Machine Learning en Python para BOT que detecte entradas de Forex para que abra, modifique y cierre en MT4/MT5

Python Uzman Danışmanlar Python

İş Gereklilikleri

Necesito un robot en Python que UE trabaje con Machine Learning para detectar entradas de Forex y a la vez que abra, modifique y cierre operaciones en MT4 o MT5
Benzer siparişler
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a robust and user-friendly USDT flash software. This platform should present real-time transaction updates and allow for instant transfers between wallets. Experience in blockchain technology, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency transactions would be highly beneficial. Proven skills in developing user-friendly interfaces and real-time functionality are essential. I am

Proje bilgisi

30 - 100 USD
Geliştirici için
27 - 90 USD