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Komut dosyasını beğendiniz mi? MetaTrader 5 terminalinde deneyin
2013.03.27 14:46
2016.11.22 07:32
MQL5 Freelance Bu koda dayalı bir robota veya göstergeye mi ihtiyacınız var? Freelance üzerinden sipariş edin Freelance'e git

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The semaphore signal indicator fixing moments of breakthrough of the zero level by the iCCI technical indicator and displaying these moments by color points.

Fig.1 The CCIArrows indicator
Fig.1 The CCIArrows indicator 

MetaQuotes Ltd tarafından Rusçadan çevrilmiştir.
Orijinal kod:

Average Volumes (Volumes Forecasting) Average Volumes (Volumes Forecasting)

The indicator displays in a separate window not only volumes, but their average value on history. The average value of volumes is used for drawing the forecast of volumes value for the current and the following days

Object Emulator Object Emulator

Emulator of functions for working with objects. It gives possibility to see the objects after testing in the chart

FigurelliSeries FigurelliSeries

The indicator allows defining the trend direction

Demo_FileFind Demo_FileFind

The script is a simple example of using the FileFindFirst(), FileFindNext() and FileFindClose() functions