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Komut dosyasını beğendiniz mi? MetaTrader 5 terminalinde deneyin
Uzman Danışmanlar

Polish Layer - MetaTrader 5 için Uzman Danışman

Vladimir Karputov
2017.03.02 12:12
2018.02.22 12:32
MQL5 Freelance Bu koda dayalı bir robota veya göstergeye mi ihtiyacınız var? Freelance üzerinden sipariş edin Freelance'e git

Author of the idea — Dimaauthor of the mq5 code — barabashkakvn.  

The Expert Advisor is based on the following indicators: RSI, WPR, Stochastic, Moving Average, deMarker

ATTENTION! It is designed for use on the H5 period!

Testing from 2016.01.05 to 2017.01.25 on EURUSD, M5:

 Polish Layer tester

MetaQuotes Ltd tarafından Rusçadan çevrilmiştir.
Orijinal kod:

TriXCandleKeltner TriXCandleKeltner

The TriX indicator in a candlestick form with the Keltner channel calculated relative to TriX averaging.

e-Smart_Trailing e-Smart_Trailing

Modification of StopLoss of any positions. Trailing. Trailing.

MQL5 Wizard MA RSI MQL5 Wizard MA RSI

The "MQL5 Wizard MA RSI" Expert Advisor has been generated using the MQL5 Wizard based on the signals of the trend MA (Moving Average) indicator and of the RSI (Relative Strength Index) oscillator.

Backbone Backbone

The Expert Advisor idea is based on the constant change of trade direction depending on the TakeProfit, StopLoss and TrailingStop levels.