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AbsolutelyNoLagLwma_x2_cloud_HTF - MetaTrader 5 için gösterge

2018.07.09 11:07
MQL5 Freelance Bu koda dayalı bir robota veya göstergeye mi ihtiyacınız var? Freelance üzerinden sipariş edin Freelance'e git

Two indicators AbsolutelyNoLagLwma from different timeframes, the area between lines being filled with a cloud, the color of which corresponds with the trend direction on the market

//|  INDICATOR INPUT PARAMETERS                  |
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrame1=PERIOD_H1;//Chart timeframe
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrame2=PERIOD_H4;//Chart timeframe
//|  INDICATOR INPUT PARAMETERS                  |
input uint Length=7; // smoothing depth                   
input Applied_price_ IPC=PRICE_CLOSE_;//Price constant
input int Shift=0; // horizontal shift in bars
input int PriceShift=0; // vertical shift in points

For the indicator to operate, the AbsolutelyNoLagLwma.ex5 indicator must be added to the <terminal_data_directory>\MQL5\Indicators folder.

Fig 1. Indicator AbsolutelyNoLagLwma_x2_cloud_HTF

Fig 1. Indicator AbsolutelyNoLagLwma_x2_cloud_HTF

MetaQuotes Ltd tarafından Rusçadan çevrilmiştir.
Orijinal kod:


Indicator Fisher Transform of Normalized Prices


An indicator of relative trend strength.

ColorXDerivative ColorXDerivative

Indicator Derivative additionally smoothed and made as a color histogram

AbsolutelyNoLagLwma_Digit AbsolutelyNoLagLwma_Digit

Moving average AbsolutelyNoLagLwma displaying the most recent values as a price label, with the possibility to round the indicator levels to a required number of digits.