represents two trend lines positioned above (channel resistance) and below (channel support) the price. The price action is contained between these two parallel trendlines. The separation between the two trendlines needs to be wide enough if you want to trade inside the Price Channel Pattern. If this is the case, you can buy at the channel support level and sell at the channel
Trend Lines View draws trend lines in the current chart in the timeframe you choose, taking account of the last two maximum and minimum. Inputs are: Timeframe: timeframe for calculation. Period of calculation Max/Min: Integer that indicates the number of bars to define a minimum or a maximum; 1 means minimum/maximum have to be the lower/higher value of 1 bar previous and 1 bar after, 2 means a  the minimum/maximum have to be the lower/higher value of 2 bar previous and 2 bar after, etc. Color hi
Support Resistance View draws horizontal lines in the current chart that define in real time the values of Supports/Resistances for the timeframe tha you choose. Inputs: Lines color: color of the lines. Timeframe: timeframe for calculations. Support and Resistance are values at which the currency usually inverts the trend or have a breakthrought, so you can use this values to define a strategy for trading.
Stochastic Break Point is based on the stochastic oscillator and moving average to find the points in which the currency will probably go in a defined direction. Inputs: Alarm ON/OFF: turn on or off alarm on screen. The indicator draws an arrow pointing the direction to follow based on when the stochastic line cross the signal line and in which direction it does it, filtered by the moving average direction. Stochastic Break Point can help you to choose the moment to do your trades in a specific
Support Resistance Pattern is based on supports and resistance to find the points in which the currency will probably go in a defined direction. Inputs: Alarm ON/OFF: turn on or off alarm on screen. The indicator draws an arrow pointing the direction to follow based on when a specific pattern of bars is found near a support or a resistance. Support Resistance Pattern can help you to choose the moment to do your trades in a specific direction, strengthening your trading strategy.
Support Resistance Inversion is based on supports and resistance to find the points in which the currency will probably go in a defined direction. Inputs: Alarm ON/OFF: turn on or off alarm on screen. The indicator draws an arrow pointing the direction to follow based on when the price cross or bounce on a support or a resistance. Support Resistance Inversion can help you to choose the moment to do your trades in a specific direction, strengthening your trading strategy.
Retracement Trend is based on a priceaction logic and volume of the lasts bars. Inputs: Alarm ON/OFF: turn on or off alarm on screen. The indicator draws an arrow pointing the direction to follow based on when a specific pattern of bar's volume is found and the price has a specific direction. Retracement Trend can help you to choose the moment to do your trades in a specific direction, strengthening your trading strategy.
MA Break Point
Emanuele Cartelli
MA Break Point is based on moving average and a priceaction logic to find the points in which the currency will probably go in a defined direction. Inputs: Alarm ON/OFF: turn on or off alarm on screen. The indicator draws an arrow pointing the direction to follow based on when the currency cross a moving average and verify the trend with another ma. MA Break Point can help you to choose the moment to do your trades in a specific direction, strengthening your trading strategy.
Chart Reverse Point is based on moving average, volumes, and a priceaction logic to find the points in which the currency will probably go in a defined direction. Inputs: Alarm ON/OFF: turn on or off alarm on screen. The indicator draws an arrow pointing the direction to follow based on when a specific pattern of bars is found near the moving average and the volumes are higher than a minumun defined by the indicator. Chart Reverse Point can help you to choose the moment to do your trades in a sp
TSI Trend Stepper
Joao Paulo Ferreira Fortes
The Stepper  indicator generates Signals in strong Trend zones. Even when the Trend is set, we must filter when to ENTER or HOLD the trigger. The Trend is represented by two lines: Trend UP and Trend DOWN. W e are in a Bullish trend when the Trend UP (Green line) is above. And in a Bearish trend when the Trend DOWN (Pink line) is above. When the momentum is aligned with the Trend , this indicator generates: BUY signals (LIME line) SELL signals (RED line) The user is alerted of the scenario, at
Paulo Henrique Faquineli Garcia
Designed by Fábio Trevisan, VolumeCapacitor is an indicator that, in addition to showing the volume quantity, shows its direction, having as main characteristic, the possible price tops and bottoms, or pullback areas. With its simple but not simplistic calculation method, it is able to determine areas where the defense of long and short positions can be assessed with a simple observation. VolumeCapacitor uses in its unique formula the OBV (Balance of Volume, or On-Balance Volume) idealized by J
Ultra AS MT5
Yaroslav Varankin
3 (2)
The indicator is designed for binary options trading. The "period" parameter can be adjusted to fit your trading strategy, allowing you to customize the number and quality of signals. A red arrow pointing down indicates a sell signal, while a blue arrow pointing up indicates a buy signal. Recommended expiration time is one candle. You can enter a trade either when the signal appears or on the next candle. Attention: the signal may sometimes disappear on the current candle, so it's important to
through this indicator you can make  analysis and also can to distinguish possible weakness or continuous strength  on  price, it is an indicator initially developed by David Weis. This version is for the meta trader 5 platform. The Weis Waves indicator is based on volume and is aligned with the price, being able to find not only possible strenght and weakness, but also possible divergences between price and volume, bringing an interesting analysis between both.
