MQL5 Uzman Danışmanlar Forex Stocks

İş Gereklilikleri

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © hanabil

indicator("Smarter SnR", overlay=true, max_bars_back=5000, max_labels_count=500, max_lines_count=500)

// General Function
f_barssince(_cond, _count) =>
    _barssince = bar_index - ta.valuewhen(_cond, bar_index, _count)

barssince(_cond, _count) => int(math.max(1, nz(f_barssince(_cond, _count))))
f_vw(cond, expr, count) => ta.valuewhen(cond, expr, count)

tostring(x, y)=> x + str.tostring(y)

var int dec = str.length(str.tostring(syminfo.mintick))-2

truncate(number) =>
    factor = math.pow(10, dec)
    int(number * factor) / factor

EndTime     = timestamp('19 Jan 2022 00:00 +0000')
inDateRange = time<=EndTime

// Input Zigzag
gr1         = 'General'
showSnr     = input(true, 'SnR', group=gr1)
showTL      = input(true, 'TrendLine', group=gr1)
showZZ      = input(false, 'Show Zigzag', group=gr1, inline='1')
zzCol       = input.color(, title='', group=gr1, inline='1')

// -----------------
// Input SnR
labStyleUp  = label.style_label_up
labStyleDn  = label.style_label_down
labLeft     = label.style_label_left
linDashed   = line.style_dashed

gr3         = 'Support and Ressistance'
showPriceSnr= input(true, 'Show Price', group=gr3)
snrType     = input.string('Swing HiLo', 'SnR Type', ['Volume', 'Swing HiLo'], group=gr3)
Period      =, title='Swing Period', minval=1, group=gr3)
lStyleSRI   = input.string('Solid', 'Line Style', ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], group=gr3)
lStyleSR    = lStyleSRI=='Solid'? line.style_solid : lStyleSRI=='Dashed'? line.style_dashed : line.style_dotted

linWidth    = input(1, 'Linewidth', group=gr3)
lineExtendI = input.string('None', 'Line Extend', ['None', 'Left', 'Right', 'Both'], group=gr3)
lineExtend  = lineExtendI=='None'? extend.none : lineExtendI=='Left'? extend.left : lineExtendI=='Both'? extend.both : extend.right
supCol      = input.color(, 100), 'Support Label', group=gr3 , inline='1')
supTextCol  = input.color(, 'Text', group=gr3 , inline='1')
supLineCol  = input.color(, 'Line', group=gr3 , inline='1')
resCol      = input.color(, 100), 'Ressistance Label', group=gr3 , inline='2')
resTextCol  = input.color(, 'Text', group=gr3 , inline='2')
resLineCol  = input.color(, 'Line', group=gr3 , inline='2')

// Snr Pivot
ph = ta.pivothigh(Period, Period)
pl = ta.pivotlow(Period, Period)

ph0 = ta.valuewhen(ph, close[Period], 0)
ph1 = ta.valuewhen(ph, close[Period], 1)
ph2 = ta.valuewhen(ph, close[Period], 2)

pl0 = ta.valuewhen(pl, close[Period], 0)
pl1 = ta.valuewhen(pl, close[Period], 1)
pl2 = ta.valuewhen(pl, close[Period], 2)

P0 = ta.valuewhen(ph or pl, close[Period], 0)
P1 = ta.valuewhen(ph or pl, close[Period], 1)
P2 = ta.valuewhen(ph or pl, close[Period], 2)

bar_pl1       = int(math.max(1, nz(f_barssince(pl, 1))))
highest_1     = ta.highest(high[Period], bar_pl1)
highestbars_1 = ta.highestbars(high[Period], bar_pl1)

bar_ph1       = int(math.max(1, nz(f_barssince(ph, 1))))
lowest_1      = ta.lowest(low[Period], bar_ph1)
lowestbars_1  = ta.lowestbars(low[Period], bar_ph1)

h  = ph
hA = pl and P1 == pl1
hAA= pl and P1 == pl1 and P2 == pl2
l  = pl
lA = ph and P1 == ph1
lAA= ph and P1 == ph1 and P2 == pl2

h0 = ta.valuewhen(h, high[Period], 0)
h1 = ta.valuewhen(h, high[Period], 1)
hA0= ta.valuewhen(hA, highest_1, 0)

l0 = ta.valuewhen(l, low[Period], 0)
l1 = ta.valuewhen(l, low[Period], 1)
lA0= ta.valuewhen(lA, lowest_1, 0)

