İş Gereklilikleri
The job is ofcourse challenge job for new people please don't try to bid until you have high end coding understanding.
I have existing ea. The ea each and every function is good. But still need solution. We will provide you a ea.
based on my idea you have to modify my existing ea.
We have to stop reading new signal after 1st
time reading. The ea actually read another source ea?
So its always read randomly. no sense now.We need to provide sense in this ea.
So if main or source ea trade 1 times. Then anyhow My ea
will trade 1 times too and read only 1 times if no trade exist. My ea will copy source ea trade number. but not the lot size which already developed. and my ea trade custom lot already. example 0.1 trading by source ea. my ea read the 1st number. and trade 0.01. Just idea. So my idea we have to copy from any time 1 to 999 or 9999. any time it should have reading ability from main or source ea. it can be late or quicker. (already developed)
condition need to develop
But if like that Main ea trade 0.1 , My ea do not trade anything yet. Then my ea should follow 1st times which is 0.1 and follow by my ea custom lot0.01. after that even terminal close. or anything else. my ea never read main/source ea .because already a trade running.
little challenge to understand because its already have all system. but need the sense. like only the time I my ea will follow trade.and terminal close protection.
Must try with my settings. you get the idea.