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I am looking for somebody who could Program a easy hedge system in an existing code that I have. This ea buys/sells multiple orders in an exponential growth.
If the market keeps moving against the orders it will open few more trades and it will be multiplied by 2 and TP will be adjusted. This ea works well in a ranging market, a major problem is that if the market is strongly trending then it will keep opening trades in the losing direction, this can drive to a large drawdown.
Example orders:
Lot exponential: 2.0
Lots: 0.01
1# 0.01 lot Sell
2# (0.01*2.0) = 0.02 lot Sell
3# (0.02*2.0) = 0.04 lot Sell
4#(0.4*2.0) = 0.08 lot Sell
5# (0.08*2.0) = 0.16 lot Sell
This exponential growth can be setup as a maximum, by the external parameter MaxTrades.
The add-on
If the Maxtrade has a maximum of 5 trades, than the hedge system has to reverse one trade (with a changeable parameter in lots) so the 6th trade has to be the opposite trade. This reversal trade has to have a higher lot then the previous trades, this could be setup in the external parameter.
The reversal trade parameters (Example):
Extern bool RecoveryTrade = TRUE/FALSE
Extern RecoveryLots = ( 0.6 )
Extern RecTrailingstop = 30 //only in profit (not with stoploss)
Extern TrailingStart = 20 //after profit reached, start after break even
Extern Stoploss = 40
Example order
1# 0.01 lot Sell
2# (0.01*2.0) = 0.02 lot Sell
3# (0.02*2.0) = 0.04 lot Sell
4#(0.4*2.0) = 0.08 lot Sell
5# (0.08*2.0) = 0.16 lot Sell
6# (extern para.) = 0.3 lots Buy
If you are interested, or you have a question, please send me a message. I will send you the mq4 file with the additional information.
Thank you