// Fix Zigzag Pivot
f_AA(x, xA, x0, xA0) => ta.valuewhen(x or xA, close, 0) == ta.valuewhen(x, close, 0)? x0 : xA0
f_offset(x, xA, xAbars) => ta.valuewhen(x or xA, close, 0) == ta.valuewhen(x, close, 0)? -Period : xAbars-Period

fixPh    = hA or h
fixPl    = lA or l
fixPhVal = f_AA(h, hA, h0, hA0)
fixPlVal = f_AA(l, lA, l0, lA0)
fixPhVal1= ta.valuewhen(fixPh, fixPhVal, 1)
fixPlVal1= ta.valuewhen(fixPl, fixPlVal, 1)
offsetPh = -f_barssince(fixPh, 0) + f_offset(h, hA, highestbars_1)
offsetPl = -f_barssince(fixPl, 0) + f_offset(l, lA, lowestbars_1)
offsetPh1= ta.valuewhen(fixPh, offsetPh, 1) - f_barssince(fixPh, 1)
offsetPl1= ta.valuewhen(fixPl, offsetPl, 1) - f_barssince(fixPl, 1)

fixOffset   = fixPh? offsetPh : offsetPl
fixPivotVal = fixPh? fixPhVal : fixPlVal

offsetForHa = -f_barssince(l, 1)- Period
offsetForLa = -f_barssince(h, 1)- Period

if hA and showZZ, hA0, bar_index-Period, fixPlVal, xloc.bar_index, color=zzCol), l1, bar_index+offsetPh, hA0, color=zzCol)
if lA and showZZ, lA0, bar_index-Period, fixPhVal, xloc.bar_index, color=zzCol), h1, bar_index+offsetPl, lA0, color=zzCol)
if h and showZZ, fixPhVal, bar_index+offsetPl, fixPlVal, color=zzCol)
if l and showZZ, fixPlVal, bar_index+offsetPh, fixPhVal, color=zzCol)

// ---------
// SnR Swing HiLo

fVwSeries (x, xVal, xBar)=>
    x0      = truncate(ta.valuewhen(x, xVal, 0))
    x1      = truncate(ta.valuewhen(x, xVal, 1))
    x2      = truncate(ta.valuewhen(x, xVal, 2))
    x0Bar   = ta.valuewhen(x, xBar, 0) - f_barssince(x, 0)
    x1Bar   = ta.valuewhen(x, xBar, 1) - f_barssince(x, 1)
    x2Bar   = ta.valuewhen(x, xBar, 2) - f_barssince(x, 2)
    [x0, x1, x2, x0Bar, x1Bar, x2Bar]

[s1, s2, s3, s1Bar, s2Bar, s3Bar] = fVwSeries(fixPl, fixPlVal, offsetPl)
[r1, r2, r3, r1Bar, r2Bar, r3Bar] = fVwSeries(fixPh, fixPhVal, offsetPh)

fLL(show_, showPrice, x1, y1, x2, y2, text_, labelcol, labelstyle, textcol, extend_, linecol, linestyle, linewidth) =>
    if close and show_
        line_   =, y1, x2, y2, xloc.bar_index, extend_, linecol, linestyle, linewidth)
        line.delete (line_ [1])
        if showPrice
            label_  =, y2, text_, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, labelcol, labelstyle, textcol)
fTst(x, y)=> x + str.tostring(y)