Waves PRO
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
For those who appreciate Richard Wyckoff approach for reading the markets, we at Minions Labs designed a tool derived - yes, derived, we put our own vision and sauce into this indicator - which we called Waves PRO . This indicator provides a ZigZag controlled by the market volatility (ATR) to build its legs, AND on each ZigZag leg, we present the vital data statistics about it. Simple and objective. This indicator is also derived from the great book called " The Secret Science of Price and Volum
Nine Five Count
Alfred Mirzasalikhov
The 9-5 Count is designed to track a very powerful cycle that runs through all freely traded markets. This is not a time cycle but a price cycle. The time spent between two points is not as important as the price traveled between them. The 9-5 Count is called that because one complete upward cycle consists of measurement of 9 units plus 5 units of cycle time.   This tool takes into account price and pattern together, so it’s more than just a simple cycle. The 9-5 theory classifies market movemen
Chart Slice is a very convenient multi-timeframe indicator, with which you can see market information at once on several time slices. This will allow the trader to learn quickly and most  importantly understand the vibrant market . The author himself went this way and this indicator helped incredibly. You probably have often wanted to see in detail why at a given point in time the price was rapidly moving away from a certain level or, on the contrary, stopping there. And for this you had to chan
Schaff Trend: A Faster And More Accurate Indicator In Combination With The TEMA MACD - Scalping Systems Advantage The Schaff Trend Cycle (STC) is a charting indicator that is commonly used to identify market trends and provide buy and sell signals to traders. Developed in 1999 by noted currency trader Doug Schaff, STC is a type of  oscillator  and is based on the assumption that, regardless of time frame, currency trends accelerate and decelerate in cyclical patterns. https://www.investopedia.c
Bu çoklu zaman dilimi ve çoklu sembol göstergesi, stokastik sinyal hattının stokastik ana hattını ne zaman kestiğini tanımlar. Alternatif olarak, stokastik aşırı alım/satış alanından ayrıldığında (ana hattı kesen sinyal hattı olmadan) uyarı verebilir. Bonus olarak Bollinger bantlarını ve RSI aşırı alım/satış çaprazlarını da tarayabilir. Kendi kurallarınız ve tekniklerinizle birleştiğinde bu gösterge, kendi güçlü sisteminizi yaratmanıza (veya geliştirmenize) izin verecektir. Özellikler Piyasa İzl
Currency Strength Meter is the easiest way to identify strong and weak currencies. This indicator shows the relative strength of 8 major currencies + Gold: AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, USD, XAU. Gold symbol can be changed to other symbols like XAG, XAU etc. By default the strength value is normalised to the range from 0 to 100 for RSI algorithm: The value above 60 means strong currency; The value below 40 means weak currency; This indicator needs the history data of all 28 major currency
The indicator detects important peaks and troughs (extremes) on the chart. These points can be used to plot support/resistance levels and trend lines, as well as any other graphical analysis. These points can serve as reference points for setting trading orders. The indicator does not redraw . Settings: Size_History  - the size of the calculated history. Num_Candles_Right  - number of candles to the right of the peak or trough. Num_Candles_Left  - number of candles to the left of the peak or
Yasha Firooz Hakkında Yasha, 2012 yılında bir varlık yönetimi şirketinin personeliydi. Çeşitli ofis ve teknoloji görevleri kendisine devredildi ve varlık yönetimi ekibinin bir kısmını kurucunun ihtiyaçlarıyla birleştirebildi. Varlık yönetimi şirketi, ticaret sektörüne büyük yatırımlar yapmıştı. FX Fishing MT4 (Meta Trader 4 Göstergesi) Hakkında Yasha, piyasa oynaklığından rahatsızdı ve boğalar ile ayılar arasındaki piyasa dalgalarını hissetmenin mümkün olup olmadığını düşündü. Bu nedenle, ta
Each bar graph is a brick, take buy a bill now as an example, the brick that is in lowest position at the moment, go to the left, when the brick with the 3rd highest is in existence, take the height of this brick as a benchmark, when the price exceeds the height of this brick, can establish buy a bill, when appear opposite circumstance closes a position, establish empty order at the same time. This is a simple rule, need each friend grope by oneself.
