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Autocorrelation - MetaTrader 5 için gösterge

2018.04.18 17:03
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The indicator calculates and displays on a chart the autocorrelation function, which shows the relationship between the function (signal) and its shifted copy depending on the time shift value.

More about the function in Wikipedia.

The indicator has one input parameter:

  • Period - the period for plotting the function graph.

MetaQuotes Ltd tarafından Rusçadan çevrilmiştir.
Orijinal kod:

AsymmetricFractals AsymmetricFractals

The indicator allows setting any dimension for each side of a fractal.

Adaptable_MACD Adaptable_MACD

MACD with advanced settings. In addition to the standard parameters of the fast and slow EMA periods, signal SMA periods and calculation price, this indicator allows setting the calculation method for each line and use either absolute or relative values for MACD calculation.

Small_Inside_Bar Small_Inside_Bar

The "Small Inside Bar" indicator. It searches for formations, in which the internal candlestick of the "Internal bar" pattern is not more than half the size of the determinant candlestick.


SSS (Special Slow Stochastic) has an additional smoothed (slow) line based on the Stochastic signal line.