fLL(showSnr, showPriceSnr, bar_index+s1Bar, s1, bar_index+10, s1, fTst('S1 -> ', s1), supCol, labLeft, supTextCol, lineExtend, supLineCol, lStyleSR, linWidth)  
fLL(showSnr, showPriceSnr, bar_index+s2Bar, s2, bar_index+10, s2, fTst('S2 -> ', s2), supCol, labLeft, supTextCol, lineExtend, supLineCol, lStyleSR, linWidth)  
fLL(showSnr, showPriceSnr, bar_index+s3Bar, s3, bar_index+10, s3, fTst('S3 -> ', s3), supCol, labLeft, supTextCol, lineExtend, supLineCol, lStyleSR, linWidth)  
fLL(showSnr, showPriceSnr, bar_index+r1Bar, r1, bar_index+10, r1, fTst('R1 -> ', r1), resCol, labLeft, resTextCol, lineExtend, resLineCol, lStyleSR, linWidth)  
fLL(showSnr, showPriceSnr, bar_index+r2Bar, r2, bar_index+10, r2, fTst('R2 -> ', r2), resCol, labLeft, resTextCol, lineExtend, resLineCol, lStyleSR, linWidth)  
fLL(showSnr, showPriceSnr, bar_index+r3Bar, r3, bar_index+10, r3, fTst('R3 -> ', r3), resCol, labLeft, resTextCol, lineExtend, resLineCol, lStyleSR, linWidth)  

// Trendlines
gr5         = 'Trendlines'
showPriceTl = input(true, 'Show Price', group=gr5)
newestTL    = input(true, 'Show Newest', group=gr5)
newestBreak = input(true, 'Show Newest Break Only', group=gr5)
period      = input(20, 'Trendline Period', group=gr5)
srcI        = input.string('Close Body', 'Source', ['Close Body', 'Shadow'], group=gr5)
srcL        = srcI=='Shadow'? low  : close
srcH        = srcI=='Shadow'? high : close
lStyleI     = input.string('Dashed', 'Line Style', ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], group=gr5, inline='2')
y2_mult     = input(1, title='Trendline Length', group=gr5, inline='2')
lStyle      = lStyleI=='Solid'? line.style_solid : lStyleI=='Dashed'? line.style_dashed : line.style_dotted
lWidth      = input(1, 'Line Width', group=gr5, inline='1')
lColor      = input.color(, '', group=gr5, inline='1')

phFound     = ta.pivothigh(srcH, period, period)
plFound     = ta.pivotlow (srcL, period, period)

phVal       = ta.valuewhen(phFound, srcH[period], 0)
plVal       = ta.valuewhen(plFound, srcL[period], 0)
phVal1      = ta.valuewhen(phFound, srcH[period], 1)
plVal1      = ta.valuewhen(plFound, srcL[period], 1)

a_bar_time  = time - time[1]
noneCol     =, 100)

fGetPriceTl(slope_, x2_, y2_) =>
    current_price  = y2_ + (slope_/(x2_ - time))

f_trendline(cond_, y1Val_, x1Bar_, y2Val_, x2Bar_, color_, tlPriceText, textCol) =>
    x1      = ta.valuewhen(cond_, time[x1Bar_], 0)
    x2      = ta.valuewhen(cond_, time[x2Bar_], 0)
    y1      = ta.valuewhen(cond_, y1Val_, 0)
    y2      = ta.valuewhen(cond_, y2Val_, 0)
    slope_  = ta.valuewhen(cond_, (y2-y1)/(x2-x1), 0)

    currentPrice    = truncate(y2 + (time-x2)*slope_)
    var label tlPrice     = na
    if close and newestTL
        a_trendline = (x1, y1, time,  currentPrice, xloc.bar_time, color=lColor, style=lStyle, width=lWidth)
        line.delete (a_trendline[1])
    newY2   = x2 + (y2_mult * a_bar_time * 25)
    if cond_ and not newestTL
        a_trendline =, y1, newY2,  currentPrice, xloc.bar_time, color=lColor, style=lStyle, width=lWidth)
    if showPriceTl
        tlPrice     :=, currentPrice, fTst(tlPriceText, currentPrice), color=noneCol, style=label.style_label_left, textcolor=textCol)