Do you use volume in your reading of the market? Certainly many traders use it, and do not imagine operating without it. The Color Histogram Volume Set indicator allows the user to choose the value that he considers interesting to monitor. When you pass this you will have visual confirmation and if you want you will also have the audible alert that is given by the indicator. Of course, there are other ways to try to find a high volume, such as assessing whether the volume is above av
Do you use volume in your reading of the market? Certainly many traders use it, and do not imagine operating without it. The Color Candle Volume Set indicator allows the user to choose the value that he considers interesting to monitor. When you pass this you will have visual confirmation on the price chart and if you want you will also have the audible alert that is given by the indicator. Of course, there are other ways to try to find a high volume, such as assessing whether the vol
The Martinware Market Sides' Strength indicator shows the candlestick chart in a different manner allowing for a clearer view of which side, bullish or bearish is dominating the asset in the current period. As a bonus, it can also show an internal area that can be used to visualize two levels of Fibonacci retracements inside the bars. The default configuration shows the MSS bars with 4 main colors, two representing the bullish force, and two representing the bearish one. The primary colors ar
BW Dance
Andrii Diachenko
BW Dance - Bill Williams Trading Chaos Signal MTF Indicator for MetaTrader 5 !!! This indicator is not a trading system !!! This is only a convenient tool for receiving signals of the Bill Williams trading system in visual and sound mode -    Signals are not redrawn/ not repainting The main idea of ​​the indicator: display current signals of the BW system on the right edge of the chart, according to the principle HERE and NOW output signals in three ways: next to the price scale under / abo
BeST_Breakout Strategy MT5 is an Metatrader Indicator based on a proprietary algorithm implementing a very powerful tool that can exploit every breakout leading to huge market movements.It timely locates the most likely points for Entering the Market as well as the most suitable Exit points and can be used successfully as a standalone Trading System which performance is often accompanied by very impressive statistics of % Success Ratio and Profit Factor .  The BeST_Breakout Strategy is a non-rep
The Regression indicator shows the direction of the trend. The graph shows up to 3 regression lines with different time periods. The straight line is built as the average inside the wave channel of the price movement (shown on one ScreenShot). In this case, you can disable any of the lines. Also, the indicator allows you to change the color for each line. It is interesting to calculate the relative angle in degrees. The angle display can also be turned off. Thanks to this indicator, you can s
Price Power
This indicator provide very solid and successful mark for the price direction, it will give you values towards the last price levels which let you be able to predict the next price move  How to trade using this indicator: We recommend that you buy or sell when the buy/sell value is more than double the sell/buy value and both sell/buy values is greater than 20 Let's take examples: If the values was Buy: 45, sell: 55, then don't enter the market if the values was Buy: 90, sell: 10, then this is a
Special Channel channel indicator is a classic indicator of a family of channel indicators, the use of which allows the trader to respond in time to the price out of the channel set for it. This corridor is built on the basis of the analysis of several candles, starting from the last, as a result of which the extrema of the studied interval are determined. It is they who create the channel lines. Trading in the channel is one of the most popular Forex strategies; its simplicity allows even beg
WT Vwap Bands
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The WT Vwap Bands indicator is an indicator that combines price and volume, helping to show whether the price is within the "fair price", overbought or oversold. The indicator code was designed for performance and has already been tested in a real trading account. In addition to the visual inputs (color, thickness and line style), the user can define a% value that depends on the price. The default values work with the most distant band at 1% of the price and then dividing this distance in
Vitalii Zakharuk
Trend Factor is an indicator based on the calculation of price values ​​to answer questions about what direction the trend is acting on the market at the moment and when this trend will end. By launching the Trend Factor indicator, the user will see two lines and bars of different colors, which can change color to green during an uptrend, to red during a downtrend or to be yellow during an uncertainty. The trader uses the Trend Factor indicator to determine the market situation. This is a tre

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