//| CustomTicksReplace.mq5 |
//| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//| https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version "1.00"
#define CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME Symbol()+".C" // özel sembol adı
#define CUSTOM_SYMBOL_PATH "Forex" // sembolün oluşturulacağı grubun adı
#define CUSTOM_SYMBOL_ORIGIN Symbol() // özel sembolün temel alınacağı sembolün adı
#define DATATICKS_TO_COPY UINT_MAX // kopyalanan tik sayısı
#define DATATICKS_TO_PRINT 20 // günlüğe gönderilen tik sayısı
//| Script program start function |
void OnStart()
//--- özel sembol oluştururken hata kodunu al
//--- hata kodu 0 değilse (başarılı sembol oluşturma) ve 5304 değilse (sembol zaten oluşturulmuş) - bırak
if(create!=0 && create!=5304)
//--- standart sembol tik verilerini MqlTick dizisine al
MqlTick array[]={};
//--- standart sembolün ilk ve son alınan tiklerinin zamanını yazdır
int total=(int)array.Size();
PrintFormat("First tick time: %s.%03u, Last tick time: %s.%03u",
TimeToString(array[0].time,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[0].time_msc%1000,
TimeToString(array[total-1].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[total-1].time_msc%1000);
//--- standart sembolün son DATATICKS_TO_PRINT tikini günlüğe yazdır
PrintFormat("\nThe last %d ticks for the standard symbol '%s':", DATATICKS_TO_PRINT, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_ORIGIN);
for(int i=total-DATATICKS_TO_PRINT; i<total; i++)
PrintFormat(" %dth Tick: %s", i, GetTickDescription(array[i]));
//--- Piyasa Gözlemi penceresine özel bir sembol ekle
if(!SymbolSelect(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, true))
Print("SymbolSelect() failed. Error ", GetLastError());
//--- tik dizisi verilerini özel sembol fiyat geçmişine ekle
uint start=GetTickCount();
PrintFormat("Start of adding %u ticks to the history of the custom symbol '%s'", array.Size(), CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
int added=CustomTicksAdd(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, array);
PrintFormat("Added %u ticks to the history of the custom symbol '%s' in %u ms", added, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, GetTickCount()-start);
//--- MqlTick dizisine yeni eklenen özel sembol tik verilerini al
if(!GetTicksToArray(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, array.Size(), array))
//--- özel sembolün ilk ve son alınan tiklerinin zamanını yazdır
PrintFormat("First tick time: %s.%03u, Last tick time: %s.%03u",
TimeToString(array[0].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[0].time_msc%1000,
TimeToString(array[total-1].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[total-1].time_msc%1000);
//--- özel sembolün son DATATICKS_TO_PRINT tikini günlüğe yazdır
PrintFormat("\nThe last %d ticks for the custom symbol '%s':", DATATICKS_TO_PRINT, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
for(int i=total-DATATICKS_TO_PRINT; i<total; i++)
PrintFormat(" %dth Tick: %s", i, GetTickDescription(array[i]));
//--- şimdi Ask(Sembol)=1.0/Ask(Sembol), Bid(Sembol)=1.0/Bid(Sembol) denklemini kullanarak dizideki Ask ve Bid tik değerlerini değiştir
for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
array[i].ask = (array[i].ask !=0 ? 1.0 / array[i].ask : array[i].ask);
array[i].bid = (array[i].bid !=0 ? 1.0 / array[i].bid : array[i].bid);
Print("\nNow the ticks are changed");
//--- özel sembolün tik geçmişini değiştirilmiş tik dizisindeki verilerle değiştir
PrintFormat("Start replacing %u changed ticks in the history of the custom symbol '%s'", array.Size(), CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
int replaced=CustomTicksReplace(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, array[0].time_msc, array[total-1].time_msc, array);
PrintFormat("Replaced %u ticks in the history of the custom symbol '%s' in %u ms", replaced, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, GetTickCount()-start);
//--- yeni değiştirilmiş özel sembol tik verilerini MqlTick dizisine al
if(!GetTicksToArray(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, array.Size(), array))
//--- özel sembolün ilk ve son alınan değiştirilmiş tiklerinin zamanını yazdır
PrintFormat("First changed tick time: %s.%03u, Last changed tick time: %s.%03u",
TimeToString(array[0].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[0].time_msc%1000,
TimeToString(array[total-1].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[total-1].time_msc%1000);
//--- özel sembolün son değiştirilmiş DATATICKS_TO_PRINT tikini günlüğe yazdır
PrintFormat("\nThe last %d changed ticks for the custom symbol '%s':", DATATICKS_TO_PRINT, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
for(int i=total-DATATICKS_TO_PRINT; i<total; i++)
PrintFormat(" %dth Changed tick: %s", i, GetTickDescription(array[i]));
//--- grafikte yorum olarak kod sonlandırma tuşları hakkında bir ipucu görüntüle
Comment(StringFormat("Press 'Esc' to exit or 'Del' to delete the '%s' symbol and exit", CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME));
//--- sonsuz bir döngüde çıkmak için Esc veya Del tuşlarına basılmasını bekle
while(!IsStopped() && TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_KEYSTATE_ESCAPE)==0)
//--- Del tuşuna basıldığında, oluşturulan özel sembol ve verilerini sil
//--- çubuk verilerini sil
int deleted=CustomRatesDelete(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, 0, LONG_MAX);
PrintFormat("%d history bars of the custom symbol '%s' were successfully deleted", deleted, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
//--- tik verilerini sil
deleted=CustomTicksDelete(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, 0, LONG_MAX);
PrintFormat("%d history ticks of the custom symbol '%s' were successfully deleted", deleted, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
//--- sembolü sil
PrintFormat("Custom symbol '%s' deleted successfully", CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
//--- çıkmadan önce grafiği temizle
Requested 4294967295 ticks to get tick history for the symbol 'EURUSD'