newUp   = phFound and phVal<phVal1 and showTL
newLo   = plFound and plVal>plVal1 and showTL
upperTl = f_trendline(newUp, phVal1, f_barssince(phFound,1)+period, phVal, f_barssince(phFound,0)+period,
   , 'Upper -> ', resTextCol)
lowerTl = f_trendline(newLo, plVal1, f_barssince(plFound,1)+period, plVal, f_barssince(plFound,0)+period,
   , 'Lower -> ', supTextCol)

highestSince    = ta.highest(srcH, barssince(phFound and phVal<phVal1 and showTL,0))
lowestSince     = ta.lowest (srcL, barssince(plFound and plVal>plVal1 and showTL,0))
breakUpper      = srcH[1]<upperTl[1] and srcH>upperTl
breakLower      = srcL[1]>lowerTl[1] and srcL<lowerTl

var label bu    = na
var label bl    = na

if breakUpper and barstate.isconfirmed
    bu  :=, low , '🔼', color=resTextCol, style=label.style_label_up)
    if newestBreak
if breakLower and barstate.isconfirmed
    bl  :=, high, '🔽', color=supTextCol)
    if newestBreak

alertcondition(breakUpper and barstate.isconfirmed, 'Upper Trendline Breaked')
alertcondition(breakLower and barstate.isconfirmed, 'Lower Trendline Breaked')

sCO = ta.crossover (close, s1) or ta.crossover (close, s2) or ta.crossover (close, s3)
sCU = ta.crossunder(close, s1) or ta.crossunder(close, s2) or ta.crossunder(close, s3)
rCO = ta.crossover (close, r1) or ta.crossover (close, r2) or ta.crossover (close, r3)
rCU = ta.crossunder(close, r1) or ta.crossunder(close, r2) or ta.crossunder(close, r3)

alertcondition(rCO, 'Close Price Crossover  The Resistance')
alertcondition(rCU, 'Close Price Crossunder The Resistance')
alertcondition(sCO, 'Close Price Crossover  The Support')
alertcondition(sCU, 'Close Price Crossunder The Support')

// ----------------------
// Dashboard
gr6         = 'Dashboard'
dash        = input(true, 'Dashboard', group=gr6)
dashTitle   = input('😎 Smarter Dashboard 😎', 'Title', group=gr6)
dashColor   = input.color(, 35) , 'Label', group=gr6, inline='3')
dashTextCol = input.color(color.white, 'Text', group=gr6, inline='3')
dashDist    = input(50, 'Dashboard Distance', group=gr6)

trendlineText   = showTL? '\n〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️'
                 + '\nTrendline Price'
                 + '\n🔸 Upper = ' + str.tostring(upperTl)
                 + '\n🔸 Lower = ' + str.tostring(lowerTl) : na
snrText         = showSnr? '\n〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️'
                 + '\nSupport and Resistance'
                 + '\nS1 = ' + str.tostring(s1) + ', R1 = ' + str.tostring(r1)
                 + '\nS2 = ' + str.tostring(s2) + ', R2 = ' + str.tostring(r2)
                 + '\nS3 = ' + str.tostring(s3) + ', R3 = ' + str.tostring(r3) : na

smarterDashText = dashTitle
                 + snrText
                 + trendlineText

if dash
    dashSmarter     =, close, smarterDashText, style=label.style_label_center, color=dashColor, textcolor=dashTextCol)

// ------
// quotes
gr50        = 'QUOTES'
showTable   = input(true, 'Show Quotes Table', group=gr50)
quote       = input('🎓 Smarter Trade Give Better Pain & Gain 🎓', 'Drop Your Quotes Here', group=gr50)
tabPosI_    = input.string('Top', 'Table Position', ['Top', 'Middle', 'Bot'], group=gr50)
tabPos_     = tabPosI_=='Top'? position.top_right : tabPosI_=='Bot'? position.bottom_right : position.middle_right
tabColor    = input.color(, 35) , 'Background', group=gr50)
borderCol   = input.color( , 'Border', group=gr50)
tabTextCol  = input.color(color.white, 'Text', group=gr50)

var saTable     =, 1, 1, tabColor, borderCol, 1, borderCol, 1)
if showTable
    table.cell(saTable, 0, 0, quote, text_color=tabTextCol, text_size=size.small)

