Forex Trading Bot Specification 1. Create an autonomous trading platform that conducts forex transactions without manual oversight 2. Incorporate comprehensive risk controls featuring predefined loss limits and profit targets 3. Develop a historical simulation engine to test trading strategies against past market conditions 4. Engineer proprietary market indicators and algorithmic trading signals based on data
I don't just need a programmer , I need a trading expert who understands what I want and converts it into an expert advisor. I want this expert advisor to work with two strategies (ICT, SMC) and for me to have the freedom to choose which strategy I want to trade on that day. Trading pairs: Gold - Bitcoin Timeframe: All Include a trailing stop: For example, if the price moves 35 pips above my entry price, the stop
im looking for profitable EA on daily basis profit you should send me the demo or anything which i need to know you had EA so that i can pay and buy it
Hello, I'm interested in an E.A that uses the Price Trap strategy, with a few words, detects the Support & Resistance zones with an option of the pivot pointd, and after breaking a zone with some confirmations, puts a limit order when the price retestes the break in the outer part of the zones. Also again, if we have other confirmations and the price doesn't break the zones, we also put a limit order in the inner
i need ea based on exact enrty at bos or choch point with fixed tp and sl like when price brakes the long side choch point take trade on long side with fixed lot with fixed sl and tp sl and tp depends on time frame what i use. sell side viceversa for BOS also same rules if multiple entry on same price lever for same choc or bos point it should avoid 2nd entry by 4candle after 4 candle can take entry again on same
I need a very experienced developer, with an excellent profile, to help me modify a custom indicator slightly, and use it to create an Expert Advisor. The indicator is a modified version of Weis Wave indicator. The trading strategy is based on volume, price action and Fibonacci calculations. Experience with ZigZag is very necessary; as a lot of the system is dependent on the wave volume as determined by ZZ
Looking for bot my equity is just 200$ I am looking for trial and I will pay My budget is 100$if the not can make daily profit it will be great
1 robot mt5 platformda çalışacak. mt4 de güncelleme gelınce robotlar sonrakı versıyonda çalışmıyor mt5 ıcınde bu duruma çare önlem varsa eklenebılınır bıdurum ise sevınırım. 2 robot rsı ve movıng avarege tabanlı çalışacak ( robotu grafıge kurulum sırasında rsı ve ma nın tüm değerleri değiştirilebilir olucak rsı perıod değeri ve sevıyelerı klasık perıod 14 sevıyeler 70 30 da yapabıleyım perıod 25 sevıyeler 80 20 de
I want the EA to be very profitable prepare an ex5 file so I can test it out without restrictions, ex5 files are impossible to decompile, so prepare one if I like it I will ask for the mql5 file and then I will pay
Hello Great Developer hi can you look at the attached pine script and tell me before you say yes if you can definitely with 100% certainty convert this to ninja script PLEASE before you say yes MAKE sure you go through the pine script code and tell me if you can get this done