The tick history for the 'EURUSD' symbol is received in the amount of 351195822 ticks in 55735 ms
First tick time: 2011.12.19 00:00:08.000, Last tick time: 2024.06.21 08:39:03.113
The last 20 ticks for the standard symbol 'EURUSD':
351195802th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:10.076 Ask=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195803th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:13.162 Ask=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195804th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:13.872 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195805th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:14.866 Ask=1.07194 Bid=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195806th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:17.374 Bid=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195807th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:18.883 Bid=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195808th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:19.771 Bid=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195809th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:20.873 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195810th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:22.278 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195811th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:22.775 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195812th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:23.477 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195813th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:38.194 Ask=1.07197 (Info tick)
351195814th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:38.789 Ask=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195815th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:39.290 Ask=1.07197 (Info tick)
351195816th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:43.695 Ask=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195817th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:52.203 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195818th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:55.105 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195819th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:57.607 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195820th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:39:00.512 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195821th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:39:03.113 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
Start of adding 351195822 ticks to the history of the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C'
Added 351195822 ticks to the history of the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C' in 349407 ms
Requested 351195822 ticks to get tick history for the symbol 'EURUSD.C'
The tick history for the 'EURUSD.C' symbol is received in the amount of 351195822 ticks in 190203 ms
First tick time: 2011.12.19 00:00:08.000, Last tick time: 2024.06.21 08:39:03.113
The last 20 ticks for the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C':
351195802th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:10.076 Ask=1.07194 Bid=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195803th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:13.162 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195804th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:13.872 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195805th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:14.866 Ask=1.07194 Bid=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195806th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:17.374 Ask=1.07194 Bid=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195807th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:18.883 Ask=1.07194 Bid=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195808th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:19.771 Ask=1.07194 Bid=1.07194 (Info tick)
351195809th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:20.873 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195810th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:22.278 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195811th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:22.775 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195812th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:23.477 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195813th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:38.194 Ask=1.07197 Bid=1.07197 (Info tick)
351195814th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:38.789 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195815th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:39.290 Ask=1.07197 Bid=1.07197 (Info tick)
351195816th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:43.695 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195817th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:52.203 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195818th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:55.105 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195819th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:57.607 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
351195820th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:39:00.512 Ask=1.07196 Bid=1.07196 (Info tick)
351195821th Tick: 2024.06.21 08:39:03.113 Ask=1.07195 Bid=1.07195 (Info tick)
Now the ticks are changed
Start replacing 351195822 changed ticks in the history of the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C'
Replaced 351195822 ticks in the history of the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C' in 452266 ms
Requested 351195822 ticks to get tick history for the symbol 'EURUSD.C'
The tick history for the 'EURUSD.C' symbol is received in the amount of 351195822 ticks in 199812 ms