// ----------------
// Smart Table
// --------
gr10        = 'Table'
useTab      = input(true, 'Show Table?', group=gr10)

tf1         = input.timeframe('', 'Timeframe - A', group=gr10)
tf2         = input.timeframe('45', 'Timeframe - B', group=gr10)
tf3         = input.timeframe('D', 'Timeframe - C', group=gr10)

tabPosI     = input.string('Bot', 'Table Position', ['Top', 'Middle', 'Bot'], group=gr10)
bullCol     = input.color(, 0) , 'Oversold'    , '', '1', gr10)
bearCol     = input.color(, 0)   , 'Overbought'  , '', '1', gr10)
neutralCol  = input.color(, 0)     , 'Not Over'    , '', '1', gr10)
textCol     = input.color(color.white, 'Text', inline='1', group=gr10)

textSizeI   = input.string('Small', 'Text Size', ['Small', 'Tiny', 'Normal'], group=gr10)
textSize    = textSizeI=='Small'? size.small : textSizeI=='Tiny'? size.tiny : size.normal

tabPos      = tabPosI=='Top'? position.top_right : tabPosI=='Bot'? position.bottom_right : position.middle_right
var smartTable  =, 50, 50,,100),, 1,,1)

// ----
// RSI
gr11        = 'RSI'
rsiSource   = input(close, 'RSI -- Source', '1', gr11)
rsiPeriod   = input(14, 'Period', '', '1', gr11)
obRsi       = input(80, 'Overbought', '', '2', gr11)
osRsi       = input(20, 'Oversold  ', '', '2', gr11)

// Stoch
gr12        = 'Stochastic'
stochSource = input(close, 'Stochastic -- Source', '2', group=gr12)
stochPeriod = input(14, 'Period', '', '2', gr12)

periodK = input(14, 'Period -- K', '', '1', gr12)
periodD = input(3 , 'D', '', '1', gr12)
smoothK = input(1 , 'Smooth K', '', '0', gr12)
obStoch = input(80, 'Overbought', '', '2', gr12)
osStoch = input(20, 'Oversold  ', '', '2', gr12)

fCol(x)=> x=='Overbought'? bearCol : x=='Oversold'? bullCol : neutralCol

fTable(tf, rowNumber)=>
    k =, tf, ta.sma(ta.stoch(close, high, low, periodK), smoothK))
    d = ta.sma(k, periodD)
    r =, tf, ta.rsi(rsiSource, rsiPeriod))
    sStatus = k>obStoch? 'Overbought' : k<osStoch? 'Oversold' : 'Not Over'
    rStatus = r>obRsi  ? 'Overbought' : r<osRsi  ? 'Oversold' : 'Not Over'
    sCol    = fCol(sStatus)
    rCol    = fCol(rStatus)
    if useTab
        table.cell(smartTable, 0, 0, 'Timeframe'    , text_color=textCol, text_size=textSize, bgcolor=dashColor)
        table.cell(smartTable, 1, 0, 'Stochastic'   , text_color=textCol, text_size=textSize, bgcolor=dashColor)
        table.cell(smartTable, 2, 0, 'RSI'          , text_color=textCol, text_size=textSize, bgcolor=dashColor)
        tfDes   = tf==''? timeframe.period : tf
        table.cell(smartTable, 0, rowNumber, tfDes  , text_color=textCol, text_size=textSize, bgcolor=dashColor)
        table.cell(smartTable, 1, rowNumber, sStatus, text_color=textCol, text_size=textSize, bgcolor=sCol)
        table.cell(smartTable, 2, rowNumber, rStatus, text_color=textCol, text_size=textSize, bgcolor=rCol)
fTable(tf1, 1)
fTable(tf2, 2)
fTable(tf3, 3)


Geliştirici 1
50% / 38%
Süresi dolmuş
Geliştirici 2
0% / 50%
Süresi dolmuş
Geliştirici 3
21% / 57%
Süresi dolmuş
Geliştirici 4
13% / 74%
Süresi dolmuş
Geliştirici 5
59% / 25%
Süresi dolmuş
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27 USD