First changed tick time: 2011.12.19 00:00:08.000, Last changed tick time: 2024.06.21 08:39:03.113
The last 20 changed ticks for the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C':
351195802th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:10.076 Ask=0.93289 Bid=0.93289 (Info tick)
351195803th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:13.162 Ask=0.93288 Bid=0.93288 (Info tick)
351195804th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:13.872 Ask=0.93288 Bid=0.93288 (Info tick)
351195805th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:14.866 Ask=0.93289 Bid=0.93289 (Info tick)
351195806th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:17.374 Ask=0.93289 Bid=0.93289 (Info tick)
351195807th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:18.883 Ask=0.93289 Bid=0.93289 (Info tick)
351195808th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:19.771 Ask=0.93289 Bid=0.93289 (Info tick)
351195809th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:20.873 Ask=0.93288 Bid=0.93288 (Info tick)
351195810th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:22.278 Ask=0.93287 Bid=0.93287 (Info tick)
351195811th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:22.775 Ask=0.93287 Bid=0.93287 (Info tick)
351195812th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:23.477 Ask=0.93287 Bid=0.93287 (Info tick)
351195813th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:38.194 Ask=0.93286 Bid=0.93286 (Info tick)
351195814th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:38.789 Ask=0.93287 Bid=0.93287 (Info tick)
351195815th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:39.290 Ask=0.93286 Bid=0.93286 (Info tick)
351195816th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:43.695 Ask=0.93287 Bid=0.93287 (Info tick)
351195817th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:52.203 Ask=0.93288 Bid=0.93288 (Info tick)
351195818th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:55.105 Ask=0.93287 Bid=0.93287 (Info tick)
351195819th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:38:57.607 Ask=0.93288 Bid=0.93288 (Info tick)
351195820th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:39:00.512 Ask=0.93287 Bid=0.93287 (Info tick)
351195821th Changed tick: 2024.06.21 08:39:03.113 Ask=0.93288 Bid=0.93288 (Info tick)
//| Özel sembol oluştur, bir hata kodu geri döndür |
int CreateCustomSymbol(const string symbol_name, const string symbol_path, const string symbol_origin=NULL)
//--- özel sembolün temel alınacağı sembolün adını tanımla
string origin=(symbol_origin==NULL ? Symbol() : symbol_origin);
//--- özel bir sembol oluşturulamadıysa ve bu hata 5304 değilse, bunu günlükte raporla
int error=0;
if(!CustomSymbolCreate(symbol_name, symbol_path, origin))
PrintFormat("CustomSymbolCreate(%s, %s, %s) failed. Error %d", symbol_name, symbol_path, origin, error);
//--- başarılı
//| Özel sembol kaldır |
bool DeleteCustomSymbol(const string symbol_name)
//--- sembolü Piyasa Gözlemi penceresinden gizle
if(!SymbolSelect(symbol_name, false))
PrintFormat("SymbolSelect(%s, false) failed. Error %d", GetLastError());
//--- özel sembol silinemediyse, bunu günlükte raporla ve 'false' geri döndür
PrintFormat("CustomSymbolDelete(%s) failed. Error %d", symbol_name, GetLastError());
//--- başarılı
//| Diziye belirtilen sayıda tik al |
bool GetTicksToArray(const string symbol, const uint count, MqlTick &array[])
//--- geçmiş verilerin yüklenmeye başladığını bildir
PrintFormat("Requested %u ticks to get tick history for the symbol '%s'", count, symbol);
//--- tikleri almak için 3 deneme yap
int attempts=0;
//--- tikleri almadan önce başlangıç zamanını ölç
uint start=GetTickCount();
//--- 1970.01.01 00:00.001'den bu yana tik geçmişini iste (parametre from=1 ms)
int received=CopyTicks(symbol, array, COPY_TICKS_ALL, 1, count);
//--- tik sayısı ve harcanan zaman hakkında bilgi görüntüle
PrintFormat("The tick history for the '%s' symbol is received in the amount of %u ticks in %d ms", symbol, received, GetTickCount()-start);
//--- tik geçmişi senkronize edilmişse, hata kodu sıfıra eşittir - 'true' geri döner
PrintFormat("%s: Ticks are not synchronized yet, %d ticks received for %d ms. Error=%d",
symbol, received, GetTickCount()-start, GetLastError());
//--- denemeleri say
//--- tik veritabanının senkronizasyonunun bitmesini beklemek için bir saniyelik duraklama
//--- 3 denemede tiklerin kopyalanması başarısız oldu
//| Bir tikin dizge açıklamasını geri döndür |
string GetTickDescription(MqlTick &tick)
string desc=StringFormat("%s.%03u ", TimeToString(tick.time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS),tick.time_msc%1000);
//--- tik bayraklarını kontrol et
bool buy_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_BUY) == TICK_FLAG_BUY);
bool sell_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_SELL) == TICK_FLAG_SELL);
bool ask_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_ASK) == TICK_FLAG_ASK);
bool bid_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_BID) == TICK_FLAG_BID);
bool last_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_LAST) == TICK_FLAG_LAST);
bool volume_tick= ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_VOLUME)== TICK_FLAG_VOLUME);
//--- önce işlem bayrakları için tiki kontrol et (CustomTicksAdd() için yoktur)
if(buy_tick || sell_tick)
//--- bir işlem tiki için bir çıktı oluştur
desc += (buy_tick ? StringFormat("Buy Tick: Last=%G Volume=%d ", tick.last, tick.volume) : "");
desc += (sell_tick? StringFormat("Sell Tick: Last=%G Volume=%d ",tick.last, tick.volume) : "");
desc += (ask_tick ? StringFormat("Ask=%G ", tick.ask) : "");
desc += (bid_tick ? StringFormat("Bid=%G ", tick.ask) : "");
desc += "(Trade tick)";
//--- bir bilgi tiki için biraz farklı bir çıktı oluştur
desc += (ask_tick ? StringFormat("Ask=%G ", tick.ask) : "");
desc += (bid_tick ? StringFormat("Bid=%G ", tick.ask) : "");
desc += (last_tick ? StringFormat("Last=%G ", tick.last) : "");
desc += (volume_tick? StringFormat("Volume=%d ",tick.volume): "");
desc += "(Info tick)";
//--- tik açıklamasını geri döndür